Showing posts with label Klimt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Klimt. Show all posts

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fun weekend .......

I had a very fun weekend..... lots of creativity. I finished off my WIP from the previous post. I am much happier with this page now. It was a cold and rainy weekend here... perfect to sit and stitch by the fire. This page just need binding off now.

I also finished the stitching/embellishing of two other pages for this fabric book.
One of the best parts of my weekend though was a Vintage journal class I took with Ro Bruhn . Now vintage is not really my thing, but I knew this would not be a problem with Ro. I learnt a new book binding technique (which I love!!!) and I dabbled with my form of vintage.
Classes at Ro's home must be experienced to feel the warmth and welcome you receive from Ro and Steve. Ro is a wonderful tutor and Steve a wonderful host/chef ... I know we've said it before but the food!!! Thank you both for sharing your talents with us. As always, a lovely group of girls in the class to, lovely to catch up with many of them again. See Ro's blog for a slide show and to see the gorgeous journals the other girls made in class.

Three lovely ladies... Dot, Eva and Deb taking a break on Ro's verandah.

Front of my Vintage journal (still a WIP so excuse my unfinished binding).

inside page of journal

another inside page.

Note I havent added any photos in my Journal as yet, the above pages may still not be finished. I'm not sure that my journal will actually have photos.... maybe just some vintage text, papers, poetry, fabric.... time will tell.
I am on a roll with the workshops. Next Saturday my friend Dot and I will be doing a felting workshop with Elizabeth Armstrong....soooo looking forward to that. No doubt some photos next week (or I hope so!)
Take care all .....
Jacky xox

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Soul Journal pages and more Klimt.....

Finally.... pages 1 & 2 of our Collage Potpourri for our Soul Journal with Sarah Whitmire. Due to preparations for my upcoming trip to Hong Kong I have fot a little behind with my pages (but I still intend doing them all as I love this challenge). Prompts for these pages can be found on Sarah blog. Once again I was challenged to go out of my comfort zone. The most difficult prompts for me were the magazine silhouette technique and finally to drip and splatter paint on these pages...... My theme for these pages (derived from the silhouette) was a reference to the body clock ticking away.
I havent glued down the hand from the clock as yet as that will interfere with my other pages. It will have to be done when I finish the journal. My favourite part of these pages are the flowers in the corners which are paper napkins, I love the transparency of them in collage. This inspiration comes from Sharon Tomlinson (All Norah's Art) and Ro Bruhn (both are in my links if want to visit and see their wonderful art journalling).
Also, since this picture was taken I have added a postage stamp of a woman and baby within the clockface of the female silhouette, I think it needed something more.
Below is a Klimt doll made for an "art buddy" up in Queensland. I really enjoyed working with her colours. Sorry about the quality of both this photo and the one above. I didnt have very good lighting and they are a bit washed out (need some photography lessons).

As promised my finished page in Belinda's fabric book. I did a little more embellishing and finished of with a binding of felt ribbon with overstitching.
This is the back of the page... more glorious Kaffe Fassett fabrics plus some colourful threads for the pocket (theme of the book is to have pockets for treasures). Plus see below for another treasure that goes in the pocket....
And this is the enigmatic "Tom' that I created to pop into the pocket. Those who are in this Round Robin know that Tom is the soul mate of Gretchen (bel's doll) and is travelling with her for the final months of this RR. I was so pleased that Gretchen found her soul mate in Australia.
I have had a lovely day today. I caught up with my dear friend Dot for a lovely lunch in Mornington and some creative chatter.... we always have so much show and tell.... always FUN!

(Hope you enjoyed your sticky date pudding Dot.......)

Hope everyone had an "arty" weekend.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

WIP and art swap....

I took this photo a couple of days ago.... it is a WIP (work in progress) for a fabric page for a round robin book being hosted by Belinda Schneider. Belinda loves Kaffe Fassett fabrics and also Klimt (and so do I !!!!). I have tried to include both in this page for her. Very busy and colourful page..... I hope Belinda likes it! Will share the finished pages at a later date. I recently did a swap with Linda Vincent in the UK (I love her art!!!). Below are two ATC's she made for me. Love them both.... I even rented the Frida DVD this weekend to learn more about this artist. It was a great movie and a real insight into her life. Love the zetti ATC too.
Its a shame but the photos just dont do justice to the detail Linda puts into her work. Lots of embossing and some delicate pen work.....
I also received these gorgeous houses. Once again lots of wonderful detail. Love the numbers (7 being my favourite) and the beautiful bird images. A lot of the "doodling" on these houses Linda has done by hand, dont they look amazing.
I am finishing off my journal pages for the Soul Journal with Sarah Whitmire and will have some pictures to post in the next few day (got to get that camera out !!!). Sarah is away on a weeks vacation, so if you want to join in the fun, plenty of time to get caught up with the prompts.

