for a little embroidery. This is a
Crabapple Hill pattern and Cosmo threads that
Sue sent me last year as a gift. I had it all ready to work on when I took my road trip to California but never started it. The threads remind me of fall and I am longing for Autumn to arrive.

I thought I would share a few photos of our soon-to-be garden. The photo above is a rotting tree with moss. I just thought it was so delicate looking.
My husband has cut down a lot of trees so far. Some will be used for fire wood. Some will be cut into planks for a wood floor in our future dream home. Some will be used for the actual frames of the raised beds. As you can see from the photo even the branches are being used to make mulch for the pathways. I am the one who goes back and forth bringing the branches to be chipped.

I have some seeds planted which have already sprouted. I plan to have a fall garden this year. We are really excited to finally have this space. I don't know why we waited so long except we had planned to sell last year but have decided to stay here about five more years.
I still have not done any sewing but I do need to prepare for a Celtic Applique class this Saturday. I will show you my sample later.
With Passion,
Carrie P.
I love to see moss and it's different textures and shapes. Some look so delicate. No sewing for me either until after the wedding.
I love this pattern wish over it every fall. Keep us updated with pics.
I would love to try Cosmos thread sometime. Everyone raves about it.
That moss is so cool.
I look forward to seeing your stitchery. I think you will really love working with the Cosmo threads.
Wow, you did clear a lot out. That mulch is like gold! Good thing you are using every little bit.
love the moss. I just love to touch how soft it is.
Your stitching is beautiful.
Crabapple hill paterns are so dainty.
What a pretty stitchery! Was the pattern already printed on the fabric? Look forward to see the finish.
It looks to be a lovely spot in the makings. I can't wait to see your embroidery.
I love Crabapple hill patterns. I like that you are using the would from your trees. Are you just carrying branches or do you actually get to feed them into the chipper, that's the fun part!
Nothing like an embroidery project to while away the hours. Sigh! I've just experienced Cosmo thread and LOVE it. Enjoy!
How nice to see you're embroidering again. Me too! I'm working on a birth sampler that I'd like to finish BEFORE my grandson turns one.
What a sweet project! I really enjoy Crabapple Hill patterns.
I am not familiar with Cosmos threads.
I will have to google it.
I'm always discovering something fun on your blog :D
Best wishes on the yard work!
How fun to have a fall garden. Can't wait to see what you harvest.
I love the Crabapple Hill patterns, this one looks lovely.
Enjoy the garden while you can, plenty of tme to stitch in winter.
Lovely thread, very Autumn like. I love Crabapple Hill patterns and have a handful to get started on. It is nice to get back in the garden after such hot, humid weather.
Hi Carrie,
I am hosting my first Small Quilt Swap would love for you to participate, please check out my blog and spread the words, Hugs, Mary
Your applique is beautiful! I've never tried it myself. It looks complicated and I'm a newish quilter.
I'd love to be able to have a garden again but with our summer mission trips it isn't possible right now. Someday though! blessings, marlene
Y'all have been busy! I love the mossy tree picture.
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