Monday, August 13, 2012

Our Engagement - May 18, 2012 :)

So I said I would post this after my last post, and then wedding planning has gotten the best of me!

I will record my Journal entry from May 18, but I wanted to share the video for those of you who are my friends and actually read my blog. :)

Sorry for the annoying background music, and for all my squeeling - let's just say it was the best day of my life so far!

I just love him! I can't WAIT to spend the rest of my life with this man! Getting more and more excited every day. Hooray for finally getting married!! :)


Tyson and Heather said...

we got your wedding announcement in the mail... THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending it over seas... you two look perfect together we love you!

Pamela said...

I totally bawled at that video - so sweet!!