Well, not really! but that is what it feels like lately. So much going on at this time. First let me show you what I worked on this month, which was very little. Remember this sneak peek? I was asked to teach an applique class for a local shop so I wanted to make something new.
Here is my little quilt all done. It will fit in my wire table top quilt hanger. Not sure when I will teach a class but I am ready. I really like how it turned out.
This is how I got started with a design. I pulled out this book which is so much fun to look through.
I really liked these love apples.
Then I thought about all my Quiltmaker 100 blocks magazines. Look what I found! So this also helped me create a block. Mine is a little different. I had to include some circles because that is something that is important to learn in an applique class.
I did make some green hexagons and got four attached to the top. I did not accomplish much when it comes to my UFOs but if
you got some of your UFOs done this month be sure to link up at the bottom of this post. I know
Sheila finished her three that she listed at the beginning of the month. Way to go! Sheila.
I have been spending a lot of time in the garden. If you have a garden you know it is a lot of work but very satisfying work. When I was working out in the garden the other day I notices some tomatoes and a few tomatillos.
I harvested some more onions, carrots, potatoes, lettuce and some very pretty zinnias. I was very disappointed with the potatoes. I had planted two beds but when I started digging I noticed that voles had been eating the potatoes. I think that is where most of them ended up, in their bellies instead of mine! When we (Mr. P & I ) built more beds this spring we put hardware cloth in the bottom to keep the moles and voles out. Hopefully it will work because we have planted sweet potatoes in some of those beds.
I thought I would share some photos of the pollinators on some of the flowers around the house and in the garden.
This is one of the entrances to the garden. It is hard to tell what is what but everything is growing really well and I will be planting some pumpkin and pinto bean seeds today.
So Mr. P. has finally been able to start laying the laminate in my future sewing room. He said doing the closet was a pain!
One thing I did not mention is that we plan to do the whole house in the laminate except for our living room which has carpet that is only a few years old. That room is not used much so the carpet still looks like new. After living in this house for seventeen years it is time to update. My kitchen is full of theses boxes. We have taken up the carpet in the other bedroom and I decided to give it a fresh coat of paint. I still have to put a second coat on some of the trim. So the master bedroom is full of stuff from that bedroom. The house is a little out of sorts and I am trying to keep some order among the changes going on at this time.
So the hours are going to be filled up again this week with working in the garden and the house. I just made up my mind to sit at the sewing machine yesterday just to keep my sanity. I made some progress on the blocks for
Doreen's sew along.
I am probably not going to do any blog posts the rest of the week but if I get some more sewing done I will be sure to share.
Be sure to link up your finished UFOs if you signed up at the beginning of the month. I look forward to seeing what you accomplished this month. I apologize for taking so long to reply to your comments from last week. I will warn you that it might take me a while to get around to replying to any comments you leave this week too. Have a great week.
With Passion,
Carrie P.