Thursday, February 26, 2009

The #1 Reason Why I'm So Excited For Summer....

I get my family in Arizona.

On Sunday/Monday I got a preview of how nice it will be. Hunt, Sarah, Max and Elise came and visited AZ to find a house, so we got to catch up and go to dinner. Thanks again guys!

I'm SO excited!
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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oh Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was a busy day for me this year! The Amazing Janessa Cloward was in town and so we were busy having fun! We went to last chance, I got my hair done, and then we rushed off to dinner at Cafe zuzu in Scottsdale. Fun ambience, great friends, and CUTE waiter...what else could you want?

Then we headed to the Joshua Radin concert where we definitely did not fit in. Everyone was coupled up on their Valentines dates, and then...there was a group of girls dancing. The music is more chill and not really conducive to dancing, but..whatever, we had fun!

Candace with her fries (Cute waiter in background was purely accidental I SWEAR)

Holly, Candace, Janessa, Amanda, Me, Karen, Andria, Jill
New Nickname: FUNDIP
Taking pics at the concert

Jesse Hill? I can't remember...

Close up

Afterward, Janessa and I met up with our friends Sean and Ty...we prepared, but we missed the festivities at the Ice Skating Rink.

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Much Needed...

Sometimes you just need to get together and eat pizza and pizookie and talk and laugh and catch up.

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Random Football Tourney

2 Weeks ago, my friend Ashley threw together a co-ed Football Tourney. We were team blue and we won! Look at how legit we are..2 legit to quit.

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Two weekends ago my friends Amanda and Karen found out about a Chocolate Festival in Glendale and we decided to have a girls' night and make the trek out there. It was SO MUCH FUN! We ate as much chocolate as we could without getting sick and loved every minute of it.

Knowing me and my small bladder, First Stop: Porta Potties

Me and My roommate Larisa with our almost matching coats

My FAVORITE and Stop #2: Chocolate Covered Strawberries. $3 was expensive though!

Karen and Candace with their Chocolate Covered Potato Chips and Funnel Cake. Yes I tried both. Not too bad!
Amanda with her Fruit Kabob

Me and Andria with our chocolate covered Bananas. I didn't want a frozen one!

There were other random booths besides Chocolate: Trinkets and Soap and Irish since we are princesses, we took pictures!

FAVORITE #2: Grandma and Grandpa dressed in matching Mickey and Minnie in hearts shirts, with handmade Hershey Kisses hats. They were awesome! Oh ya - LOVE the grandpa's Fanny pack!

My new pint sized friend Amanda - she's hysterical! and we decided that she is chocolate and I am vanilla. Our tall friends Karen and Candace are Tall chocolate and Vanilla :)
The Whole Gang.

Does anyone remember him?? Yep -another highlight of the night was jamming to "The Thong Song" in my car. I had forgotten how fun that is to dance to!! :)

We ended the night by seeing THIS:

Not my favorite movie. There were a few moments where I literally told the awkward main character on the screen to stop talking cause it was just so awkward. But I've heard some other people say they liked it!

Overall, it was a GREAT night with lots of laughs.
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