Thursday, February 24, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes, I was born 54 years ago today. I have received some very special gifts from some very special people.

This a collage my daughter, Christine, made for me. The detail is some wood burning that she did using the blue bird as a model. She is so creative.

Stephanie remembered my birthday too with this special mat she made from a tea towel. I am going to add a sleeve and hang it as a piece of art work.

Stephanie also made me this little cupcake mat. Her very own design which she shares on her blog.
She also sent me some Sharpie Markers, very cute polka spools, and a jar of Vietnamese cinnamon from Penzey's spices.
Another surprise came in the mail from Mary. She made this lovely star hanging and sent it along with the cute little hanger.
Mary knows me very well just like Stephanie because she sent me some lovely silk thread and applique pins. And look at the sweet vintage handkerchiefs too. Also included was a pretty little notepad.
Thank you so much Christine, Stephanie, and Mary for making my birthday extra special. I love everything you all gave me.

This morning I met with the Applique Addicts group. Look! Jane finished her Aunt Millie Garden quilt. Didn't she do a fabulous job? Now she waiting to get a call from her longarm quilter.
Sheila is working on her borders for her Country Sunshine quilt.
With Passion,
Carrie P.


Sewn With Grace said...

A very happy birthday to you! What wonderful gifts!

Betsy said...

Happy Birthday Carrie

Carol said...

Happy! Happy Birthday!

Allie said...

Happy Birthday to you,
happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Carrie,
happy birthday to you!!!!!!!

From your rotten friend who can't even remember her own birthday, who has now written yours in ink on her desk calendar.

Your gifts are just lovely - the wood burning is a gorgeous detail, what a beautiful piece! I hope your day is as special as you are hon, and that you get lots of cake and treats.

KaHolly said...

Well, now, Carrie, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You certainly rec'd some wonderful gifts. Stephanie is so darned clever, I can't stand it!! And I see the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Your daughter's collage is quite special and unique. Mary, too, knew what would tickle your fancy. I don't write birthdays down anymore, because I still don't remember them!! That's why, in my family, we have birthday week:)! Happy day, Carrie! ~karen

Janet said...

Happy Birthday Carrie!! Isn't it lovely to receive gifts from friends who know you so well :0) I like how you spent your morning too - with stitching friends.
Your friend's Aunt Millie's Garden quilt is gorgeous!!

Cathy said...

Happy Birthday. It looks like you had a very quilty day indeed. Hugs

LuAnn said...

Wonderful gifts, Carrie. Looks like you are having a good day. Happy Birthday to you!!!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Talented daughters are awesome. Mary sent some sweet treasures too. I hope you had a fabulous day. Aunt Millie's Garden is absolutely amazing.

Linda said...

Happy Birthday, Carrie!! :-) You are 54 years young today!!

Penny said...

Happy Birthday Carrie !

Donna~~ said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Looks like you have some very special friends and daughter too!

Rita said...

I hope you have a very Happy Birthday and get to do something special to celebrate.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Happy Birthday....looks like you are being very spoilt...enjoy your day..

Amy said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you.Your just a baby since I'm 55,lol!Hope you had a nice day........

Red Heads said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARRIE. How wonderful for your friends to remember you with lovely gifts. Your gift from your daughter is soo beautiful & of course from her heart. A treasure for sure. Blessings Carrie: Dianne.

Jocelyn said...

Happy Birthday Carrie! I hope your day was wonderful. You have some amazing gifts from some amazing friends :-)

Yvette said...

Happy Birthday!

I am so glad you had a wonderful day, you truly deserved it.

I am in love with Jane's Aunt Millie's quilt. I sure hope you share when it is back from the quilter.

I wish many more happy, healthy years for you. {hugs}

Unknown said...

Aren't birthdays Grand?? especially when shared with Grand friends!!

Happy birthday to YOU!

Sherri said...

Happy Birthday Carrie!

Phyllis said...

Happy Birthday. Hope you have had a wonderful day.

Atelier Caseiro said...

Happy birthday to you!
*Ü* Ana.

Loris said...

Happy Birthday, Carrie! Have a wonderful celebration and a grand year!

Karen said...

I would sing "Happy Birthday" but I don't think you would hear me. You received some wonderful gifts. Handmade gifts are so special and were made for a special person. Enjoy!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh Happy Birthday Carrie! It looks as if you had a wonderful day! Your daughter has such talent. and what wonderful gifts from sweet friends!

WoolenSails said...

A very Happy Birthday!
It looks like you had a wonderful day and beautiful gifts.


Darlene said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Carrie. I'm glad you had a great day.

