Showing posts with label cinamaholic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cinamaholic. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Cinema Limited 2011

I didn't really go to the cinema much last year, because I no longer have the luxury of an Unlimited Card.  I did find a buck-fifty cinema in town, but it's not very convenient.  I only went two or three times.  I saw four things before I left Scotland, I saw four things (including a repeat of The King's Speech) in Buffalo with my sister and her family, and I saw the last film of the year in Florida with my Gramma Jean over the Christmas holidays.  The others I saw in Tennessee, either on my own or with my dad.  I guess I'll have to start keeping track of dvds and tv films now, if I want my lists to not be so anaemic.  =)

Friday, 9 April 2010

Laughter: The Best Medicine

I know, you may be sick of my video posts.  But I will not apologise for them.  They make me laugh, and that is a very, very good thing.  So I share them.  And if they don't make you laugh, then I don't know what's wrong with you.  Kidding.  Sort of.  ;) 

These I came across at my first quiz night, thanks to Jay.  There were ten in total;  I've only found two of the right ones so far.  But they were two of the best.  Here they are. 

This one made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe.  Jay was both amused and concerned, and was glad we had trained emergency aid people around.  I still laugh when it comes to mind.  Better than the real film, in my opinion! 

This one is classic.  Seriously.  We only got the cut version in the quiz, for reasons that will become obvious once you see the end.  However, after the quiz we got to see the whole thing, and it was brilliant.  Truly genius.  It honestly doesn't get more classic than this. 

For all you Facebookers who only read these when they import... you'll be truly missing out.  I would apologise, but if you really loved me, you'd read my actual blog.  Kidding.  Sort of.  =D

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

2009 FilmFest

Wow.  I read more books than I saw films this year.  Not even one a week.  What a slacker I've been!  =D

    Wednesday, 2 December 2009

    A Classic

    image courtesy of

     From time to time on a Monday, my lovely cinema does classic films.  I've seen a few this way, and hope to see a few more (The Wizard of Oz, for instance, next week).  But this fall they showed one that could not easily be topped.  I grew up watching it on tv with my family, and it got quoted a good bit, usually when my dad was trying to hurry us along (see the very last quote).  Seeing it on the big screen, especially after having been in Chicago for a few months last year, I laughed and laughed until my gut hurt and my cheeks cramped up.  Now THAT'S a good film. 

    'It's 106 miles to Chicago, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses.'

    'We're on a mission from God.'

    'This is definitely Lower Wacker Drive! If my estimations are correct, we should be very close to the Honorable Richard J. Daley Plaza!' 'That's where they got that Picasso.' Yep.'

    'What kind of music do you usually have here?' 'Oh, we got both kinds. We got country *and* western.'

    'How much for the little girl? How much for the women?' 'What?' 'Your women. I want to buy your women. The little girl, your daughters... sell them to me. Sell me your children.'

    And, finally...

    'Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut!'


    Wednesday, 7 October 2009

    No Day But Today

    Have I mentioned that I have a great flatmate?  =D

    For my birthday, Kenny got me a fabulous gift:  tickets for us to go see a local production of RENT!  It wasn't until June, so I had a good amount of time to look forward to it.  Finally, the night arrived...

    I got all dressed up (well, a wee bit dressed up, anyway) and we walked down to the Arts Centre, enjoying the warm summer evening.  We had seats in the third row, and settled in.  I was so excited, almost as much because Kenny had never seen RENT before.  I hoped he'd like it.  He did.  =)

    It was an amateur show, with a cast of kids who looked like early twenties uni students.  There were some issues with the sound (we couldn't hear Roger during most of the opening two songs), and there were some issues with the singing (some of the cast were, um, not the best). But it is a great show, and it made me happy to see it on stage again. 

    If you want to know the details, here they are.  If not, feel free to skip my critique.  Mark was a fine singer, but a terrible actor.  Both Roger and Mimi were quite good, and the only characters that didn't feel like amateur attempts.  Joanne was so-so;  Maureen had the proper spirit but wasn't a great singer.  Angel was pretty good, although a wee bit too much over-the-top, I thought.  Collins was not great, which was disappointing to me, as he's one of my favourite characters.  Benny was fairly bad, actually, both acting and singing.  And most of the background characters (who double as several different people throughout) ranged from pretty good to cringe-worthy.  But they all were obviously having fun.  The weirdest thing to me was that every single cast member was white.  Not just white, but really white.  Somehow, it just doesn't quite work as well that way.  It was quite distracting to me, honestly.  Overall, though, I really did enjoy getting to see it, and see it with Kenny. 

