Showing posts with label cds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cds. Show all posts

Monday, March 28, 2011

Mail Today, Cross Stitch & Listening Pleasure

Guess what I got in the mail today?? Yep.. I skin cover for my Kindle 3. I had the Kindle. I ordered the skin from I will be ordering one for my notebook too. Yes MOM !!!.. I did get a kindle. Got tired of holding those books open and reading at night. I would usually fall asleep and lose my place. I had a Nook first. I ended up taking it back. The Kindle will read to me. Is that being lazy or what!! My thinking is, that I will let it read to me while I am stitching. 2 birds.. 1 stone. Don't it look cute? That skin is called Betty. It also covers the back accept for where the speakers are.

I got this in the mail last week from Brenda.. Bunny Tales!!! Chart pack has 3 different charts and patterns for these designs. I love the 2 pin keeps!! I want to do them so bad.. Right Now!.. But... I have pulled out the over 18 year old Heirloom Afghan.. Yes Mother, It is out of it's tub. I am working on it ! If you don't remember my story on this.. It is for my mom's best friend. I started it over 18 years ago for her first Grandchild...Now 3 grandchildren later, (all girls) I am trying to finish it before that 1st child graduates high school... ummm This May... Hope I get it done. I have to stay focused!

I did go to the library today. I checked out the epic set of The North & The South with Patrick Swayze and a whole lot of other popular stars in that day. The 80's.!! I have seen it before, but I can follow it just listening as I stitch. I also checked out Books on CD. Janet Evanovich - Between The Plums.. I love Janet's books. I have read all the numbers.. Waiting on # 17 for my Kindle. I have ordered. I also read all of Charlaine Harris ( Sookie ) books.. I am waiting on that new one also. I got a new to me, author today, Nevada Barr. It is called 13 1/2. Kind of a psychological suspense book, set in New Orleans. Has anyone read this one? I am going to listen to the CDs.

Well not much else is happening... We are going back on our eating healthy again lifestyle today.. it is becoming a joke... We start each Monday, by Tuesday, lets say.. it is blown! We are having salad and a casserole for tonight. No Bread... Just shot me NOW!! No eating out! That is going to do me in... lol

If ya'll hear a rumbling noise !!! It is my stomach !!! Till later......