Thursday, January 27, 2011

30 minutes at a Time

Do you ever feel like you are just going in circles and getting nothing done when it come to your quilting projects? I have been feeling that way lately. So I decided to do something about it and see what I could accomplish. I brought my green pepper timer up to my sewing room and turned it on for 30 minutes. Then I went to work on some projects that have been sitting for too long. Depending on what project I was working on could get me a lot done or a little but at least I am making head way.
In 30 minutes I traced and cut out the circle to be appliqued down and prepped 4 hearts.
In 30 minutes machine sewing got me a lot done on the signature quilt.
I cut, sewed, and ironed some strips for my Autumn wall hanging in 30 minutes.
I made some lazy daisy leaves in 30 minutes.
I built a fence in 30 minutes.
I watched big snowflakes come down...
as I hand sewed the trim on this ornament in 30 minutes.
Last but not least I prepped the brown hearts and traced and ironed on the white flowers to this block in 30 minutes.

Whew! I made some head way and I enjoyed each and every 30 minutes. Let's see what you can do in 30 minutes.

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Give Thanks!

Give Thanks not just at Thanksgiving but everyday. This little wall hanging designed by Jenny will help me to do that each and every day when I see this hanging in my house.
Jenny will be sharing a bible verse from her heart whenever she is led for us to add to our little wall hanging.
Here you can see some little beads I added and a vintage button that I had found during my treasure hunts in antique stores.
Sometime when you have a minute go on over to Marlene's blog. She has been adding a list of 1000 blessings on her blog. She is up to 681. I have enjoyed reading her lists because it has made me realize all the little things I can be thankful for not just the big material things I have.
One thing I am thankful for is a bright sunny day during winter time in North Carolina. This past Saturday my husband and I were out looking for some acreage to buy and we drove past this small barn with a quilt block on it out in the middle of the country.
Now maybe you can think of one little thing you are thankful for today and make your own list.

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Another Class

I taught another hand applique class at the Dragonfly Quilt Shop in Highpoint yesterday. It is a new shop so if you live in North Carolina you should check it out sometime.
Look at the fun fabrics the ladies are using on their blocks. I love the fussy cut heart below.
This pattern is from Susan Brubaker Knapp. The pattern the students were making is the second quilt from the left on my header. Susan is really a very creative quilt artist. Check out her blog. You will be definitely be inspired.
With Passion,
Carrie P.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hop To It

Yippee! I finished my first Hop To It block. I am very please with how it turned out.
Check out all Linda's wool Hop To It blocks she has done so far. She also shared a friend's Hop To It quilt top that is a beautiful finish.

I taught another applique class today at another shop and I will show you their work tomorrow.

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Applique Class

Yesterday I taught an applique class at Karen Gray Design. I had three very ambitious students. We worked straight through lunch. I asked them if they wanted to take a break at 1 pm when I looked at my watch but they wanted to keep on working on their design. Time just flew for us all. Below are the blocks that each of them worked on. All three did a great job.

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Design Wall

Here is what is up on my design wall. This is the signature quilt that I am making for my son and his new wife. I really wanted to have it made by last Christmas and as you can see that did not happen. Now my goal is to have it done by their first anniversary which is in July.

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

More Progress

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Yippee! finished block #4 for my Folk Art Tribute designed by Dawn. I did the moon in needle turn and the stars are done in wool with a whip stitch. I really like this block.
Last year Jenny sent me some of this colorful variegated thread and I decided to use it in the Give Thanks BOM that she is sharing with us this year.
I love the look. I am still waiting on my sewing machine so I can get it sewn together. After I sew it together I need to add some beads around the heart and in between those two little hearts.
Here is my progress on my first Hop To It block. Looks like worms. lol
I thought I would share this photo of a cardinal with you. We always see more of them when it snows. We got another inch this last storm.
Lots of birds scavenging for seed. When it is cold and snowy I have to fill these up every day.
With Passion,
Carrie P.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A little prepping

This weekend I finally felt like getting into my sewing room to do a little prep work for some things I am going to work on. I am sure you all recognize these little trademark roses of Jenny's. I am doing her "Give Thanks" BOM. I have the other parts of the little wall hanging cut out but not sewn together yet. I decided it was time to take my sewing machine in to be cleaned and serviced. But for now I will do some embroidery on these two parts.
I also got the "Autumn" pattern traced on the fabric and cut out the wool pieces. More embroidery to do on this too.
This year the facilitator in my Wednesday applique group decided that we would do this pattern. I had actually bought the book months before she told us what the new project would be.
Some of the ladies in the group are buying a kit from the shop we meet at but when I found out we were going to do this pattern I started collecting a line of fabric called Martinique by 3 Sisters for Moda. The green fabrics are from my stash since there were not any greens made in the line. You can see the kitted fabrics from the shop on Mrs. Goodneedle's blog. I read on Crafty Musings that Robin is also going to be doing the same pattern as a BOM. You can see her kit here.
Here is what I have done so far. I really like the preparation process. For me it is a relaxing time and it is fun to see the block come together like a painting.

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just a Little

Today my daughter and I are feeling somewhat better. This cold virus really got us. I have spent most of my time in my recliner wrapped up in my flannel quilt with a box of Kleenex. I really didn't feel like doing anything at all most of the time. When I did feel like working on something it was making some tiny yo yos and doing some embroidery on one of my QuiltAid blocks.
I forgot to share these great patterns that Yvette sent to me. I admired the redwork patterns she was doing and she sent them to me. She is also working on the Crabapple Hill pattern called Berry Picking Party. And she also sent that to me for a Christmas gift. A very nice surprise. Thanks so much Yvette. Check out her blog and see her great blocks.
Thank you all for your get well wishes. I am still trying to catch up on replying to each of you. I have a lot of blog reading to catch up on too. Thanks for the kind comments about my new header that my talented daughter created. I let her know what you have said and it made her smile.

With Passion,
Carrie P.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy New Year Everyone! A new year brings changes. As you can see from my blog I have done a little revamping. My daughter created my new blog header which I love. Thanks to her. Unfortunately the new year also brought me a really bad cold which my daughter also brought home. UGH! I am feeling worn out but wanted to get a post up. So if you don't see any new posts up you know it is because I am still feeling bad.
My spider web string quilt is fresh out of the dryer. A quilt that was started the beginning of last year and I finished it before the new year rang in.
I also got block three done from Linen Closet Quilts. The next block is up which is a moon and two stars.
Remember this sneak peek I show of this rick rack before Christmas? Here is the final project. It was a Christmas present for a friend who now has it in her possession. It is a Crabapple Hill design.
Check out the new button on my sidebar from Jenny of Elefantz. She is starting a new BOM. It is going to be a pretty little wallhanging with additions each month and the theme is "Give Thanks."

With Passion,
Carrie P.