Showing posts with label 6 on Saturday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6 on Saturday. Show all posts

Saturday, September 26, 2009

6 on Saturday

After a week of cool temperatures and rain, we have a bright and sunny morning. First off, soccer, two games. Then it's home for a bit before heading off to church. Tomorrow we get to celebrate our September birthdays, but otherwise it'll be a nice quiet day. Perhaps, nice enough for some cropping. . .maybe. Hence, my going for 6 on Saturday.

Lest I waste any time in getting the ingredients out to you, so you can make the most of your free time:

  • 1 sheet patterned paper
  • 1 6x6 sheet of cardstock
  • 1 set of stitches; real or imposters
  • 1 set of chipboard
  • 1 metal embellishment
  • 1 set of buttons

Remember, outside of journaling and a title, only the above ingredients can be used. Deadline to have your link posted in the comment section? Sunday evening. Come on, you know you want to try it!

I issued a challenge on Tuesday, to share your signs of Fall in photos. Charlene, you are the winner of a Cookie Jar Treat, just email me your information ( Loved your photos. Pencils, I'm there with you. Actually, any school supply. When I was taking my pictures (which I'll have to share when hubby returns with the camera) I totally spaced out the Season of the Pumpkin Latte! I even had my season's first last weekend at soccer. How could I have forgotten! (total head-slap moment) So, thank you, LOL, I'll be amending my photos. Next, I'm awaiting the Peppermint Mocha -- yes, I know I can get it anytime, but it's not the same when it's 100 degrees!

So, enjoy your weekend, and if you haven't caught your first glimpse of the October kits, pop on over to take a gander. They're adorable and gorgeous all at the same time! Perfect for everything fall!


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First Day of Fall (WooHoo) and a Challenge

First day of fall, and my son's 9th birthday, he's super excited. Yes, we have another birthday in the family. There's actually five in September. I LOVE fall! It's my favorite of all seasons. So yesterday when a cold front blew in to abruptly end the summer (80's on Saturday and it barely made it to 55 yesterday), I was thrilled. It was cloudy and rainy all day. This fall-like weather is supposed to continue through Wednesday and with a freeze warning out it means Indian Summer could be just around the corner. Yeah!! In watching for fall, I see lots of little changes taking place in my backyard. Changes that will probably accelerate with the cooler weather. The bushes along the side of the house are turning hot red, the tree in the back has spots of gold tucked inside and the Autumn Purple Ash has started to turn. As I drive around the city there are spots of color and other signs of the season change. It got me to thinking, what changes are occurring elsewhere. I know the "Gold Rush" has begun in the mountains -- when the Aspens turn brilliant shades of yellow and gold, but what about where you live? Are the leaves starting to change? Are mums blooming in the neighborhood? Have you rotated out your summer linens for fall ones? Dusted off your slow-cooker? What marks the seasonal change for you? Go out and document it -- snap four photos that show the changing season in your neck of the woods. Provide a link in the comment section by Friday night and be eligible for a Cookie Jar Treat. Speaking of Treats, my late posting of 5 of Friday, for 6 on Saturday garnered a win for Bessie -- Congrats! Layouts were wonderful, keep them coming! Enjoy (and document) your first day of fall! Photobucket

Saturday, September 19, 2009

5 on Friday? How 'bout 6 on Saturday?

First -- thank you to everyone who wished me and my son a Happy Birthday. As a one year old, your birthday is like any other day -- eat, whine, play, cry, sleep, repeat. As for my own birthday, well, I'm a mom so my day was pretty much business as usual, as well. Pry kids out of bed, breakfast, lunches, shove them out the door, cleaning, shuttle kids back from school, pleas to "just get your homework done," dinner, soccer practices and cooking lessons, followed by showers, baths and bed. BUT in between the usual, I did manage to get coffee with my husband. I had one sister drop by to pick up some kits (she's apparently on a scrapbooking kick -- lucky girl) and my mom came by with some super yummy cheesecake samples from a local cheesecake bakery. My husband picked-up a yummy lemon coconut cake from another local bakery - delish! Then my daughter came home with cheesecake bites from her cooking class. So it was a Sa-Weet, birthday. Then another small moment before everyone went to bed I opened a card and gift from my kids and husband. So along with the mundane, there were perks to the day -- and isn't that what makes any day special? Somehow yesterday went by without a single thought about 5 on Friday. I have no idea how that happened -- I was actually home all day, had little in the way of chores and there were no after school activities -- maybe that's the reason. It was too quiet. I'd hate to not have you scrapbooking and using "well, there was no 5 on Friday" as your excuse, so let's do 6 on Saturday. :D
  • 1 sheet of cardstock - color 1
  • 1 sheet of cardstock - color 2
  • 1 sheet patterned paper
  • 1 tag
  • 1 frame
  • 1 set of brads

Just like on Fridays, outside of the above listed items you're only allowed journaling and a title. We'll call this due on Sunday night -- linked in the comment section will earn you a shot at a Cookie Jar Treat.

Thank you again for the lovely birthday wishes. Since it's soccer mom Saturday, I'm off to round up boys and their gear and head off to the fields for the afternoon. It's looking to be a gorgeous day here in Colorado, deep blue sky, tiny hints of color in trees, just a touch of crispness in the air and a nice breeze to cool me off as I stand in the sun on the sidelines!

Have a fantastic weekend!
