Showing posts with label 5 on Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 5 on Friday. Show all posts

Friday, June 10, 2011

Up in the Mountains

I'm taking a quick break while the dog, the toddler and the teenager snore away - everyone else is on the boat, hopefully catching dinner.  If not chicken is marinating. 

 Gorgeous weather has me cropping away...I don't hike.  If you read this blog at all this should be no surprise.

As I head into my next layout I thought you needed a 5 on Friday.

•1 Sheet cardstock
•1 Sheet patterned paper
•1 Set brads
•1 Set chipboard
•1 Length ribbon

Remember outside the listed ingredients nothing outside of journaling and title are allowed.

I'll try to get a link for this post you can upload to later; the downside to typing on ones phone.

From somewhere above 9,000 feet I wish you a great weekend.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Five on Friday

I started to get those pre-sick feelings yesterday, at least I think that's what they were.  Sort of light body aches, couldn't get warm and intense feelings of exhaustion - the just let me lay down kind.  As moms know we don't get sick days, so I'm just pushing on and I refuse to acknowledge any remaining not-well-feelings.

Plus, I don't have the time to be down.  My kids are out of school today and Monday.  Hubby and I have a date at the home show.  My sister is coming in for an extended weekend.  My boys have their games - one semi-final and one final.  We have a family birthday party with said in-coming sister.  My daughter has some blow-out of a birthday party to get primped for.  Hubby's heading out hunting on Sunday.  Plus all the regular stuff that goes on in families on weekends.  See no time.  I'm pretty sure if I just ignore the warning signs they'll go away.  Right?  They wouldn't dare mess with me!

Let's see . . . 5 on Friday. . .5 on Friday.  Ah, here ya go:
  • 1 sheet of cardstock - neutral colored
  • 1 sheet of double-sided patterned paper
  • 1 set of fabric/felt embellies
  • 1 something bling-y
  • 1 set of naked chipboard - it needs to stay naked.
Remember outside of journaling and title, the above list is all you're allowed.  Upload it by Sunday evening.

Alrighty, time to go see why the toddler's screaming, who's bickering, how long someone's been on Facebook and go, no run, to my happy place.  Have a fantabulous weekend.

Friday, February 11, 2011

5 on Friday and Classes

I missed a few days of the LOAD Challenges but I'm still plugging away and I've printed off the missed challenges to do them, hopefully, this weekend.  I did take just 40 minutes, yep 40 which for me is pretty good, to do the layout below.  That includes picking the papers and photos.  All I can say for myself is, wow!  It does need a title in the upper left, but otherwise it's done.  Day 10's challenge was using a sketch, and we all know how great those are.  This layout also includes a first for me - I sewed on it! Granted it was only stitching on the buttons, but it's sewing.

I'm also taking "Embracing Imperfection" over at Big Picture Classes.  The FREE class started yesterday. She has some great advice so far that I think in one way or another encompasses almost every scrapbooker. 

I'm clicking away on my goal of making more me time, this week I'm finding it in scrapbooking with help from the LOAD class and the BPC.  To make sure you get some "you" time during the weekend, here's today's 5 on Friday:
  • 2 sheets cardstock
  • 1 set of round embellishments
  • 1 set of chipboard
  • 1 sheet of stickers
  • 1 set of fabric/felt embellishments
Remember outside of journaling and a title, no other items can be used in this layout.  Upload it by Sunday evening.

We are in round two of City Tournaments, and my son's team who were in a do-or-die situation (it was two losses and out) won last night; he'll play again on Saturday morning.  Son #2 will also play in the afternoon on Saturday.  So that along with the whole shipping extravaganza make up my weekend plans.  Well, and getting caught up on LOAD.  Oh and maybe tackling more of my studio.

Hope your Friday is fantastic!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Scrappin' Away and 5 on Friday

As I mentioned earlier this week, I was looking into a couple classes to keep my scrapbooking rolling for this year.  I decided on the LOAD challenges (LayOut A Day) by Lain Ehmann.  Unfortunately, I'll miss out on the end prize package because I didn't read the "upload daily" portion of the FAQs until I'd missed two days.  But I hold out hope to maybe win something else along the way --- not the Cosmo Cricket goodie package, because I didn't read about it until after the deadline; the same day I discovered the whole "daily" thing.   I seem to see some kind of reading-theme here, or a problem with reading.  Hmmm.... Oh, well, the end prize really is the number of completed pages at the end of the month.  Wow, can you even imagine, 28 pages?  28 completed pages? 

