Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bike Rides

Nothing better than Bike Rides in January. It's a little chilly at night, but I LOVE Arizona!

A First for the New Year

There are firsts for everything...including me cooking at my house. I have lived in my house for 8 months and this was the first time that I cooked anything on the stove. My roommate was so surprised that she had to take a picture. AND it was only pasta. Quite the tough recipe.

The Insight Bowl

My friend works for Insight so she got us a great deal on tickets to the Insight Bowl Game. It was at the ASU stadium and although I didn't really care about Minnesotta or Kansas, it was a really fun game!

Double Take

Does it look like you're seeing double? YES because you are. And this was not planned! This is my roommate Melanie. We left the house at different times without seeing each other and when she got over to my friend Erin's house, we were wearing the same thing! Even the same silver locket necklace. Apparently great minds think alike...and look alike :)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Highlight of My Week....

Goodbye Pontiac G6.............

After 14,000 miles in 10 months, a road trip to Lake Powell, and a road trip to California, I said goodbye to my G6 on Friday and HELLO to my 2008 Ford Fusion with 5600 miles on it. My company has cars for different levels on the job and I hadn't changed since I got promoted. So I just want to give a big shoutout to the General...THANK YOU GENERAL MILLS!!

You know, those four years in the Minivan were worth it to get a new car every 10 months or so.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Top That!

Anyone ever see Teen Witch as a Kid? My Roommate and I discovered we both LOVE it. Ellen - this one's for you! Enjoy!
Top That! - Watch more Free Videos

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My White Christmas :)

I loved being home at Christmas with my family! And it snowed a lot so I definitely got a white Christmas at the White house!

EXPLANATION FOR THE CROWNS: We got "Crackers" from our neighbors and they contained crowns, a prize and a joke. We all liked the crowns so much we wore them throughout dinner!
The White Family + the Jiangs
Tiff was in UT for Christmas so she came and had Christmas dinner with us!
Will's first Christmas
Will and Amelia wearing the "My First Christmas" shirts that I got them :) SO CUTE!
My sissies and their babies - Minus Sarah :(
My Dad LOVES the Christmas Story - so I got him the leg lamp in Stocking form - he loved it! :)

I couldn't go back to AZ without a visit to Temple Square. It's GORGEOUS! But SO COLD....
Ryan holding the tree

I was so glad that I got to meet up with Erin, Julianne, Maddie and Lindsay from Cougarettes. We don't get together often enough but we had a blast catching up! I LOVE THESE GIRLS! (Sorry I stole this pic from your blog, Erin :))

Overall I had a GREAT Christmas and I am so thankful for my wonderful family and friends. I feel so blessed and so grateful to the Lord for all the has done for me in my life. Hope you had a great Christmas as well!

Gingerbread Houses

What's Christmas without making a Gingerbread house? My friend Marc the Engineer came over to help me make my kit. Here is our cute house! Marc is a great decorator!

Christmas Parties!

Every year, I have a Christmas party with the people that started at General Mills the same time that I did. We're all about the same age and I love them! We always dress up in funny outfits and then do a gift exchange. This year we ordered in Dickey's, our favorite BBQ spot in Scottsdale. It was a fun night!

All of us behind our stockings with our names on them
Showing off our great white elephant gifts
Katelin and me (Her shirt says Merry Christmoos) :)
Me, Katelin, Alissa and Lena

Santa Claus Came to Town!

The Institute that I attend is amazing. They always have dinner afterwards and the last Thursday I went someone special came to town...SANTA! So of course we had to get some pictures with him. But I didn't totally feel comfortable sitting on his next to him was good enough! :)

My friend Candace and me
My roommate Melanie and me

"Classy" Christmas Party

A few weeks ago, some friends and I did a "classy" Christmas party. We had dinner, and a white elephant gift exchange. It was so much fun! We all got dressed up and some of the guys had very interesting 70's suits. It was a fun night!