Showing posts with label NY.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NY.. Show all posts

Saturday, July 13, 2013

been on vacation and home now...

Since May I've done a fair amount of travel. First I went to France for a 2 week adventure of painting and exploration of Provence. I traveled across the South of France and it was a fantastic trip! I spent the second half with my oldest granddaughter and that was also a special time.

I just got home yesterday from the beach. We go each year and this year we went for 2 weeks. We left a day early because of the pouring rain...the weather was not great the whole second week. But all was not lost, as I did paint 4 watercolor paintings.

This is one I started at the beach and finished it today, at home. It's a mixed media painting - watercolor and pastel on 140 lb. watercolor paper. I am new to pastels and am learning/experimenting with them.  I am liking how it looks to apply pastel on top of watercolor.
This view is a view of a lake in the center or my little town which I live, Monroe, NY. In the middle of our village are two ancient lakes (well, actually one, with a road built in between). In the 1930's a complete woolly mammoth was discovered in about 3 feet of water! The skeleton is now on exhibit at our local college. Anyway, I digress- I see these lakes almost everyday in my local travels. And what is so nice, there is a walking/bike path that goes all around the lakes and many in town walk/ride around. This is a view from the south end, standing on a bridge there with a waterfall just to the lower right of this spot, looking north west.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

drawing workshop - woo hoo!

I'll be taking a 3 day workshop Aug 15, 16 & 17. It's in Warwick, NY. The workshop is a drawing workshop, taught by Susan Hope Fogel. I am really looking forward to three days of creative learning!

I try to take one workshop a year. The last two workshops (and now this one too) have all been in Warwick, NY. Several years ago I took a 3 day collage workshop with Jonathan Talbot. WOW! This was an art-changing workshop for me. Last year I took a 2 day workshop with Laura Breitman, another fantastic artist who creates AMAZING fabric college. For some beautiful eyecandy, visit these websites.