Showing posts with label Christmas Time Kit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas Time Kit. Show all posts

Friday, January 4, 2013




Thursday, October 29, 2009

Quick-Page from Nita.

Also, I just wanted to announce that I am now a designer at Dazzling Scraps too. So far I've only gotten my Christmas Time kit and an alpha in there. But you can find my kits there too. What you can't find in ScrapitSassy you will find in there.

Here's my Christmas Time kit that's at Dazzling Scraps

Christmas Time Kit by ApriltheScrapaholic

Green and Gold Alpha by ApriltheScrapaholic

Yeah! Nita's back. She's had a few internet problems but I'm hoping it's all better for her now. So she just sent me this wonderful page using my Hallow's Eve kit that you can find at ScrapitSassy.

Hallow's Eve by ApriltheScrapaholic


Download Nita's quickpage on Her Blog Here

Monday, May 12, 2008

Buy my Christmas Time Kit.

This is actually to buy my entire Christmas Time kit. I just haven't gotten the preview yet. But you get everything that was included, candy cane alpha. candy cane elements, candy cane frames, lots of papers including the message papers, glass brads, stockings, santa hats and etc.

Buy Mega Kit for only $8.00

Friday, January 18, 2008

My Candy Cane Grid Alpha...Freebie!

The other day I updated my 4shared to 20gb with their new promotion that they are having. I have been having bandwidth problems. My bandwidth keeps getting used up at the beginning of the month. They say that it's due to uploading and downloading of my account. I had only used 9% of the 10gb that I had, so I upgraded to the 20gb which leaves 6% of the 20gb being used. Thought that would end my bandwidth problem but nooooo. I have to now buy additional bandwidth. Yikes! I've hardly put anything on there. Only what I've given yall, but that's no where near 20gb. Each additional bandwidth is $5 for 10gb worth; whatever that means. Crazy huh?

I plan to put lots more on there so I'm gonna have to see what I need to do. I wonder if everyone else has this problem. If anyone knows anything about bandwidth and what to do about it please let me know. I don't know if I don't understand exactly or what.

So, if after this one my bandwidth may be reached. Guess we will see. I'll figure it out.

I know I said I'd show you what I learned the other day, but I decided to give you this alpha instead. I know it's also, xmasy but maybe you can use it for valentines too. I was just playing when I made this one.

This is a alpha made of my red grid papers that had a candy cane grid on them. Then I surrounded it with pepperment candy. Looks pretty cool.

You can get my Candy Cane grid Alpha HERE

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Xmas Brads_________Freebie!

I decided to add my glass brads to the collection. I could have done more with them but this all I got to. I hope you can use them. Thanks for all your wonderful comments.

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Fancy Candy Canes____Freebie!

Well, My best friend has been begging me for these. It took me a while to make the preview. Not everything is pictured. There are 4 frames, lots of safety-pin and pins. Several shapes. And lots and lots of other goodies. I was just playing with them. I'm beginning to think I'm all candy caned out. HaHA.
Anything that you can do with candy canes, I practically did here. So, here is for the long and anticipated wait for some of you. I hope you do enjoy these. They were really fun to make.

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

MyXmasHolidayMessagePapers.....FRIDAY FREEBIE!

Hi all......yeah yeah, I know.....more papers........But I just couldn't resist.
I made these the other night just messing around. I've seen a lot of papers with writing on them and I just wondered if I could make come cool ones myself. And Look and Behold I did!
I kind of like the multi colored ones but I gave you 4 different solid colored ones to match.
I think they came out pretty well. Probably went over board but oh, well. I am sure you guys won't complain, right?
So, enjoy these papers too and as always let me know what you thing.
Have a great day everyone. Now I am going to sleep.

Link expired.........It is now being added to my new store

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Xmas Quick-Pages #2....FREEBIE!

Today I am giving you a second set of quickpages that I made from the layouts that I showed you earlier. I thought maybe you would like them.

You Can get my second set of quick-pages HERE

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Grungy Xmas Papers

And last but not least is my Grungy Xmas Papers.

Download link is expired

My Xmas RIBBON Papers .........FREEBIE!

I decided that today I am giving you MyXmasRibbonsPapers. Hopefully you will like these to. I like them quite a bit. Sorry about having to split everything up. Just a little easier on my, at least I think.
You can get my ribbon papers


Today I am giving you my Xmas Grid Papers. Some with candy canes and some without. However, the whole grid is designed with candy canes. They look pretty cool.

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Finally.....Now MyXmasCandyCane Papers...FREEBIE!

Finally....I got them downloaded. Not sure what happened there. I don't usually have any problem with 4shared. I just had problem just getting on the site. Told me to check my connects which are fine. Oh, well....I got it finally.
So now I'm giving you my Candy Cane papers. I hope you like them. Here's the preview again.

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Don't Worry......The days not over yet.

Hi everyone. I am trying to download my papers onto 4shared and for some reason cannot get onto the site. So, please be patient with me. I will get them as soon as I can get on there.
Here are some previews of the papers that I will be giving out.

Here are my Xmas Grid Papers......

Inside 3 of the papers I have placed 2 candy canes with ribbons inside of each square.

And these are My Xmas Candy Papers. 3 papers contain nothing but candy canes in peppermint, spearmint and cinnamon. The other 3 papers are of candy canes, hard candy and ribbon candy also in the same colors. I really like how these came out.