Below are the five layouts I've done so far, plus one more I didn't photograph, it's awaiting photos.  So six in 3 days!  They are all part of my December Daily, and as of last night I have only the 31st to finish.  Well, and print the filler photos.  I did incorporate the first three LOAD challenges into the layouts:  a favorite photo, which wasn't so much as "favorite" as it was "next."  Then a song lyric or title, which is my Day 30 - the White Christmas that came 7 days later.  And one more, which I liked so much I may have to use it here - with all due credit going back to Lain and her LOAD challenge.

It should be fun to see what I can get done this weekend to go with the next challenges.  We have the beginnings of the boys' City Championship Tournaments kicking off this weekend - it's a three week event.  My sweet baby girl will be turning 14!!  Flippin' 14!!  OMGoodness, help me!  So, we'll be celebrating that this weekend.  And there's a Steeler fan in the house - I can only think he inherited it from his uncle who was a Steeler fan as a boy as well - so we'll settle in with finger foods, football and SuperBowl commercials.

Now, you'll need to kick off your scrappin' for February and/or the weekend, so here is your 5 on Friday to get you going.  Drawing from my own work above, which when looking at them, look very "five products."
  • 1 sheet cardstock
  • 1 sheet patterned paper
  • 1 set felt embellishments
  • 1 set epoxy embellishments
  • l length ribbon
For those new, or if you just need a reminder, only the above listed ingredients are allowed on your layouts.  You may add journaling and a title.  Layouts are due Sunday evening.

Alrighty, I'm off to Parent Appreciation Day at the kids' school - where fun and tears are always on the menu.  Nothing says, "Thanks, Mom & Dad for sending us to this school" like the poems, cheers, and songs presented by little round-faced kiddos, that leave bleachers-full of parents bawling.  Should be fun.

Happy Friday,

Friday, November 19, 2010

5 on Friday

My oldest is an eighth grader this year.  I'm still trying to figure out how we got here so quickly.  I mean eighth grade!  I remember thinking when she entered kindergarten "Where is she going to go for High School?" and that seemed far off.  And now it's upon us.  Last night, as part of the joy that is being a parent of an eighth grader, I needed to create a "Tribute Page" for the school's yearbook.  Outside of the fact the page had to be completed on an 8 1/2 x 11" page (I scrapbook solely in 12x12), that it needed some heartfelt words (so not my thing), that it needed to be clean enough and bright enough and flat enough to scan well into the yearbook (yeah, no pressure there) and I wouldn't be seeing the creation (or the photos) again outside of the image in the yearbook, I managed to get one done. 

What did I learn?  That I can't part with my photos, even if they're duplicates; there's a reason I'm a "scrap 'em all" kind of scrapbooker.  That an 8 1/2 x 11" canvas is just to darn small; this sort of goes along with the scrap 'em all philosophy.  No matter how hard I try and no matter what the end result reads like, heartfelt journaling will probably always feel forced and somewhat corney to me; I don't talk that way so why would writing be any easier.  And finally, that my sweet little baby girl has somehow manged to become an a beautiful young woman right before my eyes.

That's the first scrapbooking I've done in a while - definitely got the fingers all tingly to do more.  And so I shall, later today!  Woohoo.  Hubby is taking the boys to an Avalanche game and it'll be me, and a sister (maybe two) scrappin' away.  Do I have anything planned to work on - heck no.  I don't roll that way either, so it'll be fun to see what gets accomplished.  Outside of that, we have one basketball game and that's it!  That's it!!  I'm not sure I'll know what to do with myself.

So, because I have time and inspiration from working last night, here's your jump-off-point for your next layout.  5 on Friday ingredients are as follows:
  • 2 sheets of cardstock
  • 2 sheets of patterned paper
  • 1 set of stickers
I figured if I could make a layout without bulk, so can you. Remember outside of journaling and a title, the items above are all you can use on your page(s).  Layout links are due Sunday evening to be eligible for the weekly Cookie Drawing.

I haven't decided if I'll post next week or not - if I don't (to my fellow U.S. scrappers) have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Enjoy the food, the family and the time spent together.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Five on Friday

We'll I've spent two days in the pit ("30 Days in the Hole" keeps playing in my head for some reason when I'm down here) and I have to say it's less pit-like and more like something humans, rather than sub-creatures (or kids with selective vision), would spend time in.  As long as I stay looking forward to the "living" half of the room, that is. 

