I have not been doing any stitching since I finished Bunny & Co. Brenda should be receiving it today. I sent it Priority Mail last Thursday.. She has not received it yet. I don't know what is wrong with the Post Office. Rates went up and mail service has went down. Priority mail takes 4 to 5 days instead of the 2 to 3. I sent a Parcel Post package the same day and the person received it Monday... Duh.....
Just sharing a picture of the grand kids!!!
I cooked a big dinner last night. We had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, fried okra with green tomatoes in it !! yum yum... The kids came to eat. Zoe put away some meatloaf.. She is our little Piggy !!! lol
Closing for now. I need to get up from here. I have been on the phone all morning talking with friends and catching up. I have a lunch date with friends from high school next week. I don't know why people want to text.... I want to hear they voices and laughter! Don't you? .........