Showing posts with label ipk 156. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ipk 156. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

{ippity} blog hop winner and new sets

Hi Everyone,
Here are the new ippity releases for October . 
And if you scroll down you will see the name of the winner of the stamp set I am giving away.

The new sets are here 
  IPK 157 Thanks for all things

IPK 156 Time for ... friends and wine. 

Aren't these new sets great. Set 156 is  perfect for a girls night out party or a wine tasting party invitation, or a whole host of other things. And the set 157, well what can I say, thank you cards are always in order.
The above new stamp sets are in stock and ready to be shipped to your mailbox Don't forget, free shipping on every order.

OK OK On to some other fun stuff:

October 1 - 5 the Chick Challenges {with ippity} blog, had a blog hop and they are awarding 2 stamp sets to be announced on their blog. I was in the blog hop on day 1 and I also am awarding a new stamp set to one of the new followers to my blog. Due to a blog  glitch, I actually posted my blog hop on my other blog, So I had new followers sign up over on that blog to follow me. I have a blog that is dedicated to {ippity} stamps and I would love it if you would follow me over there as well. It is called ippitydoda so please check out that blog as well.

Here is the winner chosen from all the new followers to my blog.

Dee in N.H.
Congratulations Dee please email me (bbruder at fuse dot net)  with your name, address etc. so I can send you the stamp set!!!!
You will be receiving  the stamp set below.  Dee you will have 48 hours to email me your info so I can mail your stamp set!!!!

Thank you all so much for signing up to follow my blog. There is another hop in the works so stay tuned for more inspiration and prizes.