Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthdays. Show all posts

Monday, April 11, 2011

Cupcakes, Samplers, and Date Nights

So Birthday Season is finally over in our house (until mine in June, anyway). I counted and since January I have made a gross of cupcakes. A gross!!! I think I'm off baking for a little while but all the better since it's getting warmer here every day. It's time to replace those baked sweets with some fresh fruit.

There's a little quiet before Easter and I'm taking advantage of it by starting a new sampler. I haven't picked up a needle in weeks and my fingers were aching to. It's a little larger than I usually do but just a collection of simple spot motifs with an alphabet. The box to the side there is my attempt at organizing my floss. Several of the threads are very similar in color and having them all jumbled at the bottom of my sewing box caused quite a headache when trying to distinguish between them.

My hubbie and I have decided to institute a "date night". Since he works from home we are rarely apart but we have realized that's not actually the same thing as spending time together. We haven't worked out all the kinks yet but there are two rules each of us proposed to the other. From me he's not allowed to watch TIVO and from him I'm not allowed to stitch. I think each of us is a little jealous of the time the other spends on our respective vices. We've picked Saturday this week since he'll be out of town on Friday. We haven't decided how we'll spend our time but I have to admit I am looking forward to it.

I'll post more pictures of the sampler as I make more progress on it. Until then, best wishes.


Jennie Lynn

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

1852 Peacock

Here is my latest peacock. He will eventually be sewn into a pinkeep but I know I won't get the chance to take out my sewing machine for at least a week and I couldn't wait to show him off :) I used one of the new colors from Gentle Arts. If you haven't tried them yet, they're beautiful!!! It didn't show up so well in the picture but this particular thread is a beautiful shade of pale green The linen is Newcastle Antique White that I stained. The whole piece is very delicate, the colors subtle and aged. I can't wait to get him finished into the pinkeep but . . .

It's going to be busy around here. My oldest daugther is turning 13 in a week. 13!!! I can't believe it. She's been reminding us for over a month now (as if we needed reminding). My husband's birthday is the day before hers; though he's not quite as thrilled as she is. I have one person absolutely ecstatic and another (not so quietly) miserable. Needless to say there will be a lot of cupcakes and balloons in our house in the coming week and if I'm absent from blogging for awhile know that I am buried in wrapping paper and cake batter!


Jennie Lynn