Monday, April 28, 2014

Introducing Redbird Quilt Co.

Are you familiar with the blog called Karen's Quilts, Crows and Cardinals? I found her blog through some other blog I read. Can't recall which one though.  I am so glad I decided to stop by to see what kinds of things she was blogging about. Karen does beautiful wool and cotton hand applique. 
Karen has decided to start a new endeavor by designing patterns. Spring Basket is her first ever published pattern.
Isn't it sweet? You know that bird caught my eye first thing. He makes the pattern even more sweet.
I have been a pattern tester for Stephanie for quite sometime. When I saw that Karen was going to be designing patterns I asked her if she would like me to test her pattern for her. I wasn't sure what she might say but she said yes. Once I got the pattern I went through my wool to prep the pieces which you saw here. Karen recommends using #8 perle cotton thread. I didn't have the colors I needed for my quilt so I just used what I had that matched the wool.

Here is my version of the mini quilt. I finished the applique in three nights while watching TV. I didn't want to put it down. I enjoyed seeing the quilt evolve. 

Here are some of the details. The background color is more true in the photo above. I used a flash on the bird photo. Isn't he cute? As you can see from the bottom photo I did free motion quilting around the wool sections. Karen chose to do a big stitch on her quilt.
Karen has written an excellent pattern. I was a little nervous about trying to cut out the half moon shape but with her directions I had no problem whatsoever. Her pattern has other illustrations that will be very help even for a beginner. She breaks the pattern down into sections explaining exactly how she stitched the wool pieces. You can get this pattern in a pdf or your can buy the paper pattern which includes the pattern pieces already printed out on freezer paper. Now how is that for getting you started. I think that is an awesome idea.

Would you like a chance to win a pattern from Karen? She is giving away two patterns. The giveaway is open to Domestic and International winners. If you live in the US you will have your choice of a paper pattern or the pdf. If an international winner is chosen you will receive the pdf.

All you have to do is go by Karen's blog and tell her that you saw her cute pattern on my blog. Be sure that I have some way to get in touch with you if you are one of the two winners.  You can also "like" Karen on her facebook book page, find her new pattern and a free pattern on Craftsy and follow her on Pinterest  and Twitter. Pick one or all of those and that way you will never miss out on what Karen is up to next.

And by the way, Karen is having a giveaway on her blog too. You won't want to miss out!

With Passion,
Carrie P.

ps The winner of the giveaway will be announced Thursday.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ta! Dah!

I am in love. I finally got the binding on this quilt and now it is my newest favorite quilt I have made. This was a free BOM offered by Dawn Heese a couple years ago.
 I am so glad I used these fabrics. Something a bit out of the ordinary for me.
 My friend Laura who did the quilting just blows me away with the way she did this quilt.
 You can see more photos that she took here. She has made this quilt just shine. I can't stop looking at it.
Thanks so very much Laura for such a awesome job!! This is the other quilt I am entering in our local quilt show.
Laura now is the proud owner of a long arm quilting machine. No more pinning quilts for her! If you need a quilt done she is your girl!

I thought I would also have photos to share of the Applique bee but only two of us showed up. We had a good visit though. Several were at doctor's appointments. Others with grandchildren. More were at the quilt show in Paducah, Kentucky having way to much fun I am sure!

With Passion,
Carrie P.

ps come back Monday for those who love doing wool applique. I will be having a giveaway!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Nothing Much Going On!

There are so many things  I have busy with that I am not spending much time sewing. I did finish the binding on the other quilt. I will try to get pictures today so that I can show it next post. I have spent some time in the garden. Yesterday I got my haircut and spent some time with a friend who I don't see much. I also spent some time prepping some wool pieces for a pattern that I am testing for Karen. She has made the leap to designing patterns. Her patterns are so pretty. Go by her blog and check them out. Plus you will want to go by her blog because she is having a giveaway!
 Speaking of giveaways, I won two recently. The first one is from Deb at the Toothfairy Quilter. I started following a blog a while back when I saw she was doing a vintage applique quilt. You can see the quilt here and here. I have collected the patterns but that is as far as I have gotten.
 Deb was having a giveaway of leftover 30's fabrics from the quilt. I don't have any 30's fabrics so this was a very nice giveaway to win. They are just the most fun prints.
 I also won a giveaway from Brooke from a Silly Mama Quilts. She was giving away some of her scraps. I love other people's scraps because they are usually fabrics I don't own. Oh, and FYI Brooke is having another scrap giveaway so check out her blog.
So today I will hanging out with those amazing applique addicts. Maybe I will have some show and tell of their projects.

