Showing posts with label Derby Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Derby Day. Show all posts

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Derby Hat

Hi Everyone
Well I had a great weekend and thought I'd share with you some of my weekend. Being from Kentucky, I love the Ky. Derby. Been to the Derby many times when I was younger. Went to the infield and partied and had a blast. I still love the Derby and Saturday was the first Saturday in May which means it was Derby Day.The Derby is famous for Mint Juleps and fancy hats.

This year I had a class to teach on Derby Day, so Joan, the owner of Simply Said Rubber Stamps, where I was teaching, decided we should celebrate and and have bourbonless mint juleps and of course we should wear our finest Derby hat. I decided to make my hat. And Friday I went on a quest to pick up the items needed to make the hat. (Nothing like waiting til the last minute.)

I wish I had taken a picture of the items before I assembled the hat, but here's what I bought:
a pink child's headband with a crown attached with beads and boa feathers
a pink drink cozy
pink fun foam
a pink bird with a hat.
pink butterflies
a pink and white daisy flower

I was in pink mode I guess.LOL

OK can you picture those items in your mind??LOL  Well after I got home with my treasure trove of goodies, this "derby" hat came together is about 10 minutes.

Here is the finished hat.
Front view

Back View

Here I am sporting this ca-ute hat

Sorry this pic of me is a little blurry, but you get the picture. This hat turned out so cute and was so easy to make and fun to wear.

Hmmmm maybe I missed my calling, milliner extraordinaire. LOL

Hope your weekend was nice. It rained all day Sunday and is supposed to rain today as well. Oh well the grass is a lovely green and is growing by leaps and bounds.Have a great week.See you soon.

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