Now it's time to tackle my "studio."  I'm gonna keep calling it that, it just sounds more like some place that I WANT to come down to.  De-cluttering is on the menu today after this blog post.  I have paper everywhere, trimmers are stacked and leaning, completed pages are wherever there is open space.  That's just on the surface, if I mine deeper in the piles there are magazines, pens, ribbon, loose buttons, stacks of photos (don't know if they are scrapbooked and duplicates or waiting-to-be-scrapped) and various bits and pieces of other stuff.  I even see a Tamagachi poking out - evidence that I share my space with sub-creatures.  Taking photos over the last two days helped me make progress, perhaps that same approach will help with this next endeavor.  Things look sooooo much worse through the lens.  Hmmm. . .I wonder if ALL things look worse through the lens or if it's just non-human subjects. . .

So I clearly have my "5 on Friday" now, it's time for yours.  Today create a layout using the following:
  • 1 sheet of cardstock
  • 1 sheet of patterned paper
  • 1 set of "themed" buttons or brads - if you have them, if not regular round is okay.
  • 1 set of stickers
  • 1 length of ribbon
As a reminder, since it's been a while, other than title and journaling, only the above listed ingredients can be used on your layout.  You can assemble your own embellishments created from the listed items, but can't incorporate more.  This along with the rest of this week's challenges are due Sunday evening.

We have a soccer tourney this weekend for my youngest player, the other son, thankfully, has a by week and my daughter starts her volleyball season with a double-header on Sunday.  Sounds busy, but with one kid out of the mix it's surprisingly calm, LOL.

Hope you enjoy this first weekend of October!

Friday, June 25, 2010

5 on Friday

I write today's post from deep underground - well, okay maybe 10 - 15 feet, but it's the only cool spot in the house, plus it's got TV. The 98 degrees when we drove by the YMCA's temperature ticker about an hour ago meant mommy'll be happier if she stays cool. Though when I put the 1 y.o. down for a nap up in his room, it wasn't as hideous as I expected; it actually seemed warmer on the main level. So I sit here contemplating the likelihood that I'll leave the couch and move over to my scrap area for some serious cleaning. Right now, motivation is low and ice water is lukewarm. Not a good combination for getting things done. So intead, I'll post the final challenge for this week - with its late arrival I'll make the due date for this week's challenges SUNDAY EVENING (instead of Saturday.) With a sweaty-headed nod to the heat outside, here is your 5 on Friday:
  • 1 sheet cardstock - red, orange or yellow
  • 1 sheet patterned paper with circles or waves
  • 1 set epoxy embellishments (you can create your own if necessary with Diamond Glaze
  • 1length of trim
  • 1 set of metalic embellishments
Double entry points for scrapping something "hot." Remember, besides journaling and title no other ingredients may be used. This along with the other challenges from this week are due on SUNDAY evening to be eligible for the Cool Treat.

Thought I'd share my recent layouts. Yes the photos are duplicates, though the layouts are different; one for the family album, one for the child's. I messed with the slide show for way, way too long - so instead of a nice rotating image, you get them all laid out. Stupid technology!

I actually have nothing planned for this weekend. Nothing! I don't know when the last time that happened. Wow. Wonder what I'll do with it? Find out Monday ;)

Friday, June 18, 2010

AS on Bella! oh, and 5 on Friday

Big, Big, news! Apron Strings is on the Bella Blvd Blog (now that's a tongue twister), but it's truly and honor to be featured on the Bella Blog during their "Month of Giveaways." I have long been a fan of Bella papers, so cute, so versatile; the "Honey, I'm Home" line is a top fave which is why it was in the January kit. I loved that down-home, cozy winter feel about it. It's what appeals to me in all their papers . . . just life - simplified! If you want a shot at winning the Smaller June kit, with the "Man of the House" line in it - I mean it is Father's Day this weekend, this is the sign you need that it's time to create a layout about the Dad in your life -- head over to the Bella Blog and leave a comment. It's that easy! While you're there browse their gallery, which is sorted by paper line (totally love that!) Grab a blinkie to show your Bella Love and be a Fan on Facebook. Okay, so I had to know - of their fantastic 13 lines released, Apron Strings has had seven! Seven - all truly loved and, yes, I'm hoarding some of it. Well, really, what happens when it's gone?? Hmm. . .guess maybe I should participate in my own "Stash Challenges" I'm so fond of, huh? Speaking of challenges - I have today's! 5 on Friday, and I think I'll pull from the aforementioned Father's Day:
  • 1 sheet cardstock
  • 1 sheet patterned "manly" paper
  • 1 set metallic embellishments
  • 1 set chipboard - keep it naked, if it starts out that way
  • 1 length of felt trim (if you don't have felt trim, any trim will do)
  • BONUS: extra entry if you make it a "manly" layout as well