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Happy Easter and a Finish

I wanted to take a minute to wish you all a Happy Easter. I will be spending the day with my family and new grandson. :0)
  We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. Romans 6:4

 I have already showed this quilt when it was just a top. Now it is a finished quilt. I will be showing this one in the quilt show. It is a pattern by Karen Gray. Karen of Sew Sisters did the machine quilting.
With Passion,
Carrie P.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Making Progress

Remember the little heart shapes I showed you I was prepping here? They were for this Hearts and Gizzards block. This is my first time ever making this block. I am doing this BOM from one of my local quilt shops. The instructions are for fusible but I did mine in hand applique.
 I also made some progress on some sewing kits I have been wanting to make for a while.
 I also got the mitered borders on my Soupcon block. Maybe I can get the diamonds put in place tomorrow so that I can start the applique part.
 And I got one and half sides of the quilt bound.
I had a new blogger come by my blog for a visit. Her name is Rebecca of Quilting Everyday. She live s in Alaska. If you have a second go by and say Welcome. You might want to go by to see the awesome mountains in her header and her gorgeous string quilt posted on April 9.

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Days Go By

Even though it has only been four days since my last post it seems like forever since I have done one. The days are just a blur. I can tell spring is here. I was able to  take some time to attend Modern Quilt Therapy. We did a basket exchange. I made these three little baskets. One I made for the exchange, one for the group facilitator, and one for Laura, my awesome machine quilter. Laura got the blue one.
I got the pattern for this basket at SewMamaSew. If you try to make one of these cute little baskets I will warn you that making the square bottom was a challenge. I received this very pretty basket in the exchange.
 My days have mostly been spent planting and repotting seedling to bigger pots.
 And cleaning up the garden. If you look close you can see some green stick like things coming up from the soil. It is asparagus.
 Here is the garden with most of the beds empty so far. I just went out today to cover a few of them with row covers. I have potatoes, lettuce, and carrots growing.We are going to get some cold weather again. Down in the 30's at night for the next three nights. I hope our blueberry flowers survive.
 This weekend was spent helping Mr. P. whittle this pile of wood down. It used to be taller than me. He would cut and I would stack. While he was cutting I was cleaning the garage. It was a big mess after all the home renovations. That took me two days to do. Next weekend Mr. P. hopes to get that pile completely done. That is wood that we cleared out to put the garden in a two years ago. Other things were more important to work on. Now Mr. P. wants to get a roof over the rain tank. In the summer it gets really hot. Now that we are done inside we will be working on the outside of our place.
 I really haven't felt like doing much sewing. I think I am just too tired by the end of the day. I am trying to get two quilts bound.
 I want to enter them in our quilt show which our guild is putting on in May.
 Since I haven't been doing any sewing to show you I will show you some quilts from the Modern Quilt Therapy group. This first quilt is the one that the each of us is making. I still have 24 blocks to make. Our facilitator got hers done. It is a pattern from a Quilty magazine.
 Here is the back of hers. I love that yellow fabric.
 One of the other members finished hers already. I just love her fabrics.
 And here are some more quilts from show and tell. Enjoy!

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Postcard Swap

I have admired all the postcards that Sheila has made and the ones she has received from exchanges. When she put out the call for a new Spring time swap I signed up real fast. Wild Violets was the first thing that came to my mind. In my area they are one of the first flowers to bloom besides daffodils. In this photo you can also see dandelions.
So I went online to find some clip art of some violets. Here is my rendition of the a wild violet. I had some issues with some puckering but I think it still turned out pretty cute for my first swap.
 My swap partner lives all the way in Italy. Deborah sent me this cute postcard. I love the leaves. It looks like the flowers are wearing bow ties. All dressed up for spring.Thank you Deborah!
With Passion,
Carrie P.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Applique Addicts Show and Tell

Thank you all for your very sweet comments about my new grandson. We went by to see him last night now that he is home. I changed my first diaper in years! Even though my kids weighed about the same as he does when they were born Damien seems so tiny. He is so sweet! I am going to try to get to all your comments today.
Let's get on to some applique. I am actually doing some. It really has been a long time since I have done any. Here is what I am working on. These two sided hearts are for a block I am working on for a BOM. I have never made this block in all the years I have been quilting. Stayed tuned to see which one it is.
I am also trying to catch up on my Bertie BOM. 
I am also prepping some diamonds for my Soupcon block. All the instructions have been given out. I am two borders behind but my goal is to get #5 border done this week. I am using the templar and starch method. I have some tutorials on my side bar if you are new to applique or to this technique.
Two weeks ago the applique addicts met to work and show off their creations. Bonnie is working on this lovely flower from the Country Inn book. I just love her background fabrics.
Beverly has been quite busy with her machine applique.

Her two projects came from this book.
Beverly is also working on a wool BOM.
Check out this bright wool springtime table runner Brenda is making.
Carolyn brought this project to work on. Love the fabrics she is using.
Jane is working on a springtime wool table topper too. Love it.
Joyce showed off this top she working on. It is from a group at one of our local quilt shops.
Patti is patiently working on her applique quilt. Wait until you see this one when it is done.
She is also part of the group that Joyce is in. The group is called Border on the Run. You can read more about this fun challenge on Mrs. Goodneedle's blog and see her quilt so far---here. Quite different from these two.

 With Passion,
Carrie P.