And these are my Xmas Grungy Papers.

How do you like the candy cane safety pin. Pretty cool, huh!

And last of all, these are my Xmas Ribbon Papers.

Some are made of nothing but a buch of bows mingled together. The othere is a bunch of bows with ribbons shaped kind of like lattice and are arranged over my grungy papers. I thought they looked kind of neat too.

Monday, January 7, 2008


My Mom lives in a cabin on the lake. And it snowed xmas. We got up and this is what the morning looked like over the lake. Pretty huh? Everything was covered in ice. Unfortunately, the snow didn't stick and it melted away but we had ice everywhere.

I thought these leaves looked pretty coool!

Now to the good part. Today I am giving you the stockings in both pastels and primary colors. Hopefully, I can have a preview of the papers done today so I can give you those tomorrow. Can't use my stuff without the papers, can you? LOL

Anyway, here is the preview of the pastel stockings:

And here is the preview of the xmas stockings:

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Sunday, January 6, 2008

MyXmasSantaHats FREEBIE!

Hey everyone, today I am giving away my santa hats. I am also giving the pastel santa hats that I had given previously with the BabiesFirstXmasQuickpages . I had to resize them so you can use them in scrapbook flair. Now they should work fine now.

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Hi guys, Wow, this kit is really huge. It's taking forever to get everything uploaded for you. Plus getting all the previews. It's so big that I don't think I could have possibly given it all out at once.
I have recently made more quickpages with some of the layouts that I showed you. I'll probably give them out tomorrow.
Next, will be the papers. There are going to be at lease 20 assorted papers. Still making previews on that one.
Then I still have the fancy candy canes to give to you. Your not going to believe some of those when you get them. They are so cool and fun. I still keep coming up with them. A preview is going to be pretty time consuming. But don't let that bother you. I will still share.

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Yeah!__My Candy Cane Alpha......Freebie!!!

Hello everyone again, Boy you seem to all be waiting for my Xmas Candy Cane Alpha. I've read lots of messages saying you can't wait for it. I actually meant to put it up before the frames and I didn't reallize till I read your messages that I hadn't actually put it up on my blog. For some reason I thought I already had. Guess my preview messed myself up. Ha Ha.....

Anyway, so here it is. I hope that you all like it. I made each letter completely by itself. Usually I make all of them and then edit them all together; but not this one. Each one is an individual png file. They never were together on the same page. So I spent a lot of time on this one. I have used it on several of my pages using scrapbook flair and it works perfectly.

Here are a few of the pages that I made using the alpha or from my kit. I know I haven't given you everything yet; but I was just trying it out.

And you can see my layouts and others at scrapbook flair with this link:

Link is now being added to my store

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Candy Cane Frames____FREEBIE!

Hi everyone. I am giving away my candy cane frames today. There are 10 frames total in different flavors or colors, whichever you prefer. Then I made some in different shapes too. I tell you, I have just been having too much fun with this. You can tell because my housework isn't getting done like it should...haha! I just get ideas and I have to go with it.
So please let me know what you think again. You have all left such nice messages. If YOU come up with something you want me to try just let me know and I will sure attempt it. Can't make any promises but I will go crazy trying. I have some other really, really cool stuff with the candy canes that I will share later. Making the preview is going to be fun. Might not be able to show everything in it without overlappin a lot of stuff but you will love it. That's the part where I have gone a little crazy. It will be worth it in the end.
So please enjoy the freebie. And please don't forget to leave comments.........Thank You!

Sorry, Link is now being added to my new store.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Boy, I sure hope that you all like candy canes. I have gone bonkers for candy canes. I also hope that you don't mind that My Xmas kit is getting huge. Possibly as big as the Winterwonderland kit and I think I like it better. So, if you get tired of all this let me know. And I am sorry that I haven't had this out sooner. I'm not as good as these other more qualified designers. But I keep coming up with stuff. My fiance wants me to try selling stuff but I have no idea about stores or anything like that. STill checking that out. For now I'm offering you freebies. I really love all the comments that you give to me. Keeps me inspired and obviously I get inspired by almost anything. Haha.

So fare warning, I have candy cane alphas, numbers and symbols. ( its awesome if I say so myself.) I will probably give that to you tomorrow because I'm still working on the numbers. Just to give you a heads up heres a preview for you.

I also have candy canes and hard candy and the ribbon candy that I am giving you today. Also, have the candy cane frames plain and also some that I decorated with xmas stuff. I also made some pretty cool stuff like flowers with the candy canes. I even made a safety pin with them. You are just gonna have to see it to believe it.

So, I hope you have a huge sweet tooth. Oh yes, I made really cool papers with my candy canes. Can't wait to share everything with you. It's gonna be great.

So here are the candy canes that I am giving you now.

(PS. Do you like my ribbon paper up there in the preview...That ones coming too)

Now in my store at April's Scrapaholic & Photomania

Monday, December 31, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR.....xmas bows alpha FREEBIE!

I made these alphas for you. I meant to dosomething for New Years but maybe you can use these for that too.
I have a whole lot of stuff coming for you from this kit. Thank you so much for all the nice comments about my QPs. Don't worry....I have really good frames and stuff coming up that were shown on those quickpages.
Again, thank you. AND HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!
You can get all 5 alphas HERE
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