This challenge and yesterday's are due to be linked up by Saturday evening to be eligible for your weekly Treat.

Remember to leave your comment over at Bella!

Have a great weekend!


Friday, June 11, 2010

5 on Friday

First things first. Props to Jennifer H. for having her layout selected on Club CK for this post. Scroll down about six layouts and you'll see hers - under Yellow. WooHoo Jennifer! Congrats. Second, I've got plenty to do today, starting with helping my daughter oversee our part of the neighborhood garage sale (she's got big plans for any money she makes). Luckily the weather is cooling off big time and rain is coming, so we won't be sitting in the sweltering heat we've had lately. With the boys off fishing again, maybe I'll get a little scrap-time in sometime. Probably not gonna happen today though. (shrug) I'm sure you all are looking for your 5 on Friday and here it is:
  • 1 sheet cardstock - neutral in color: brown, kraft, white or black
  • 1 set of patterned paper SCRAPS (no whole sheets allowed)
  • 1 set of alphabet SCRAPS (no complete set allowed)
  • 1 set of left over buttons
  • 1 set of ribbon SCRAPS (no lengths longer than 12" allowed)

Hey, it's garage sale day - clear out the bits and pieces! Remember this along with the other two challenges this week are due by Saturday evening to be eligible to win a Cookie Jar Treat.

Have a super weekend!


Friday, June 4, 2010

5 on Friday

You know I thought about this post at least three times today, but was quickly distracted by various things. So, because of the lateness, this challenge along with the prior two from this week are due, linked to the various posts, by Sunday evening (instead of the usual Saturday.) I've been lucky enough to enjoy a good part of the day scrapbooking with my sister. She showed up around 1 pm and we sat down to work. I finished up one layout, did my June calendar page and have the better part of another layout stuck down, and it's only 6:30. Prime cropping hours are still to come. Especially since we've eaten dinner and have made a run to DQ for a cool treat. Tomorrow night I'll be scrapbooking some more with two of my three sisters! Things are very laid back with the DH and two older boys are out fishing for the weekend. Here are you five goodies for today:
  • 1 sheet cardstock
  • 2 sheets patterned paper
  • 1 felt embellishment
  • 1 chipboard embellishment

Remember, outside of journaling and a title, only the five ingredients above can be used on your layout.

Hope your Friday is the start of a great weekend. Here - no soccer! No volleyball! No school to prep for! And only half the family! Scrapbooking here I come! (Yes, I miss my boys, but I know they're having a great, no shower, eating whatever I wouldn't want them to be eating and enjoying all day on the lake kinda time.)


Friday, May 28, 2010

5 on Friday

WooHoo it's Friday! My kids have a half day, it's supposed to be 90+ degrees and even with the hot temps and my kids home early, life is good. This weekend will prove to be chaos, but even that should be fun. As much as life feels like it revolves around soccer at times, I do enjoy watching my boys play. And I'll have plenty of opportunity this weekend, with seven games in two days. Sort of sounds like one of those mad-paced European vacations - "See 12 countries in 3 days!" Those are just the scheduled games, if they do well, we could have as many as three more. PLUS, the super bonus - this means Spring soccer is over! :) I'm sure you're just chompin' at the bit to get your final challenge for this week. I know I am. I was IM'n with Melanie and she wondered if I was going to do a red, white & blue thing. I hadn't thought about it, but it is Memorial Weekend - the official non-calendar start to Summer. So here is your 5 on Friday:
  • 1 sheet cardstock in navy or red
  • 1 sheet patterned paper
  • 1 set metallic embellishments
  • 1 set of stars
  • 1 set of buttons

Now, remember, nothing but the above listed ingredients, except journaling and a title. The layout DOES NOT have to be patriotic themed (I'll save that for another time), but does need to have the listed items. Have this challenge and the other two from this week uploaded by Saturday evening.