    After the show, we headed out to Thistle Street to find the elusive Baskin-Robbins.  We finally did find it, parked the car, and started walking back to the store.  When we'd driven by looking for parking, all the lights were on and people were purchasing goodies.  By the time we parked and walked half way back to it, the sign light went off.  The door got locked.  We were out of luck.  It was quite disappointing, really.  I mean, we were right there!  Next time, I guess. 

    If you aren't familiar with RENT, I want to highly encourage you to check it out.  In 2005 they made a very good film adaptation of it, featuring most of the original Broadway cast.  Be warned, though:  it is a bit risque at times, many of the characters in it are homosexual, and it deals with other difficult issues such as drug use, AIDS, and homelessness.  It is, all in all, one of my favourite musicals.  The cast, the score, the lyrics, the staging, the issues-- it's brilliant.  It makes me laugh and cry and love. It reminds me that family isn't just biological, and that every moment matters.  It inspires me to be fully in the moment, to be fully in community, to be fully all that I am created by God to be.  It is amazing, and I hope you will watch it, if you haven't already.  I'd love to hear what you think about it. 

    Thanks, Kenny, for such a great birthday gift!  You know me so well, and are such an insightful gift-giver.  I am blessed to have you for a flatmate! 

    Monday, 16 March 2009

    Spoofs Don't Get Any Better Than This...

    If you don't know the comic powerhouse duo of French and Saunders, you've been missing out. And now, after this last Comic Relief spoof this year, they are no more. Well, they still exist, but they aren't perfoming together anymore. But look them up, seriously.

    I loved this movie... but I think I loved this spoof more. I wish I had the full version they showed on Red Nose Day. This one has been edited, and while still good... well, if I find the full version, I'll post it. In the meantime, sing along... if you can do that and laugh at the same time. I couldn't. =D

    **edit** I found it! People were nice enough to put it up, the full version. Nice.**

    I'm sorry about not being able to embed them... they won't let me. But it's worth going over to YouTube to watch, and here are the links:

    Mamma Mia! part one

    and part two!

    Sunday, 18 January 2009

    Three Words: Fab. U. Lous!

    At least, my sister thinks I am. She gave me this. And I'm sure it's for more reason than just because she doesn't read many other blogs she could award this to...

    In order to claim this, there are two requirements. First, list five things I am addicted to. That's easy.

    1. Coffee: decaf, regular, flavoured, whatever. Anything but instant (although the Waitrose brand I enjoyed daily in London with Lara was not half bad, for instant).

    2. Facebook: games, photos, and chatting. I love it, and can't stay away. It's about the only way I keep in touch with anyone these days, and there are folks popping up that I haven't heard from in years! It's amazing. I love it.

    3. TV: it's true. I'm a tvaholic. Crime shows, films, US shows, British shows, sci-fi, comedy... whatever it is, I"ll watch it. It's my veg-out time, it keeps me company during meals, it's my best friend. Sadly.

    4. Cinema: I haven't been much lately, but I. Love. My. Unlimited. Cinema. Card. In case I haven't mentioned that lately.

    5. Crocs: I brought back five pair from my extended US holiday. I wear them every single day. Some styles are more comfortable than others, but heck. I love 'em. I don't care if people think they look stupid. I love them. And my feet are comfy. And warm. And colourful. =D

    The second requirement is to pass this along-- to five people. So I hereby declare the following blogs are, likewise, fabulous.

    1. Dan and Nancy Erickson
    2. Maggie
    3. The Holloway Clan
    4. Jill, at Learning Something New
    5. Amanda, at The Front Lawn

    Thanks, Jen!

    Saturday, 3 January 2009

    My 2008 Cinematic Adventures

    So I don't lose this list, and so I can start the New Year's list, here's everything I saw last year.

    Friday, 5 December 2008

    I Have No Life (Otherwise known as, Films Are a Big Part of My Life)

    SUPPOSEDLY if you've seen over 85 films, you have no life. Mark the ones you've seen. There are 239 films on this list.

