Showing posts with label Small Law. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Small Law. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Back to Reality

So I'm working second half at a small but good law firm in the town I now call home. After six weeks of people clamoring to take associates out to lunch and doing 28 projects in six weeks, this office is surprisingly quiet. I think they have a lot of trials going on. I really like the slower pace. It lets me get back on the diet.

With any luck, this job will work out.

I am starting to question their retirement plan. The first name partner died last year in his 80's. He was preparing for trial. The second name partner who is in his late 70's was reading in the law library when I left at 5:30. The third name partner is in his late 60's and spends more time in court than any lawyer I've ever been around who wasn't a prosecutor. Either they have no IRA's or they just love working there. I hope its the latter.