Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cats. Show all posts

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Lil Patch of Crafty Friends - 48

Welcome back,

So glad you stopped in today. It's time for the next challenge over at  Lil Patch of Crafty Friends.

The theme is always Anything Goes and the sponsors for this challenge are
  Bugaboo stamps and Sami Stamps. 

I love cats and so I chose this cutie. 
The stamp is called Unraveled and
you can find him here at Sami Stamps. 

This cute cat digi looked like he was playing with string or a piece of yarn. 
However I wanted him to look like he was playing with a string of lights. 
So I overlayed a tiny string of lights on the string in the digi design. 
Next I added a tea bag folded tree and the sentiment and the card was really just about finished.

I think my cats are going to send this off to Robin's cats. 

Stamps:  Digi stamp - Sami Stamps unraveled
Paper/Card Stock
: White CS, Green CS, DP, Green Vellum, Greenish shimmer paper. Brown CS
Dies Used: Spellbinders Scalloped Squares (to make the tree) 
Accessories: Jolees String of Lights, Spectrum Noir Markers - various colors, Flat Backed Pearls.

I'm submitting my card in the following challenges:
Thanks for stopping in today and 
I hope that you and your family have a Merry Christmas

I will be back soon

Monday, August 1, 2016


Welcome back everyone,

I have been quiet lately, been getting ready for Stampaway. I will be teaching classes on Wed. and Thurs. and doing a M&T at the booth of  Simply Said Rubber Stamps on Friday evening. Busy busy. LOL

I have 3 posts all in a row  for you this week, and this is the first one.

And since this is August 1, and that means it's time for the new challenge over at Craft-Dee BowZ. Their challenges are 1 month long and the theme is always Anything Goes with a Handmade Bow
. I love that theme- it leaves that creative door wide open (so to speak)

Another thing I love is cats and I have had cats in my life since I was 3 years old. 
So when I spied this sweet image I just had to have it!!!

Have you checked out that bow?? 
Its what I call a triple layered stacked bow.
Here is a closer view of the bow. 

The card is a 5"X7" size and I wanted the bow to be prominent but not overpowering. 
So I thought the layered bow was perfect. It is about 5" long on that bottom ribbon layer and then the next two layers are a little shorter on each layer,
 and you know this bow is so easy to make with the Craft-Dee BowZ tool.

Don't have one - you can order your very own here

Stamps:  Digi - Gracielle Designs -Kitty / Clear Stamps (Sentiments and mouse and paw prints ) Dare2B ArtZy - Meow
Paper/Card Stock
: Green, DP & White
Ink: India Ink, Memento Markers, Copic Markers
AccessoriesRibbon, Craft-Dee BowZ  tool, dimensional foam
I am submitting my card in the following challenges:

Thank you so much for dropping by today. I will be back tomorrow with another card for 
Crafty-BowZ and I will be using an image from the sponsor Robyn's Fetish. 
I hope to see you tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Scrapbook Page

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe it, two posts in a week. I am rocking. This is one of the many projects that I completed while I was on my self imposed hiatus.

For the month of December over at Sparkle N Sprinkle our project themes were scrapbook layouts. Well I have no human kids so I find it very hard to do scrapbook layouts.  As I wracked my brain, I found some beautiful scrapbook paper and that helped me over the first hurdle.And of course I had to call on my 4 legged kids for inspiration. You probably will recall the pic's I've used below were in an earlier post, but I thought you'd like to see the layout as well.

These guys were so patient with me as I donned the cute hat and beard and the antlers. They just sat there as I posed them and I shot many many pic's. It was truly amazing, if I say so myself, that they didn't bolt and run and hide. But they didn't.

OK back to this layout..... This page was so cool and I loved all the pre-printed elements on the page so I just got my glue pen out and traced and added glitter.I just had to add the stamped sentiment and the cute Christmas Kitty to tie everything together.  Lastly I added some journaling and that finished the page.

This turned out so darned cute!!  I will be back in a couple of days with the other scrapbook page layout that I turned in.

Products I used:
Sparkle N Sprinkle Glitters
Fire Engine Red - G1007
Elegant Emerald - G1011
Blue Lightening - G1008
Fantasy Gold - G1001
Sparkle N Sprinkle Stamps
Purr-fect Holiday  1387-288A
Christmas Kitty - 1381-288G

Thanks for stopping in today and I will see you soon

Friday, December 14, 2012

More of the Christmas Cats

Hi Everyone,
I have another bag making class tomorrow over at Stamping Buddies from 1-3. Hope you can make it if you live in the Greater Cincinnati area.

A few days ago I posted the reindeer cats and I mentioned that the cats have another get up as well and I said "wait til you see the other get up I picked up for them". Well here it is,

It's Santa Coco 

Here is Santa Buddie

Yep,these are two of the Santa cats that help out each year with the gift giving here at my house.

Here is the hat and beard 

without a cat being coerced into wearing this get up. LOL

Well I just had to bring a smile to your faces today.
Have a great weekend and I will see you soon.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reindeer Cats

Hi Everyone,
I have got to share this with you all. As most of you know I am a huge cat lover!!! I have 4 cats right now, and I am not getting any more. Of course that is what I said after #3 came to stay. LOL  I digress...

Anyhow. One day I am at Target and am on my way to the check out lane and I pass by the pet area and this thing catches my eye and I stop. What is it??? Well its antlers for your cat. And if you are a cat owner you know they hate hats and anything to do with items being put on their head, .............usually.

So I make a comment to a lady in the pet aisle that this will probably be a waste of my $5.00, we both laugh, I grab one and add it to my purchases and check out and go home.

OK I get home and first cat I try this on is Buddie, the newest addition to the house at the time this pic was taken. Believe it or not, he wasn't too bad with it, so I hurried up and shot this photo.LOL

He does look a little perturbed, and every time I look at these they still crack me up. OK, Buddie was tolerant so next I try these antlers on Coco, she is usually pretty reasonable. 

I bet she is thinking, what does she think she's doing.

OK so here is the last photo, it's Coco next to Lucy (Lucy is actually an offspring of Coco). I've had these 2 for 11 years now.

I am sure Coco is thinking, Why do I get stuck wearing this getup!!??!!
And knowing Lucy, she probably thinks, better you than me. 

Well now you've met 3 of the 4 crazy cats in my house. The 4th and newest addition I have, I've  named Max and she is crippled. She has had a cold for a while and I finally had to take her to the vet, she was so stuffed up she could barely breath, just like us when we get a really bad cold. She is on the mend now, but she has a hard time getting around and she is a young cat. Not sure if she was born this way or if she was mistreated, but she is part of the brood now. Now if Coco and Lucy would just quit hissing and get over the newbies, it would be a great world. LOL

Wait til you see the other get up I picked up for them.If you think this is funny you will really laugh on the next get up. I will try to get those pics taken over the weekend and posted, you will die laughing.

OK Now its time for me to get back to my cards,
See you soon.