    (x) Rocky Horror Picture Show
    (x) Grease
    (x) Pirates of the Caribbean
    (x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest
    ( ) Boondock Saints
    (x) Fight Club
    (x) Starsky and Hutch
    (x) Neverending Story
    (x) Blazing Saddles
    (x) Airplane
    Total: 9

    (x) The Princess Bride
    (x) Anchorman
    (x) Napoleon Dynamite
    (x) Labyrinth
    (x) Saw
    (x) Saw II
    (x) White Noise
    () White Oleander
    (x) Anger Management
    () 50 First Dates
    (x) The Princess Diaries
    (x) The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
    Total so far: 19

    (x) Scream
    (x) Scream 2
    (x) Scream 3
    () Scary Movie
    () Scary Movie 2
    () Scary Movie 3
    () Scary Movie 4
    (x) American Pie
    (x) American Pie 2
    (x) American Wedding
    () American Pie Band Camp
    Total so far: 25

    (x) Harry Potter 1
    (x) Harry Potter 2
    (x) Harry Potter 3
    (x) Harry Potter 4
    (x) Resident Evil 1
    () Resident Evil 2
    (x) The Wedding Singer
    () Little Black Book
    (x) The Village
    () Lilo & Stitch
    Total so far: 32

    (x) Finding Nemo
    (x) Finding Neverland
    (x) Signs
    (x) The Grinch
    (x) Texas Chainsaw Massacre
    () Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
    () White Chicks
    (x) Butterfly Effect
    (x) 13 Going on 30
    (x) I, Robot
    (x) Robots
    Total so far: 41

    (x) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
    () Universal Soldier
    (x) Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
    () Along Came Polly
    (x) Deep Impact
    () KingPin
    () Never Been Kissed
    (x) Meet The Parents
    (x) Meet the Fockers
    ( ) Eight Crazy Nights
    () Joe Dirt
    (x) KING KONG
    Total so far: 47

    () A Cinderella Story
    (x) The Terminal
    () The Lizzie McGuire Movie
    () Passport to Paris
    (x) Dumb & Dumber
    () Dumber & Dumberer
    () Final Destination
    () Final Destination 2
    () Final Destination 3
    (x) Halloween
    (x) The Ring
    (x) The Ring 2
    () Surviving X-MAS
    () Flubber
    Total so far: 52

    (x) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
    (x) Practical Magic
    (x) Chicago
    () Ghost Ship
    (x) From Hell
    (x) Hellboy
    (x) Secret Window
    (x) I Am Sam
    () The Whole Nine Yards
    () The Whole Ten Yards
    Total so far: 59

    (x) The Day After Tomorrow
    () Child's Play
    () Seed of Chucky
    () Bride of Chucky
    (x) Ten Things I Hate About You
    () Just Married
    () Gothika
    (x) Nightmare on Elm Street
    (x) Sixteen Candles
    (x) Remember the Titans
    () Coach Carter
    (x) The Grudge
    () The Grudge 2
    (x) The Mask
    () Son Of The Mask
    Total so far: 66

    () Bad Boys
    () Bad Boys 2
    () Joy Ride
    () Lucky Number Slevin
    (x) Ocean's Eleven
    (x) Ocean's Twelve
    (x) Bourne Identity
    (x) Bourne Supremecy
    () Lone Star
    (x) Bedazzled
    () Predator I
    () Predator II
    () The Fog
    (x) Ice Age
    (x) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
    (x) Curious George
    Total so far: 74

    (x) Independence Day
    (x) Cujo
    () A Bronx Tale
    (x) Darkness Falls
    (x) Christine
    (x) ET
    ( x) Children of the Corn
    (x) My Bosses Daughter
    () Maid in Manhattan
    (x) War of the Worlds
    (x) Rush Hour
    (x) Rush Hour 2
    Total so far: 84

    () Best Bet
    (x) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
    () She's All That
    (x) Calendar Girls
    (x) Sideways
    () Mars Attacks
    () Event Horizon
    () Ever After
    (x) Wizard of Oz
    (x) Forrest Gump
    (x) Big Trouble in Little China
    () The Terminator
    () The Terminator 2
    (x) The Terminator 3
    Total so far: 91

    (x) X-Men
    (x) X-2
    (x) X-3
    (x) Spider-Man
    (x) Spider-Man 2
    () Sky High
    () Jeepers Creepers
    () Jeepers Creepers 2
    (x) Catch Me If You Can
    (x) The Little Mermaid
    (x) Freaky Friday
    (x) Reign of Fire
    () The Skulls
    () Cruel Intentions
    () Cruel Intentions 2
    () The Hot Chick
    (x) Shrek
    (x) Shrek 2
    Total so far: 102

    () Swimfan
    (x) Miracle on 34th street
    (x) Old School
    () The Notebook
    (x) K-Pax
    () Krippendorf's Tribe
    () A Walk to Remember
    () Ice Castles
    () Boogeyman
    () The 40-year-old Virgin
    Total so far: 105

