Saturday, July 31, 2010

Gunpowder and Lead

I went up to Wyoming for the White Family Reunion last weekend and finally was able to go shooting. I just found out my Senior year in college that my Dad has a decent sized gun collection. I knew he loved them, but I never knew how many were in our house until then.

I've been wanting to go for some time and I LOVE IT. It's so much fun! I'm not too bad of a shot either! I'm glad my uncles, cousins, dad and brother let me tag along for the fun.

Add this to another reason why I love my sister-in-law Carly:

She even knew all the names of the guns! Very impressive.

It was really nice to be able to spend some time with my extended family. We live far apart from each other and we have never been very close, but they really are great!
As I sat there listening to my Grandpa tell about when he met my Grandma, and the 6 kids, 36 grandkids and 64 (soon to be 67) great grandchildren, it hit me.
This is what it's all about: FAMILY.
So grateful for my family and for my parents decision to be sealed in the temple for time and all eternity.
Can't wait for my own one day! :)
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So I've Been Thinking....

Random thought of the day:

This has been my afternoon snack lately. Definitely cures my sweet tooth with only 90 small calories per individual box!

So the question you think eating these every day will increase my luck??

I'm hoping so. :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Friday, July 16, 2010


I mean Happy GENERAL MILLS Anniversary to me!

Today marks 3 years to the date that I began working at General Mills. - July 16, 2007.

I can honestly say taking this job and moving to Arizona was one of the best decisions in my life.
I feel blessed to work for such a great company and to have had so many great experiences. I am truly passionate about my job and what I do. I'm also very grateful for the friendships and the people that I have met and worked with at General Mills. I know that my life is better for knowing them. I know that is a huge part of why I am happy every day at work. I'm grateful to the Lord for answering my prayers and guiding me to where I am today.

Pictures from training - July 2007