One last thing - Jennifer H. has the most adorable Pink Poodle invites for her daughter's birthday party posted on her blog. She traced the outline of the dog, but all the pen work is free-hand! They are the cutest things. So if you have a little girl and are looking for an idea, check these out. Even if you downloaded the clipart and just added the glitter - totally cute!

Okie doke, ya'll have a great holiday weekend!


Friday, May 21, 2010

5 on Friday

I didn't forget, well I kinda did, but I remembered today that I needed to post a challenge. That of course is when I realized I totally missed Wednesday's. In my defense, I was up to my elbows in catalogs searching out July goodies! So, to make up for the missing challenge, today's will be two fold; 1 layout and 1 card from the scraps. :) Here are your ingredients:
  • 1 sheet cardstock
  • 1 sheet patterned paper
  • 1 set chipboard accents
  • 1 set blossoms
  • 1 length of ribbon

Remember, besides a title and journaling no extra items can be used. If you need more cardstock to create your card, that is the exception. This and Monday's challenge are due up Saturday evening.

It'll be a quiet weekend here - temps in the 80's, which after our cool temps might be a bit too hot, but at least it isn't snow. We have a birthday party and a cooking show and that's it! I don't know what to do with myself if I'm not running like a mad woman to one sporting event or another. DH is out of town until late Sunday, so it's me, the kids and a puppy we are puppy-sitting.

Hope your weekend is super! Just not super crazy.


Friday, May 14, 2010

Return of the Fave - 5 on Friday

So our girl is headed to the city championships on Saturday, with a win last night. After loosing their first match, they came out fighting to win the next two. Their last two games have been tough, so I expect Saturday's to be even more so. We'll also finish up with our last regular season soccer game later on Saturday - woohoo. But there are big soccer tourneys for both the boys over Memorial Day weekend.

So on to today's challenge:

  • 1 sheet of cardstock
  • 1 sheet patterned paper
  • 1 something shiny
  • 1 something sparkly
  • 1 something woven

Remember, other than a title and journaling only the above items can be on your layout. Link up this layout, along with the others from this week, by Saturday evening, to be eligible for the weekly prize.

Off to try to get something done, as yesterday was a nothing-done day. Seriously, nothing. I hate those days.

Hope your weekend is relaxing, fun and filled with a completed page or two.


Friday, March 26, 2010

Sneak Peeks and 5 on Friday

Holy cow, I'm missing a whole day because of the snow day. The snow is just about gone, but more is on the way, so I'm watching the gray skies get more gray and the temperatures are dropping. Spring is such a fun, exciting thing in Colorado, or as Forest would say, "you never know whatcha gonna git." Like I said, fun. I do know you can grab a peek of April's kits, right here, right now. Lots of fun things going on in them next month.

So, I'm cropping tomorrow, which I hope isn't like shopping. You know when you have the time, you've made the plans and you're actually looking forward to going only to find nothing in your size, shape or color. Let's hope it's a productive evening. If you're looking at some cropping this weekend, and are looking to get in the running for a Cookie Jar Treat, you'll need today's 5 on Friday to complete the week's challenges. So, here you go:
  • 1 sheet cardstock
  • 1 sheet patterned paper with floral pattern or pink
  • 1 set of photographs with boys in them
  • 1 tag of some kind, any size
  • 1 set of at least 6 brads

Let's show people flowers and pink aren't for girls alone! :) Remember, all challenges are due by Saturday night.

Soccer club is on break this weekend due to public schools being on Spring Break, so no having to stand in the snow for a game (or get yet another "game cancelled" notice that will inevitably make for a crazed make-up schedule), though we do have an early Volleyball game tomorrow morning.

Whatever your weekend plans, I hope you enjoy them.


Friday, March 12, 2010

5 on Friday - the Return

We're back to 5 on Friday, for a little bit anyway ;) The sun is out today, the skies are clear and it's almost 60! I'm feeling the need for something spring-y, so here are today's ingredients.
  • 1 sheet cardstock
  • 1 sheet patterned paper with floral designs
  • 1 set floral embellishments - chipboard, paper, fabric, acrylic
  • 1 length ribbon
  • 1 set of buttons

Just to remind you, ONLY the above items can be used on this layout. To qualify for this week's drawing you must complete all three challenges from this week and have them linked up under the appropriate posts by SATURDAY evening.

