Getting Involved with MIT App Inventor


K-12 Students

K-12 students interested in collaborating with MIT App Inventor should participate through our global community at We do not have opportunities for K-12 students to join the MIT project as interns.

Undergraduate Students

Our team has research opportunities for undergraduates at MIT, Harvard and Wellesley College through MIT’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. Unfortunately, we’re not currently able to consider applicants from outside of these three institutions. Please contact for more information and be mindful of the application deadlines at this website. Please review the following document for guidelines on our expectations for new team members.

Graduate Students

Enrolled MIT graduate students interested in working with the investigators on the MIT App Inventor should contact Prof. Hal Abelson ( Other prospective students need to be admitted to MIT before joining App Inventor and should apply through the department appropriate to their discipline.

External Contributors

Individuals external to MIT are welcome to contribute to App Inventor development via our open source repository on GitHub. Organizations interested in collaborating on MIT App Inventor in another capacity, please see Collaborating with MIT App Inventor. You may also participate in our global community at

Themes of Current Interest

  Middle or High Two or four year Workforce training Global reach
Teaching artificial intelligence x x   x
Computational thinking and action x x x x
Curriculum development x x x x
Research study design x   x x
Online education   x x  


To get started with contributing to the MIT App Inventor source code, please take a look at the following resources:

When emailing the contact, please indicate that you are interested in a development project and include a résumé.


See above in roles.


Any student can do research in conjunction with development or education. If you are external to the above institutions and would like to conduct research with MIT App Inventor, please read more about potential research collaborations and our affiliates program here.


There are many ways your generous gift to MIT can broaden the impact of MIT App Inventor throughout the world. We empower not only young people all over the world with skills for computational action through building mobile apps, we also help middle-skilled workers adapt to an increasingly digital world to fortify their career mobility and open opportunities to training paths that can lead to better jobs. MIT App Inventor will always be free, but further development of our platform, the inclusion of artificial intelligence and robotics capabilities, as well as the creation of updated teaching tools and curricula requires lots of resources. We’re always grateful for all the support you can offer!

Please click here to make your gift.