Monday, December 8, 2008

Guild Tonight

Tonight is our guild meeting which includes our Christmas dinner together. It is always great fun and food. We have the best cooks in the guild. My number 9 UFO is going back in the UFO pile. Poor thing. You can see I just got six blocks done. There are six more to do but they will have to wait.
Some more Christmas decorations. These are the stockings I made for my children. My oldest son has his now that he is married. All three of them together tell the Christmas story from the book of Luke in the Bible.
As I was reading the blogs on my list last week I read about this free Mystery BOM called Red Delicious. Esther has a sneek peek of the next block and if you want to do this you need to go get the first block soon. She will be posting a new block on the 15th of each month.
With Passion, Carrie P.


Purple and Paisley said...

oh, carrie! the stockings are treasures! how beautiful!

Sherri said...

The stockings are absolutely gorgeous! True works of art!

Anne said...

Love, love, love the wool applique. I have that pattern and you're inspiring me to pull it out. Gosh, just what I need...another project. It looks wonderful.

Abby and Stephanie said...

What beautiful stockings. Handmade definitely is best! Your wool project is gorgeous. Have tons of fun at guild.

Browndirtcottage said...

WONDERFUL stockings....just wonderful!

Eileen said...

The UFO's are marvelous. It is just such a busy time. Hope you are having fun tonight.
Those stockings! My aunt made some exactly like that for her grandchildren.. I saw them in person. They are so intricate and wonderful. I could never do anythign like that!
ok.. Esther's BOM.. did you have to join something to download the pattern? They are asking me to register in order to download it as a PDF..?

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Carrie, those stocking are just lovely. What beautiful gifts for your children!

Last year I made my boys some quilted stockings. It was the first time I'd ever tried anything like that and the boys just love them.


Karen said...

Hope you finish your UFO project because I like what I see. The stockings are wonderful!

Nanette Merrill said...

I cannot believe those stockings. They are amazing. What great memories surround them - I'm sure. The wool applique is so rich looking.

Desiree said...

Awesome stockings! I made my children stockings too butnever thought to embroider them with the Christmas story. What a great heirloom for your children to pass down!

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Your Christmas stockings are gorgeous - real family heirlooms!! I love the story they tell.