Showing posts with label boy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boy. Show all posts

Friday, April 26, 2013

For a Grandmother's Shower

Hi Everyone,
Well I have been a little busy.  Last Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I was off giving classes. Sunday, I put all the supplies away and then I got started on making this cute little "brag" book for my best friend, Linda.

I was invited to a grandmother's shower for her, yesterday at a friends home. I don't know about you, but I'd never heard of  a grandmother's shower before. It's a shower for the grandmother, giving her baby gifts that she keeps at her home for when the baby comes to her house to visit. How cool is that.

Well I am not a mom, don't have grand kids nor do I have children, and  here I am off to shop for gifts for the shower. Wrong thing for me to do. LOL.  I bought a loads of things!! LOL. I bought things that were on the mother's registry and I figured Linda could use them at her house as well. Linda thought I bought out the store. LOL

Since this is Linda's first grandchild,  I wanted to make her a little "brag book". So I put together a cute little book that she can write notes in and add pic's. I think this turned out so cute.

Six pages (pockets) and 2  tags to each pocket that open up to allow room for pic's and places to jot down things to remember, etc. I used stickers to adorn the fronts of each pocket. Found some great baby themed patterned card stock paper from Echo Park Paper Co.It's a 6"X 6" paper pad and its called Bundle of Joy.
It is dar-ling!!! The baby is due the first week in June and he is going to be named Jackson. So, I used blues, greens and yellows. I also used lots of ribbon even though the baby is a boy. LOL

Well, I sure hope you enjoyed this darling little tag book I put together.

Tomorrow is the last Saturday of the month and that means I will be at Stamping Buddies for the monthly make and take. I took the samples over to the store Monday, so I will have to take some pic's tomorrow at the store and share with you later.

Have a great weekend and I will be back soon.

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