Hope your weekend is a good one. We have basketball - last game I think (dancing just a little), soccer and volleyball. Sunday looks free and clear though and then. . . SPRING BREAK!! WooHoo. Hope my kids realize that means mommy's not going anywhere mommy doesn't have to go.

Enjoy your weekend, whatever it brings.


Friday, January 22, 2010

It's Friday!

Can you believe it's already Friday? This week seems to have flown by, probably because of the holiday on Monday. Anyway, sorry ladies about the lateness of the post - I pulled up the blog to post first thing this morning, but my little 1 y.o. wasn't his usual busy, independent self and then I got distracted looking at goodies for March's kits. So, as I shove aside, oh just a few catalogs and price sheets, I'm here to quickly post the 5 on Friday Challenge:
  • 1 sheet neutral black cardstock
  • 1 sheet patterned paper
  • 1 set of round, small embellishments; i.e. buttons, brads, eyelets (remember them?) - just not paper
  • 1 chipboard item
  • 1 length of ribbon

Outside of journaling and a title, these are the only items allowed on your layout today. This and the other two challenges from this week are due, linked up, by Saturday evening.

Any plans for the weekend? Not sure what the weather will be like here; it looks nice and sunny, but there's a wind and clouds rolling in - big clouds and I haven't watched to see what the weekend is supposed to be like. We have two basketball games on Saturday, one crack-of-dawn-early and one right after that. One of my son's classmates' mother died this week and we are trying to decide if we should attend the services, which fall after the last game. Still not sure on that one. And birthday party later in the evening for my niece to round out the day. Sunday looks empty, but I'm sure I'll fill it up with something. :)

Enjoy your weekend and go get some pages done so I can scrapbook vicariously through you all!Photobucket

Friday, January 15, 2010

5 on Friday

Running a little behind. That's not good when it's before noon. I knew I had to get a post up, but kept thinking it was for a sketch. What's that "better brain/better memory" supplement? I think I need to get some. It's been crazy busy, and there haven't even been any basketball games, excessive homework or other outside the house activities (though the car saga continues, we haven't been out this week.) I've been neck deep in shipping, follow-up and the like. When I've had the spare moment, I've been drooling over some of the new releases coming out at CHA -- fun, cute, gorgeous, can't-wait-to-get-my-hands-on-them excitement. Depending on ship-dates, you could see some as early as the March kits. What's on your calendar for this weekend? Here, basketball resumes with a game on Saturday. The boat show is in town, which is something DH looks forward to every year, even though we have a boat. So we'll grab some dinner tonight and head downtown to the convention center. It'll be a nice family outing. Sunday, looks like the weather, which has been sunny and fairly warm all week, will continue and we have a bonafide "down day." Is there cropping time in my future? Highly unlikely, but with today's 5 on Friday, there could be some in yours:
  • 2 sheets patterned paper
  • 1 set of blue buttons or brads
  • 1 naked chipboard piece; must stay naked
  • 1 length of ribbon

Only the items listed, plus journaling and title, are allowed on this layout. This challenge, as well as the other two from this week, are due to be linked up by Saturday evening to be eligible for a Cookie Jar Treat. I think I said, if you're a "never posted" person, you get a double entry and that I'd give away two prizes this week. We need to jump start the New Year ladies, those pages won't complete themselves! Come on. :)

Whatever you plans are, have a great weekend.


Friday, January 8, 2010

5 on Friday

Any of you looked for a new car? It's been 8 years since we had to buy a car - DH gets a new car every two years through work and the last car we bought, we purchased from his work when they rolled their fleet, so we didn't have much to do other than pick it off the list of available cars and go get it. We are in that process now.The amount of time consumed search, researching and searching some more is insane! We need a people mover, there are six of us, and we need towing capabilities, so we're looking at Expeditions and are leaning toward the EL version, with some serious reservations on my part because the thing is stinkin' huge! They are a tough cookie to find around here, but we, or rather DH is leaving no stone unturned. At this point I'd take just the regular Expedition (I mean I wake up thinking about all the cars we've looked at for crying out loud), but then I see the extra room in the back, perfect for overly large baby strollers (why do they need to be that big??) and overstuffed athletic bags, and resign myself that the quest will continue. (sigh) So, it's Friday - back the regular work week and school. How was it? Probably thankful it's Friday and ready to take a little time to do some scrapbooking, right? Good thing I've got your 5 on Friday right here:
  • 1 sheet cardstock
  • 1 sheet patterned paper with purple in it
  • 1 alphabet
  • 1 oversized element
  • 1 border element

Remember outside of a title and journaling, these are the only items you can include on your layout. Also, this layout, and the other two from this week are due by Saturday evening to be eligible for a Cookie Jar Treat.

