As part of my birthday present this year my art buddy
Dot booked her and I into a felting class with
Elizabeth Armstrong.... what a fabulous day we had. When we entered Elizabeths studio it was like walking into Aladdins Cave... lucsious fabrics, threads, fibres... a riot of colour. I was in seventh Heaven. Her studio is such a happy and colourful environment. My camera card was full so couldnt take many photos but my dear friend Dot said I could use some of hers for my post. (thanks Dot!!!)

Elizabeths beautiful studio were we had our workshop.

Layering before welt felting.

The finished felt collage after welt felting.
What a wonderful experience .... I loved all the layering of beautiful colours rovings, gorgeous fabrics, silk threads, soy threads and much, much more. But.... boy were my arms sore after the class. The rolling...... 900 times!!!! But once you see the finished piece, it is all worth it.

Felted Flowers.
Mmmmm... these leave a little to be desired. I obviously need to practice these as they are rather tatty looking (look like they've been out in a storm!!!)


As part of my birthday gift Dot had commissioned one of Elizabeths handmade felted dolls...isnt she gorgeous. Such beautiful colours and sooo lovely to hold. Thought I should share her with you all.
Also for my birthday my sister
Lee and another girlfriend of ours, Jen, had lunch at Donovans down by St. Kilda Beach. Perfect day, perfect food, best friends ...just the best day. After a most delicious lunch we took a walk down by St. Kilda Esplanade.

Street art in St. Kilda dont you just
love this owl!!!

Entrance to Luna Park at St. Kilda. Brings back lots of childhood memories for me of many family trips to this Fun Park.

WIP Journal for friend. Have since bound the spiral part with fabric.

And this beautiful Kaffe Fassett Pencil roll made for me by one of my lovely patchwork girlfriends.... One of my favourite KF fabrics and about to be filled with my Inktense pencils.
Thank you Coral.
This week I have been working on fabric pages again. Will have pics to show you soon (thought this post was quite full enough).
Take care and have a wonderful week of creativity.
Jacky xox