Thursday, March 29, 2012

sketchbook challenge

this months theme flowers

with the warmer temperatures , my garden is ahead of schedule

which lead me to look through last years photos, which inspired me

to get some sketching done.......

after scanning the sketches i really wanted to add some color

once i started playing with some brushes in ps i couldn't stop!!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

early spring

with temperatures way above normal
15celsius --62degrees
it feels like spring!!!
as i wondered through my garden
looking under the debris for signs of life
i'm a little hesitant to rake out the beds
just yet!
i have a funny feeling that the will be
one more snow fall before easter
one of my pencil sketches
of the day lilies in my garden
i added some color with the
paint brush in ps

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

spring has sprung!

it's amazing what a difference
a week will make in the garden
with the unseasonably high temperatures and
a few rain showers
and i can actually watch my garden grow!
everything has sprouted up and out
my garden has really expanded over the past 10 years
last year i dug up 500 "babies" and
sold them at my plant sale
this year i'll be able to work a little less
above, one of my pencil sketches
played with some color in ps and added a border

Friday, April 3, 2009

april showers

april showers bring may flowers
yesterday was gorgeous
14 celsius that's 60 fehrenheit
(for toronto that's above average)
it gave me some time to wonder through my garden
and uncover what's growing under the fall leaves
it's so exciting to see my babies sprouting up
buds are forming on my lilac bush,
clematis and honeysuckle
i see bleeding hearts, sedum, chives, bee balm
shasta daisy and echinacea
my lilies and iris are 3 inches
looking through my garden journal
it inspired me to do some sketching
above, an iris
which after i scanned the sketch
i played with it in ps and
added some color

Friday, February 20, 2009

wishful thinking

only 28 more days 'til spring

Saturday, January 17, 2009

waiting for spring

during this deep freeze
i've been dreaming of my garden
because i work from home
i really don't have to go outside
i don't mind hibernating
i get a lot done in the house
cleaning and purging
organizing and re-organizing
my taxes are ready to go
i even have time to take up sketching again
only 62 more days 'til spring!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

long live the king

when i was a little girl i loved to watch elvis movies
i think i've seen every one 50 times! really!
i told my mum "i'm going to vegas to marry elvis"
i was never a fanatic , just had a huge crush!
i started pencil sketching in grade school
mostly houses and scenery
i started portraits in high school and
once i left collage i wondered into other mediums
once in a while i would pick up my pencils and try "my hand"
i found this sketch in my portfolio case hidden away
it's at least 15 years old
and one of my favorites,
it captures him before the fame, before the army and
before his innocence was lost

and of course, i had to play a little in ps
trying on different backgrounds and blending modes
i still listen to elvis and love his christmas songs the best
i did get married in vegas to a wonderful man
and elvis showed up and sang
"love me tender", "i can't help falling in love"
and "viva las vegas"!
he was wearing his gold lame jacket

© The Evolution of Nancy
CoffeeShop Designs