    (x) Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring
    (x) Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
    (x) Lord of the Rings Return Of the King
    (x) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
    (x) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
    (x) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
    Total so far: 110

    () Baseketball
    () Hostel
    () Waiting for Guffman
    () House of 1000 Corpses
    (x) Devils Rejects
    (x) Elf
    () Highlander
    (x) Mothman Prophecies
    () American History X
    () Three
    Total so Far: 114

    (x) The Jacket
    (x) Kung Fu Hustle
    () Shaolin Soccer
    () Night Watch
    (x) Monsters Inc.
    (x) Titanic
    (x) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    (x) Shaun Of the Dead
    () Willard
    Total so far: 120

    (x) High Tension
    () Club Dread
    () Hulk
    (x) Dawn Of the Dead
    (x) Hook
    (x) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
    (x) 28 days later
    ( ) Orgazmo
    ( ) Phantasm
    () Waterworld
    Total so far: 125

    (x) Kill Bill vol 1
    (x) Kill Bill vol 2
    () Mortal Kombat
    () Wolf Creek
    (x) Kingdom of Heaven
    () the Hills Have Eyes
    () I Spit on Your Grave aka the Day of the Woman
    () The Last House on the Left
    () Re-Animator
    (x) Army of Darkness
    Total so far: 129

    (x) Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
    (x) Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
    (x) Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
    (x) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
    (x) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
    (x) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
    () Ewoks Caravan Of Courage
    () Ewoks The Battle For Endor
    Total so far: 135

    (x) The Matrix
    (x) The Matrix Reloaded
    (x) The Matrix Revolutions
    () Animatrix
    () Evil Dead
    () Evil Dead 2
    (x) Team America: World Police
    (x) Red Dragon
    (x) Silence of the Lambs
    () Hannibal
    Total: 141

    Right. I was just curious. A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook account, and I wondered how many I'd seen. Out of these, more than half. But I've seen oh-so-many more than what's on this list... and I've seen some of these more than once. I don't even know what to do with that. =D

    Saturday, 19 July 2008

    Ten Random Things About Me

    I got tagged by my friend Amy, over at Yuwie... and I'm finally getting around to this. These are just ten random facts... some more random than others, and you may or may not already know them about me, depending on how well you know me. =)

    1. There have been times when I have gone without watching tv at all-- much of college, for instance. And if I were living on my own, I doubt I would pay for one here. But thanks to Kenny, I am currently a TV addict. I watch, on average, four hours a day, I would guess. Of course, 'watch' is a loose term, because I am almost always doing something else at the same time-- sometimes it's something productive, like ironing, and other times, it's online. Right now, for instance, I'm watching a CSI rerun. =)

    2. That said, I hate reality tv generally. Well, the ones that aren't based on some kind of talent, anyway. I love Strictly Come Dancing, and Dancing On Ice; I'll watch American Idol to be able to talk about it with my sister. But Big Brother and all the other kinds... no thank you! A waste of tv, in my opinion. Give me a good story anyday.

    3. I firmly believe that my Unlimited Cinema card is the best investment I've made recently. Or perhaps in my entire life. It's kept me sane, and brought me joy, and gotten me out of my flat, and given me a reason to live. Okay, that last one is a bit of an exaggeration. But it really is the best money I've spent while I've been here, and I don't know how I would have survived without it. I bet I average two films a week-- and that's including the months I'm in the States and can't use it! I go to a lot of films. And love it!

    4. And speaking of films, I really do not like romantic comedies and most 'chic flicks'. There are a few that I like, but more often than not they make me mad, or sad, or disgusted-- something other than happy, that is. Give me action, or comedy, or kids films any day.

    5. Coffee is my life. I live off the stuff, and would probably die without it.

    6. I love my life in Scotland. It's the first place I've ever felt, well, content with myself. Like I know who I am, as myself and not as how anyone expects me to be or I think they expect me to be. Here, for the first time, I've been happy being single and independent; I am self-confident (except for the thesis, at times) and self-assured; I know who I am, and am able to shape myself into who I want to be. Just as me. Not as any other role or relationship or expectation. Coming here has been the most difficult but also the best thing I have ever done.

    7. Following on from that, I sometimes wonder (and by 'wonder' I mean 'worry') that because of how much I love my life now, and how used to being independent I am, that I'll be a terrible girlfriend or wife (if that ever happens). I am too used to not having to really worry about anyone but myself, making my own plans and just doing my thing. Not that I don't think about other people; I do. I have friends, and I have Kenny, and things like that. But I don't have to share My Life with them in the same way I would in a dating relationship. It makes me nervous, at times, because I'd like to be married some day. I'm just not sure I'll be any good at it anymore.

