I have 2 posts today so if you are looking for my post showing my card based on the weekly Art Impressions Challenge, please scroll down to the next post.
Otherwise, thanks for joining the Flower Child Blog Hop today.
If you hopped here by way of Shanna's blog then you are in the right spot, however if not, you may want to start here at the beginning to become eligible for one of FIVE great prizes.
In keeping with today's theme Flower/Child I decided to use Sue in my card today and I think she is just perfect to represent a child. She is standing in her flower garden checking out the birds that have landed in her hands. Since we've had such a mild winter, a lot of the trees and flowers are already in bloom and spring was just celebrated on Tuesday March 20. So this card fits in perfectly with spring and flowers and birds. For the complete instructions in making this card, please click here.
This would make a great card celebrating a birthday or for no special reason as well.
Thank you for stopping in today and please remember, to become eligible for a prize you must comment on every blog on the hop. NOTE: There are 2 grand prizes and 3 “random” prizes that are attached to 3 different designers blogs!
Just a reminder, the items on special at Sparkle N Sprinkle in March are: Flowers – Children – Spanish and Artist Tom Jones, click here to check them out.
Next up on the blog hop is Angie's blog, she always has unique and fun things.
Just in case you get lost along the way:
Next up on the blog hop is Angie's blog, she always has unique and fun things.
Just in case you get lost along the way:
SNS Home Blog : http://sparklensprinkle.com/blog
Shanna Shands http://scsdesigns.blogspot.com
Barbara Bruder http://www.artandsoulcreations.blogspot.com ***you are here***
Angie Blasingame http://hopemorestudio.blogspot.com/
Angie Blasingame http://hopemorestudio.blogspot.com/
Karalee Ingram http://kareescardsandcraftsofcourse.blogspot.com
Shona Erlenborn http://shonasstampingstage.blogspot.com
Julie Zippel http://backtobasicsandbeyond.blogspot.com
Charlene Driggs http://www.paperandinkplayground.com
Lana Clarke http://sweetpeaspapercreations.blogspot.com
Karin Martin http://karin-withaniforpaper.blogspot.com
April Williams http://stampwillydesigns.blogspot.com
Gerlinde Townsley http://mycreativecorner-gerlinde.blogspot.com
Marie Berquist http://craftemarie.blogspot.com
Jill Jacobsen http://www.stampinhands.com/
Brenda Smalle http://www.rubberroomantics.blogspot.com