Showing posts with label hat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hat. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

A Hat and Some Snowflakes

Hi Everyone
Generally I do not post personal stuff here on my blog. However, even though this is of a personal nature, it is also on the crafty side of the house as well. LOL

Monday I attended a fund raising event that that is held annually for a hospital in my area. The proceeds aid breast cancer. The event always has various vendors selling jewelry, hair accessories, scarves, gloves, home decor for Christmas, make-up and so many other things. Besides vendors selling great items, there is a silent auction, a luncheon with yummy food, a fashion show and an award is given to the person with  the most unique hat.

Unique hat ........ music to my ears. LOL

Well since I have made this type of hat before, I decided to make another with a winter theme. I made a fascinator.  Not familiar with a fascinator?? You know, those cool little hats we see the English ladies wearing - those are fascinators.  Well I won the prize for the most unique hat. I won a GC and an oh so warm throw that my cat seems to have taken ownership of already. LOL

Here is a pic with the hat on me at the event.

Here is a closer view of the hat. This was hard to photograph. 
Definitely harder than photographing a card. (LOL)

I used tulle, wire, snowflake foam stickers, fun foam snowflakes (cut from my AccuCut die) used at the base of the hat. I also used a blue glittered drink koozie, (yep a drink koozie, you know one of those drink  can holders), white glitter paper, 
snowflakes used for home decor and a plastic headband.  
A little hot glue and a snip here, a twist of wire there and vwela - a fascinator. 

This took me about 1 hour to make and I love the way it turned out. Hope you do too.

ps. here are links to 2 other hat projects I've done
Derby Hat My first go at making these type of hats
The Snowflake Hat - I assisted a friend Denise on this one.

I am submitting this in the following challenges:

Well it seems we crafty ones can come up with a lot of things other that cards. 
Thanks for stopping by and I will see you soon.


Friday, November 22, 2013

The Snowflake Hat

Hi Everyone!!

Have you been working on holiday projects?? Maybe getting Christmas cards ready???  Today I finished the components for my last class being held Saturday.

Just as I just finished Saturday's class project, my friend Denise called and asked me to help her put together a hat for tomorrow for a Crazy Hat Day where she works. She mentioned my Derby Day Hat and how she really liked that, so, I made suggestions as to what to buy and she came over tonite to make her hat.

Since we are in the throws of the holiday season, I suggested a snowflake theme. And that's what she went with.

She bought fun foam, a sparkly drink cozie, glass ornaments, battery operated LED lights and a few other things. I had ribbons, and embellishments ready for her to use as well. Let me share with you a few pictures of the finished design . This hat was too tall to fit in my light box so we had to improvise to be able to get some half way decent pic's. My apologies that these pic's are not that great. Poor lighting and a not so good background really make for some below average pic's  but the hat is the main thing.

Here is the finished hat. You may notice the snowman on the top of the hat, he was fashioned from 2 clear ornaments. I even made the snowman his own hat. Denise threaded the lights into the snowman components and it turned out so cute all lit up.(We used that snowflake punch to act as a base to hold the hat while we took pictures.)
The scarf on the snowman is a long piece of glittered ribbon that I braided to make the scarf.

The actual hat itself and is made of a drink cozie and fun foam. I cut the fun foam into a circle and attached to the cozie to make the brim of the hat. Next we added glitter to the base of the cozie,where the snowman is sitting, to act as a snowbank. I also fashioned a hat for the snowman using the ornament hanger cap as the base of his hat. I attached fun foam to that to make the tall part of the hat( known as the side band)  and cut a circle for the brim of his hat. I added seam binding for the hat band and added a snowflake to finish it off.

My Craft-Dee BowZ tool is what I used to make the lace ribbon bow.  We added sprigs and small ornaments to fill in around the brim and I added snowflake ribbon to add to the snowflake theme.

Denise wanted to make this hat for a contest at her work tomorrow,and I sure hope she wins. This hat is not crazy, but in my humble opinion, it's too cute.  I hope she sends me pic's of her in this hat!! If I get some, I will show them here on a new post as an update to this one.

This was a fun evening, spent with Denise helping her make this unique hat!!! This is the 2nd hat I have put together using fun foam and a drink cozie. They are so easy to make and the designs and themes are endless. Hmmm I wonder what my next design will be. Maybe a steampunk hat!!! LOL

I also made some cookies late this afternoon and I will be back tomorrow with pictures of those and the recipe. Let me just say this, they are yummy!!!!See you tomorrow. Have a great day!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Derby Hat

Hi Everyone
Well I had a great weekend and thought I'd share with you some of my weekend. Being from Kentucky, I love the Ky. Derby. Been to the Derby many times when I was younger. Went to the infield and partied and had a blast. I still love the Derby and Saturday was the first Saturday in May which means it was Derby Day.The Derby is famous for Mint Juleps and fancy hats.

This year I had a class to teach on Derby Day, so Joan, the owner of Simply Said Rubber Stamps, where I was teaching, decided we should celebrate and and have bourbonless mint juleps and of course we should wear our finest Derby hat. I decided to make my hat. And Friday I went on a quest to pick up the items needed to make the hat. (Nothing like waiting til the last minute.)

I wish I had taken a picture of the items before I assembled the hat, but here's what I bought:
a pink child's headband with a crown attached with beads and boa feathers
a pink drink cozy
pink fun foam
a pink bird with a hat.
pink butterflies
a pink and white daisy flower

I was in pink mode I guess.LOL

OK can you picture those items in your mind??LOL  Well after I got home with my treasure trove of goodies, this "derby" hat came together is about 10 minutes.

Here is the finished hat.
Front view

Back View

Here I am sporting this ca-ute hat

Sorry this pic of me is a little blurry, but you get the picture. This hat turned out so cute and was so easy to make and fun to wear.

Hmmmm maybe I missed my calling, milliner extraordinaire. LOL

Hope your weekend was nice. It rained all day Sunday and is supposed to rain today as well. Oh well the grass is a lovely green and is growing by leaps and bounds.Have a great week.See you soon.

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

For the Girls

Hi everyone

First I would like to thank all of you who stopped by and left a comment on my blog during the Sparkle N Sprinkle blog hop. I received so many comments about the holographic snowflakes. That card stock is available at Sparkle N Sprinkle here at their online store. My sincere apologies for not adding that link for you in my blog hop post. Speaking of blog hops, there is another Sparkle N Sprinkle blog hop scheduled Mon. Oct.3 and Oct.4. Oct 4 is World Animal Day so stay tuned for additional information the hop, you know we will be celebrating our love of critters.

OK let me share with you a card that I created for Art Impressions. They have their weekly challenge going on right now and this weeks theme is "For the Girls".

I used a few of the stamps that I feel represent "girls". Lace and hats and shoes and female faces are the stamps that made me think of girls. Actually they made me think of my mom. She is gone now but I still feel her every day. She would have liked this card.

Supplies used:
Shoe - H1969
Hat - L2268
Joy - D2554
Helene Profile - E2518
Nora Profile E2517
Silver CS
Card Stock - Lilac and purple
Copic Markers
Distress Inks

Please stop over at the Art Impressions blog and check out the entries for this weeks challenge. Design a card and enter it in the challenge, you might be the next winner of $10.00 gift certificate to spend at the Art Impressions store.

Thanks for stopping in, stop back tomorrow for a card using one of my new punches.

See you then.