I am finally back to blogging and doing a little bit of sewing again. Before I show you the big reveal I wanted to show you my newest Kathy Schmitz BOM I was getting in the mail each month last year. I decided to go do the April one because with all the stuff going on with the house I knew I couldn't do them in order. The border fabric is a dark purple even though it looks black in the photo.
You know how I love birds. I had to show you the cutest cookie jar ever I found at Target.
So I thought we were going to be done with the house last week but our dryer broke down. With the help of the internet and two trips to the parts store Mr. P. was able to fix it. The same week our 20 year refrigerator went berserk. The water to the ice maker wouldn't stop flowing. Mr. P. thinks the sensor that indicates when the ice maker is full of water went bad. I had come home from running errands to find the freezer was overflowing water into the refrigerator and onto our new laminate flooring. Anyway, you can imagine the mess. Mr. P. had to pull up some of the laminate to make sure it was dry underneath. Now it is back to old fashioned ice trays. The refrigerator and freezer still work so I am good with that.
Now onto the big reveal. It all started with magazine pages I have been collecting through the years.
Now you can't laugh when you see the before pictures. They are pretty bad but 18 years ago every thing was new and it was lovely. But as you know things age and go out of style. This project has been going on since last August. We wanted to do the renovations debt free.
In these pictures you can see we totally gutted the bathroom.
Here are the first before and after photos.
We had this big garden tub in the corner which we never used. So now we have a nice big shower. Behind the half wall is a seat. We are so happy with the results.
Out came these cabinets. We replaced them with these spanking brand new white cabinets. The drawers and cabinets close so quietly. Check out the cool mirrors and lights. I love the new granite countertop too. The floors used to be linoleum and now they are tile.
Here is a close up of the border tile we picked out. It is behind the sinks and goes all the way around through the shower. Scroll back up so you can see what I am talking about.
This was our old shower.
In its place we added some cabinets to store quilts, linens and winter/summer clothes. It is behind the door as you come into the bathroom. Across from theses cabinets is our walk in closet which stayed the same except for new wood laminate floors. On the other side of the wall is a brand new toilet too. I didn't take a picture of it though.
We bought the cabinets from Home Depot and Mr. P. installed them all. He put in the lights, toilet, mirrors, faucets, and towel racks. We had some others install the glass for the shower and the counter top. My #2 son and his boss did all the demolition and all the beautiful tile work.
Mr. P. laid wood laminate floor throughout the house except for our formal living room which has carpet. He has worked so hard over the months. Mostly on the weekends which is another reason it has taken so long. Here is my corner in the room we call the morning room. I found this fabulous braided rug from Plow and Hearth.
In the morning room we also replaced some old french doors for a sliding glass door. Here you can see one of the beautiful rugs my friend Judy made. Since I bought the new braided rug they kind of clash with each other so I have asked her to make me an all brown rug.
And last but not least is a photo of the wall treatment Mr. P. put on our bedroom walls. All we have in it right now is a bed because we gave our daughter all our bedroom furniture when she moved out. We are on the look out now for the perfect bedroom suite.
So that is the big reveal. It feels like we are in a new house every time we walk in the door. It was worth wait. We can now relax some until it gets warmer then it will be time to work in the garden and do yard work. Thanks for stopping by and taking the tour with me.
With Passion,
Carrie P.