Take care of you!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

More journalling FUN !

This is the latest journal page for my Soul Journal I am creating with Sarah Whitmire. What a lot of fun !!!!! This page we first covered with our torn dictionary pages, I gessoed and then gave a wash with the Quinadricone Golden Azo Gold and some some brown oil pastel. We then had to cut out inch square (roughly) pieces from magazines as per Sarahs prompts and then arrange on your prepared page. Not sure if we will be coming back to this page later so didnt want to do too much ad libbing, but may do more to it later if we dont. Think I need to outline them a bit more and maybe add a few stamps???? (For prompts visit Sarah's wonderful blog... you can also check out the pages by other bloggers taking part in this challenge). Our next prompt involves lots of tapes??????? Stay tuned. Below is an ATC I recently made for a friend. As always I love the birdies. With the background I tried a bit of the wax resist method as featured on the Green Pepper Press website. (I must say I was not overly successful, but I think the paper I used may have been a bit thick). Overstamped and added some old dyed lace with copper staples and voila. Havent made an ATC for ages!
Another of my Klimt dolls for a friend who LOVES pink. I used some the fabric from the Tina Givens range.... I hope she likes it!
I received some wonderful "art" mail this week from my friend Linda Vincent in the UK. I will take photos and share with you next blog..... Isnt it just the best to get "art mail".

Must away as I have to make a start on my next journal prompt. Check out Jo Wholohans blog too, she has just started her Soul Journal... beautiful pages.

Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Thank-you and Art...

How exciting... I was nominated for this award by an artist I admire very much, Jo Horswill, make sure you visit her blog, beautiful photography and art!!!
My task now to nominate seven people whose blogs I love to visit -
Dots art and life (fun and inspirational), Jo Wholohans(love her textural art), Belinda Schneider(always inspirational & interesting), Sesga(evolving into quite the art doll artist), Linda Vincent(love the diversity of Linda's art), Karen Ruane (fabulous fabric art and embroidery)and last but not least (for these are in no particular order) Colette Copeland (I think one of the first blogs I ever visited and it continues to keep me coming back). I love to visit these blogs regularly ...... I would have loved to give one to Wayfaring Wanderer too as I love her photographic/art blog, but Jo beat me to it !!!

Now for some of my art dolls.... As you know I am into Klimt dolls at the moment (and I hope I am not boring you with these). Below is the latest #5. I just had to use the red in this beautiful new Kaffe Fassett fabric, millefiore. My friend Dot sent me some recently as she knows how much I ADORE, LOVE the Kaffe Fassett fabrics. Here is Klimt doll #4 made for my friend Dot to thank her for finding these gorgeous fabrics. I am having lots of fun embellishing these little ladies. Her favourite was the blue in the millefiore.
And, another thank you to another art friend of mine, Jo Wholohan from Queensland who sent me this wonderful canvas I received in todays mail...... I love this piece and it will hang with pride in my art room.... as always, beautiful colours and textures Jo. It arrived in todays mail with lots of wonderful art goodies. I have already been "playing" this afternoon. Huge thanks Jo. I love this is titled "Maiden Lady of Light".
Thats all for today folks........

Have a lovely evening.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Klimt Challenge....

These two fabric dolls were made in response to a Klimt inspired Challenge on Sharon's blog. I have always admired Gustav Klimts art and a while ago had drawn up a pattern for these dolls (and that was as far as I got!!!!). After seeing the Challenge on Sharon's blog I decided it was time to find the pattern and have a bit of play. I have always loved the patterns and doodles in Klimts work, the odd angles of the human form he uses (but most of all his wild use of colour and patterns).
I thought the two girls looked good together, sort of fitted together as do the forms in his paintings.
Thanks Sharon for the wonderful challenge, I am going to make more of these quirky little art dolls.
How lucky am I???? I received this wonderful Babushka doll from my dear art friend Dot last week (sorry about the quality of the photo... just couldnt get it right, this winter light is not conducive to taking good photos).
I have always LOVED these little family of dolls, so was very excited to receive one in the mail...just the best surprise. Thank you Dot - she is beautiful and I love the gorgeous owl fabric you have used for the mama.

AND this one is for you too Dot. This is the latest addition to our menagerie.... her name is Tinkatink. My girlfriend Marianne rescued a mother cat and her 5 kittens so I was called in to adopt one. She is a gorgeous little girl and has fit into our family well (even with Leroy the Rhodesian Ridgeback.... he is scared of her!!!).

Hope you are all having a wonderful week and were able to get some art time over the weekend.

Take care until next time .......