Wednesday, April 20, 2011

remembering paris

it was this time last year i was "stuck" in paris

due to the volcano eruption !!!!
my friend carmi has been posting all last week

from this years trip

(i'm saving my vacation days for next year)
which has made me wish i was there again

so i looked through my photos

(over 5500 and made a collage of my favorite)

see more on my flickr page

Friday, January 28, 2011

digital journal magic

just finishing week two of my on-line class
with marie otero
WOW!!! what a lot of info
i've worked with layers
usually 4 or 5 of them
but for this class i'm using 15 to 20!!
tools i've never touch, clipping masks,
combining brushes, filters, effects, text,
creating my own patterns, learning new tips and tricks
and having fun while doing it!!
above my finished project
"paris in the spring"
elements i used in my project
several photos taken on my trip to paris last spring
i used a different filter on each , cutout, poster edge and threshold
an old street map and an old letter i found at the antique market
clip art of a compass and postage stamp
the blossoms are from marie

for my first project
i wasn't sure what to do
i've never been one to scrapbook or journal
so i decided to use my recent photos from my visit
to my friends farm in claremont

i used the cutout filter for the barn and horse photos
and the threshold filter for the grasses photos
and then chose a colour from the evergreens behind the barn
i found an old coffee stained postcard, a ticket and postage
the background was a combination of paper and brushes

i'm looking forward to week three

Thursday, August 26, 2010

parking 101

one way to learn how to park!!
photo taken in paris this spring

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

playing around

with a little time today
i found a bunch of photos
taken a few weeks ago
all of telephone poles
they where just so grungy
a pole completely covered in tape
a few tweaks in ps and it looked
like a great background layer

then i found one of my statue photos from paris
some greek letters and a page form a math book
a few more texture layers
one from shadowhouse
lots of playing around
i must have tried every blending mode
and finally came up with this!
i wish i had time to play all day

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

being inspired

after looking through carmi's
i've been inspired to finish working on
my paris photos so i can make one myself
just as a keepsake to remember my trip

i'm on day 10 from my 12 day trip
and have over 5500 photos to go through

i'm hoping i'll finish this weekend
and then it will be the challenge on picking
my favorite 100 or maybe 200

all the photos above where taken
of the opera garnier

Friday, July 16, 2010

my new favorite book

the next best thing to having your own personal
tour thought paris with carmi
is having a copy of her book
i received my copy in the mail on my birthday
and have been enjoying it
each morning with my coffee
it is over a hundred pages of beautiful photos
a day to day guide through the neighbourhoods
trips and tricks on everything
places to stay, favorite shops,
flee markets and antiques, jewelry, fabric,
guided tours, attractions and the metro,
anything an artsy girl would need to know
with websites and phone numbers
it will definitely be in my bag for my next trip
but for now i can enjoy the memories
it is the perfect companion for anyone
traveling to paris

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

more from the cemetery

for as far as the eye can see
there are
mausoleums, crypts and graves
at first you might think they are all similar
but each one unique
every door, handle, window,
architectural feature
have their own little details

the paths winds up and down hills
in all directions
every turn something more amazing awaits

one of my favorites
at first glace you think
"this ones really different"
as you walk a little closer
you realize how much detail there is

the bottom half of the door
is a grid of owls and flowers
even the patina was a work of art

the folds of the robe look like they move with the shadows

the mystery to see who it is under the hood
even as we peaked inside
we where amazed to find a staircase
going down
all the photos taken this spring at
see more from my paris trip here on my flickr page

Sunday, June 27, 2010

i love texture

i'm on day seven of my paris photos
which was one of my favorite days
we wondered for at least 6 hours through
the cimetiere du pere-lachaise
i could have spent at least another day

it was very overwhelming
so many details

i took over 800 photos
mostly of the rust!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

encaustic class

today was my last class until the fall
i've been wanting to do something with
my paris photos
finally i got my printer working
(thanks lennie)
so i could enlarge the image
the background was a mix of
taupe, white, cream and beige
i used the iron to smooth it out
so i could do a photo transfer
after the transfer was in place
i used a stencil to add the letters
and with a little red mixed with the taupe
i added more wax around the edges and
some burnt umber oil paint to
bring out the texture on the background
it needs a little more work
but i'm happy so far
this summer i will set up a table in my garden
and see what fun i can have using
the blow torch on the wax

