How exciting... I was nominated for this award by an artist I admire very much,
Jo Horswill, make sure you visit her blog, beautiful photography and art!!!
My task now to nominate seven people whose blogs I love to visit -
Dots art and life (fun and inspirational),
Jo Wholohans(love her textural art),
Belinda Schneider(always inspirational & interesting),
Sesga(evolving into quite the art doll artist),
Linda Vincent(love the diversity of Linda's art),
Karen Ruane (fabulous fabric art and embroidery)and last but not least (for these are in no particular order)
Colette Copeland (I think one of the first blogs I ever visited and it continues to keep me coming back). I love to visit these blogs regularly ...... I would have loved to give one to Wayfaring Wanderer too as I love her photographic/art blog, but Jo beat me to it !!!

Now for some of my art dolls.... As you know I am into Klimt dolls at the moment (and I hope I am not boring you with these). Below is the latest #5. I just had to use the red in this beautiful new Kaffe Fassett fabric, millefiore. My friend Dot sent me some recently as she knows how much I ADORE, LOVE the Kaffe Fassett fabrics.

Here is Klimt doll #4 made for my friend Dot to thank her for finding these gorgeous fabrics. I am having lots of fun embellishing these little ladies. Her favourite was the blue in the millefiore.

And, another thank you to another art friend of mine,
Jo Wholohan from Queensland who sent me this wonderful canvas I received in todays mail...... I love this piece and it will hang with pride in my art room.... as always, beautiful colours and textures Jo. It arrived in todays mail with lots of wonderful art goodies. I have already been "playing" this afternoon. Huge thanks Jo. I love this is titled "Maiden Lady of Light".

Thats all for today folks........
Have a lovely evening.