Showing posts with label photobucket. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photobucket. Show all posts

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Why didn't I know about this before?

I use Photobucket a lot. I use it to host photos so that I can link to them/upload them here, on LJ, on UKS etc etc. However, I've never really explored any of the more advanced features on Photobucket... I wish I had!

I've just discovered the Colour Splash function on Photobucket and am having so much fun playing with it. I had no idea this function was available for free on the internet! :)

Look at what you can do with it:

And it's so easy to use! You load a photo up to Photobucket, go into the photo itself and, hovering the mouse over the photo, choose the Edit function from the menu that appears at the top of the photo. This takes you into the photo editor page and you choose the Effects tab and then the Colour Splash option. This turns the photo black and white and the cursor becomes a brush function (you can change the size of the brush tip) which you use to recolour the parts you want to.

What an awesome tool! :) I've been using it for some of the photos for my Ali Edwards A Week in the Life project. Anyone else tried this tool? I'd love to see what you guys have created with it. :)

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