Monday, March 26, 2012

I won an award

I Won an Award

Thanks to Cathryn of blueladie designsI have won the Liebster Blog award.

There are conditions attached to this award, so here is the text I copied from Sue's blog.

Liebster is a German word meaning favourite, dearest or beloved.
The Liebster Blog Award is awarded by bloggers to other new bloggers who have fewer than 200 followers, to help spread the word about their blogs and to help them gain wider recognition.
The Liebster award comes with four conditions that each recipient must satisfy when accepting:

1. Choose 5 up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers to award the Liebster to.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog. List the bloggers you are giving the award to with links to their sites. Leave comments on their blog so they know about the award.
4. Share 5 random facts about yourself that people don't know about you.

Blogs I have chosen, this was so hard as I visit so many everyday. I love looking at everyone's beautiful stitching.


My random facts

1 i paint & sew as well as stitch. can't Knit or crochet(i leave this to my aunts)
2 My favorite charity is the Because we hope (at our local hospital- for all cancer patients)
3 I am a CSI junkie
4 I am fixing to be a grandmother my 1st is on the way
5. i love to garden as well.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

order arrived today

My friend Vicky L had a giveaway on her blog last month.
I won a $20.00 g/c to 123 & I put more with it. So I could get almost everyhting to stitch this design.
here is what I ordered:
Sleepy Hollow pattern by glendon place, 14 ct aida (haunted) to stitch it on
the mill beads to go with 7 the Krenink cord also Caron waterlilies- that it called for.
I also needed a new beeswax holder & new smaller magnetic board

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It's finally here the 1st day of spring & here in the south it is a beauitful day. already in the 70's supposed to be in the 80's today. I am slowly very slowly getting my energy back, i still get weak quickly. but it is getting better.
the sterri strips are now off & the incision is healing very nicely, still a little raw right in the middle but now more strips yeah!!!!!!!!

i am still working on the grandbabys blanket. Dez(my daughter-in-law) had to go to the hosptial Sunday evening, the dr said her placenta is over the top of her cervis. so she is on bed rest now but both her & the baby are doing well,he has a very strong heart rate & this dr also noted how big a baby he is so far. She is 23 weeks along.

DC(my son) did not go into the army this past week. he is trying to find a job he locally. so pray he finds one soon. He has put the stroller toghether, he & his dad are going to put the crib toghter sometime soon. we are really looking forward to the baby getting here can u tell.

David & I went shopping yesterday, we bought the kids (DC &Dez) a new mattress & box springs. then went to Kmart & bought me 2 new pairs of flip flops, a new dress, a tank top,a sweater tank , a new hat. david got a pair of shorts & shrit. & we also bought the baby a outfit. a new rose bush- this one was named black magic.can't wait for this one to bloom to see what color we have.

got to take Kathy to the dr today for treatment & shots. she is doing so much better. I am so glad of that. She is gettting stronger & her hip is healing. she is still back & forth on having hip surgery, but that is up to her. She just doesn't want the cancer to spread if she has the surgery. whcuh i understnad totally.

have a great 1st day of spring !!!!!!! get outside & smell the flowers

Thursday, March 15, 2012


If you would like to join the Totally useless SAL here is the link:
come join us, it requires only orts. just left over so to speak.

also won

RHONDA! Congratulations (and prayers) to her!!!!

Rhonda, no rush – just when you have a chance or would like to just window shop – choose a free chart from the Blueladie Designs website (bottom link in my signature). I will get it to you when I receive your pic.


from the rolling hills of Kentucky

thanks Mrs. Cathryn
check out her blog.. plus she has more at the counted wishes festival.

I won a giveaway


Great news! I picked your name for my giveaway gift.

The $20 gc should be arriving in your email in a day or two. Please let me know that you got it! Thank you for entering.


Vicky L


please check out my Friend Vicky's blog. going shopping soon-- trust me i will have to put more moneies with it. hahahahaha

fromJo in England

thanks for the card & floss jo hope all are well your way


this is my TUSAL jar(totally useless SAL)

Cross stitch festival now open. check it out.
runs March 15- 21
hurry by & check out all the neat stitching stuff from our lovely designers.

feb sal

Feb sal by Tonia pappan Oakhaven designs

Marcdh SAL

March SAL from KYKS yahoo group
design by cathryn Mcgurrin

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Friday, March 9, 2012

more cards

get well cards from Frosty frog desigers, a facebook group of stitches I belong too!!
thanks you ladies, susan, tracie, carolyn, kim & carla. gave me a little pick me up.
THANK YOU to all my stitching sisters for your thoughts & prayers. I really apprecaite all of you & love you

Aunt maries

My Aunt Marie asked me to stitch this for her. She knits & crochets. but doesn't stitch. So hopefully will get it started soon.

start of the grandbabys blanket

this is the start of the baby's blanket. have to get it done before July

my flowers

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I receive this card in the mail today from Tracie tudor. thanks so much dear. I LOVED IT!