I'm off to try and do the million things that were pushed aside as we traversed the state looking at any and all available cars that fit our checklist; sorting one last kit, pulling a couple orders, starting to dismantle the Christmas decorations, a few chores and maybe, just maybe, in there I'll get the chance to breath. :)

Have a great weekend.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday? Really?

It's been one of those weeks where you go to bed on Monday night and wake up Friday morning and wonder, "what the heck happened to the week!?" I feel like I'm falling off the track; the holidays are rushing in, Christmas shopping, that I was so good at starting a couple weeks ago, seems to be coming to a crashing halt and there's still SO much to do. Too much. BUT there are some good things too -- November kits are out the door and should be on your doorsteps, or being used, by now. December kits are all here and half are waiting to be sorted - the other half are done! (big WOOHOO on that one); peeks will be up next week -- probably on Friday because of Thanksgiving and associated prep work. January kits are all ordered and oh, my they are gorgeous, if I do say so myself. You'll be singing a "Serenade" while dreaming up "Colorful" layouts. (Was that a hint? Naw, I don't do hints.) SUPER BIG for all you Black Friday shoppers, I'm working on special sales and goodies for Apron Strings own Black Friday shopping. Things like, oh -- gift with purchase, return rewards, Black Friday discounts. We'll see what else shakes loose from my head. :D So be on the prowl for stocking stuffers for yourself, the good present under the tree, or maybe a good croppin' buddy needs to learn the joys of an Apron Strings kit club membership; there are prepay gift subscriptions for just such occasions. Next -- 5 on Friday. Last week's winner, thanks to is Nitasha! Congrats! I think I still have your shipping address - Arlington? Pop me an email to confirm that. So, what do I have up my sleeve today? Hmm, let's see. . .
  • 2 sheets of cardstock
  • 1 set of handmade items (make your own blossoms, handcut a scroll, use someone else's handmade goodie, etc.)
  • 1 length of ribbon
  • 1 frame

Outside of title and journaling, that's it! Link up your layout by Saturday night to be eligible for your own Cookie Jar Treat. They're good, right ladies who have received one? Not a stitch of fat in them!

I'm off to do a multitude of mini things; load some inventory to the site, double-check some goodies, do a little inventory countinbg, fold some laundry, download some pictures, get potato soup in the slow cooker for dinner, maybe work on one of my two projects (this would be the best!), do some planning for Black Friday and a 25 Days of Christmas challenge for the blog -- lots of little things. I'm hoping you'll be enjoying your weekend, too.


Friday, November 13, 2009

5 on Friday

Hope everyone had a great week. This week was the shipping of the November kits and they are all out and heading your way. If you were lucky enough to win a treat during Croptober-fest, those are included in your kits. If you aren't a member, yours are winging their way toward you, too. No spoilers, but if you didn't play along in October, you NEED to join us the next time around, because (if I do say so myself) there are some delish Treats out there. There were: TV Dinners, Specialty kits, full-sized monthly kits and the Grandaddy of all Cookie Jar Treats, the Grand Prize. I can't say what it is, or it'll ruin the thrill of opening it for Bessie. So here we are, definitely slowing down from last month's free-for-all-challenges, and I think in general as people start to get ready for the holidays. We have a winner from last week's 5 on Friday, and it was Linda R. Super layout Linda; I'm really enjoying your work! Your Treat will be included with your next shipment (not this month's). Anyway, we need to get going on this week's Challenge. Here we go:
  • 1 Sketch (pick one from the two below)
  • 1 Sheet Cardstock
  • 1 Sheet patterned paper
  • 1 Set of brads
  • 1 Set of Chipboard embellishments

Now remember, you can create elements for your layouts using the ingredients above, but you can't add any other items. Layouts are due, with a link to your completed work, by Saturday evening. So, come one ladies -- grab a little time for yourself and earn the chance to win something non-fattening. Heaven knows I could use some non-fattening. Stupid Halloween candy!