Melody said...

Happy Birthday. My wonderful pattern and chocolates from you arrived today, thank you so much. Your birthday, but I got the presents.(smile) Everything you received looks wonderful.
Hope you have a delightful and really happy birthday.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Happy Birthday Carrie! I hope it was a wonderful day. Glad you got so many great things from your daughter and other blogging friends!

Janet said...

Happy birthday to you Carrie. You have some wonderful gifts from those special people. Thanks for sharing the Applique photos at the end, loved them all.

Teresa F. said...

Happy birthday Carrie. Wonderful gifts.Thank you for sharing such a special day with us.

Anne said...

Happy Birthday Carrie. You got some wonderful gifts from some wonderful gals. Hope this next year is as good as today.

marina said...

Many happy returns of the day!!!
Looks like you received some gorgeous crafty gifts. How wonderful!

Miriam said...

Happy Birthday Carrie! I hope you are having a wonderful day. (1957 was a very good year! lol)

What a lovely lots of gifts you received! I really love the blue wrens.

Jane's Aunt Millie Garden quilt is amazing!!!
Love those borders!

Kaaren said...

Happy birthday, Carrie.

What wonderful gifts you received from some very special people.

FlourishingPalms said...

Happy birthday Carrie! I looks as though you were treated as special as you are. Wonderful! It's so nice to see how you've passed your creativity along to your daughter, and how she expresses it. As always, it's nice to see your pictures.

Crispy said...

Happy Belated Birthday Carrie!! What lovely gifts your received :0)

The AMG is beautiful!!


ranette said...

I hope it was a terrific day for you Carrie! Happy belated Birthday from me to you!!

Special gifts for a special person!!!

Fischtown Lady said...

Hello Carrie
Happy birthday from Germany!

Dorothy said...

Happy Birthday Carrie. Hope you have a fabulous day.

Anonymous said...

I'm delighted you had a wonderful day...let the celebration carry on through the weekend!

miek said...

happy birthday Carrie,

allthoug you dont know me, a follow your site for some time.

Angie said...

Belated Happy Birthday, Carrie! You got is some really special gifts. :) I'm having fun finding those end-of-February birthday quilters. Mine is tomorrow (26th) and I'll be 55. :)

Marie said...

A very happy birthday to you Carrie. What wonderful friends you have to want to make your day so special.

Hugs - Marie

Lynn said...

Happy (Belated)Birthday! What wonderful gifts. I love what your daughter made for you and Stephanie and Mary are wonderful aren't they?!!

Simone de Klerk said...

Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag, lieve Carrie!
You got some lovely lovely presents!
And wow, your daughter is very talented too. Love how it joins to Stephanie's mat!

Heather said...

Happy Birthday! Look at all those lovely items! Hope it was superb!

Becky G said...

Many Happy Returns Carrie! It seems nature is reveling in your birthday too... a lovely spring day. Saw my first blue bird yesterday.... Hope this is your best year yet. Becky G

Unknown said...

Hey! Happy Birthday! The 24th is my birthday, too. Hope you had a great one.

Rumi said...

Happy Birthday Carrie! Love all the adorable gifts!

Diane H said...

Birthday Blessings to you!

Cyndy said...

Happy Birfday... hehehe... I hope you get lots of wine, chocolate and most especially coffee!

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

A belated Happy Birthday Carrie. Great gifties and I love the pictures from your get toghether. Many more!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Carrie. Dance, sing and enjoy. See you on applique Addicts.


Kim D. said...

Happy Birthday, looks like you had a very special day!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Happy Birthday, Carrie!!!!!
I am so blessed to share a birthday month with such a precious lady!

StitchinByTheLake said...

Oh Carrie - I missed it! :( I'm so sorry! But I'm glad you had a wonderful day and oh my, the gifts...lovely. Happy Belated! :) blessings, marlene

Robin said...

Happy birthday, Carrie! Such wonderful gifts-- I love the collage your daughter made. It is really beautiful. And your new wallhangings are fabulous!

That Aunt Millie's Garden quilt is stunning. Wow.

Loralynn said...

Happy belated birthday! Hope it was a wonderful one! Love all the lovely pictures!

Cindy said...

I see I missed a very important day in your life and want to apologize for being lax.

Please know that you ARE important to me and I value your blog friendship so much.

You are special.

Hugs, blessings and a belated happy, happy birthday.

From - someone who cares.

Candace said...

Happy belated birthday, Carrie! Your wonderful friends sent you such fantastic gifts!

mbroider said...

Happy belated birthday!! You have recd lovely gifts!! Enjoy them