The difference between the MOVIE and the BOOK..

Hi everyone. I just wanted to talk about this movie for a moment. Have any of you seen it? Me and my fiance went and watched it about a month ago. The movie is awesome. The problem was that I practically cried thru the whole thing. I don't know. It's the whole dog and children thing. If anything happens to either one I just bawl. Plus, Will Smith seems to make me tear up in his performances lately (and I don't me it badly on his part.....he's just that moving here lately).

I cried when we went and watched the Pursuit of Happines which was another wonderful movie. The bathroom scene kills you. Won't spoil it if you haven't seen it.
(Sorry, no action in that one fiance wants action everywhere)
By the way, in Pursuit of Happiness, the little boy that plays his son is his own son and he does a great job.
And in I am Legend, the little girl who plays his daughter at the beginning of the movies is also his real daughter. Such cute kids. Their futures are bright ahead of them. Well, look where they came from, Will and Jada.

Anywho's, back to the subject on hand. I have this tendency to either read the book before or after I see a movie that I think I really like or Have really liked? Sometimes you get a lot more from a book that you might have missed in the movie. Most of the time I end up liking the books a lot better. This isn't one of those times.
I was so excited when I found the book. So, I bought it. Started reading the first day. First of all, it doesn't go along with the movie almost entirely. He has the family but that doesn't happen like the way in the movie. Instead of owning the dog, he finds one later and it dies after 2 weeks. (No spoils here except for the book) That doesn't happen in the movie at all. The dog is a big part of the movie. Also, Robert Neville in the book is a caucasion, blond haired blue-eyed man. I was ok with that. But still envisioned Will Smith in the role when I read the book. Everone in the book is affected by a germ which causes them to become a Vampire-like creature of the undead, instead of cancer-ridden like in the movie. Even that I could deal with. It was like reading another era of his life during that existence. I was even enjoying the book by then even though practically nothing went exactly like the movie.
Now to get to my point. I get to the middle of the book and Wham! These new elite of vampires which had turned to a society that could actually think like regular people (the new people) came to Robert Nevilles house, tore it down almost and stormed in and took him to their people and basically put him in jail. In the book he is the last man standing and they fear him because he has ridden the world of some of them.

Then HE IS the in the middle of the BOOK (remember I am talking about the book NOT the movie). I would not dare to spoil the movie.
Man, I can't seem to read the rest. It mentions a lot of names in the last half. I guess it goes on about their society and what-not. I just don't want to finish now.
So, for all of you readers out there that read books. Don't read this one. If you do you will enjoy the first half but be really mad about the second half. I'm quite the avid reader (mostly mysteries) and this just really made me mad. I was in it for the long hall. I love to read. But this one just left me with like What the @#$%.
Whoever wrote the movie did an excellent job coming from the book. They knew how to make it a movie that you would enjoy. This is one of those times where I loved the movie and not the book. Usually, it's the other way around.
So, please, don't go read the book first. That might make you not want to see the movie and that would be such a shame. Didn't mean to be a book critique here. Just wanted to get my frustrations out. At least I filled it in with photos, right?
So, if you want to see a really good movie.....go watch this one. And ladies, take plenty of kleenex with you. I know a lot of you have pets so you are gonna need it. But don't miss out. This is a GREAT movie.