Sunday, June 20, 2010

digital magic and paris

it's hard to believe its been 8 weeks
since returning home from paris
i've been busy going through
the 5507 photos taken there
i'm about half way
(i'm working on a slide show
so far ....167 photos)
i started my on-line class with
the first weeks projects have been amazing
marie is an excellent teacher
i've gotten my moneys worth with
just the tips and tricks
above, one one the projects for class
using a clipping mask and tape texture
created by marie
photo needs no explanation
for this photo taken in montmartre
we learned how to desaturate
and to use a layer mask to hide/ reveal color

for this project, photo taken at versailles
we used several texture layers
a gradient map and the dodge tool
the sky was a little empty so i added the map
i'm so looking forward to week two

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

paris statue

on our first day in paris
( it seem like a long time ago )
we wondered around our neighbourhood
( for eight hours)
going through my photos i found several of
a statue we found that day
it is two bronze statues
that have been sliced into several pieces and
then rejoined together
i'm sure carmi told me the name but
for the life of me i can not remember
i tried googling it and nothing
right now i wish i could split myself into 2 or 4
so i could get to all the things i want to get done
a second brain would be nice too!!!

the back was just as interesting
this large bass was just one of the items

the base

the side

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

paris street grunge or art?

as i wondered the streets of paris
i managed to use my little camera
for my favorite -- grunge shots
there was tons of stuff to shoot
above are a few of my favorite
several stencils, funny plaster faces ,
rusted and painted doors and
paper covered drain pipes everywhere!
in french so they will make great overlays in ps

a peeling billboard in the subway

and my reflection in a window covered in graffiti

i still haven't gone throught all of my photos
but i know i will have months of fun
playing with them in ps

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

i know this woman

well, not really
but it could be me or any number of my friends!!!
(probably ludgera)
while in paris i was wondering the 3rd by myself'
and turned a corner and saw this wall of photos
of course i went in for a closer look

cool idea
hundreds of photos
me and my dog
my feet to the beach
me in the mirror
me through the web cam
me and my first fish
... A great initiative of Gabriel Buret
as i followed the wall along rue charlot
i came across this photo store
that's where i found the business card
i laughed and said
"i know this woman"
the owner just looked at me

Monday, April 26, 2010

getting back in the groove

i'm finally feeling back to normal
thursday was a long travel day
i worked friday and saturday
and was in a coma all day sunday
just cat napping on the couch and watching
all my taped shows i missed while away
i had a wonderful time in paris
took 5507 photos!!!
i'll be busy for a while sorting through them
i start my encaustic class next wednesday
i think i will be doing a "parisian" themed series
using my photos and metal i found at the markets

above, a garden photo taken
on our way into versailles
thanks kim
for letting me know what kind of flower it is

Thursday, April 22, 2010

au revoir, paris!

our last treat in paris
lunch--i had the smoked salmon salad--
a hot chocolate for two
at angelina's
it was truly decadent!!!
the only regret

that we didn't have room for one of their pastries
many thanks
to all who followed along on my journey
and all your wonderful comments
hopefully you will be reading this as i am
flying over the altantic!!!
plan "b"
deciding on where to work
the market or the jewelry store???
stay tuned.............

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

versailles, part2

the hall of mirrors

it's all in the details

and accessories

marie antoinette's bedroom


now i understand the reason
for the revolution

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

day onze, partie de versailles un

eruption disruption
if it wasn't for the volcano eruption
and our airline disruption
we would have missed versailles
the first hour was spent
courtesy of carmi my tour guide/chauffeur
in a little gulf cart
it was a "drive by shooting"
of how many photos can i get in
one hour without our leaving the cart!!!

one of many glorious fountains

none of which were working


the grounds were like a maze

carmi managed like a pro

the grand canal

a lovely day for a swim

my next garden project!!

one of the hundreds of statues

we spent 4 hours touring the gardens

tomorrow i will post the palace

© The Evolution of Nancy
CoffeeShop Designs