    8. I love my nephew and niece, and would do anything for them. Like go broke spending money on plane tickets to visit them. And then having to live on rice and beans for months. But dang, they are worth it!

    9. I have a lot of little pet peeves. But the thing that I can't stand, probably more than anything else, is ignorance. Not the kind of ignorance that comes from not having opportunities to be educated, but the kind of willful ignorance that keeps people narrow-minded and small. I see this way too often, and it really angers me. I guess I could say that my prejudice is against people who are prejudiced. That's the kind of ignorance I can't stand. Thinking your way is the only way, and not bothering to see other people's side of things-- whatever the issue might be.

    10. It's almost 2pm, and I'm still in my pyjamas. This is a regular occurrence for me. Ah, the joys of being a PhD student! =)

    So, those are my deep, random thoughts for the day. Maybe you learned something about me-- maybe this just confirms that I am totally a dork. But that's okay. I knew that already. I've come to terms with it. =D

    Tuesday, 13 May 2008

    Grinning Like a Fool

    Yes, yes I am. And have been for a few hours now. I just can't stop. I was getting ready to curl up in bed and finish my book, but I just have to share this. I just have to. You wanna know why I'm grinning like this?

    This is why:

    Oh yes. I saw Speed Racer today. And it was totally the best cinema-going experience I have had in quite a while (since U2 3D, I'd say). It was just... a really good summer flick. The colours and cinematography were funky and fantastic. The effects were phenomenal. The story was exciting and touching and fun. The music was awesome, especially when the theme popped up here and there. The casting could not have been better. It had all the best of the anime show and its nostalgic datedness, but in a good way. Honestly, it made me laugh out loud, and cry, and clap and cheer. I. Loved. This. Film.

    Here's the trailer, in case you haven't seen it yet:

    I even stayed til the very, very end of the credits... just for the music. The revamped theme song. I just grinned and grinned, and couldn't help myself. It took me back, that's for sure, and I loved it. No, it probably won't win any awards... but I have never seen a film quite like it. It was like watching the original... only live! Honestly. You have to see it to believe it. I loved it. Can you tell I thoroughly enjoyed myself? My summer film season is now officially kicked off, and in right fine style, too! Live anime... who woulda thunk it? ;)

    Now I want to know what Josh thinks about it... he's the biggest Speed Racer fan I know. Josh, wherever you are, I hope you liked the film! =D

    Thursday, 10 January 2008

    2007: Year in Review

    Since I wasn't in touch for most of last year, I thought I'd use this opportunity for a brief catch-up on my life in 2007. I'll start with the enjoyable bits....


    I saw a ton of films last year. I'm just going to list them here. If I weren't so lazy, I'd link them their IMDb page... but I guess you'll have to do that yourself. =) If you want to talk about any of them, let me know. I just won't take up the space with my thoughts and opinions since this is already more than a film a week. And yes, I am a cinemaholic. I thank God every day for my Unlimited Cinema Card... God bless CineWorld Cinemas! =)

    2007 Films I Saw

    Flushed Away
    Night at the Museum
    Happy Feet
    It’s a Girl/Boy Thing
    The Holiday
    Déjà vu
    Miss Potter
    Last King of Scotland
    Music and Lyrics
    Rocky Balboa
    Notes On a Scandal
    The Science of Sleep

    Blood Diamond
    Ghost Rider
    School for Scoundrels
    Freedom Writers
    Arthur and the Invisibles

    Charlotte’s Web
    Good Shepherd
    The Number 23
    Stomp the Yard
    Becoming Jane
    The Fountain
    The Illusionist
    Hot Fuzz
    Amazing Grace
    The Messengers
    Blades of Glory
    The Last Mimzy
    Mr. Bean’s Holiday
    Curse of the Golden Flower
    Meet the Robinsons
    The Reaping
    Wild Hogs
    The Painted Veil

    Reno 911! Miami
    The Shooter
    Spiderman 3
    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
    The Namesake
    Shrek the Third
    Ocean’s 13
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
    Die Hard 4.0
    The Simpsons
    Surf’s Up
    The Sound of Music
    3.10 to Yuma
    The Brave One
    The Bourne Ultimatum
    Michael Clayton
    Mr. Brooks
    Eastern Promises

    Death at a Funeral
    August Rush
    American Gangster
    Beowulf 3D
    The Golden Compass
    It’s a Wonderful Life

    Next up, my academic year....