Saturday, December 27, 2008

Blogs with Music

Ok Sorry to all of you who have blogs with music, but I HATE THEM! I know your music is great, but really? Sometimes I want to read your fabulous posts without any noise in the background. Is there a way to make the music OPTIONAL? Cause that would be music to my ears :)

Just had to vent a little.


Sunday, December 21, 2008

Annual Lucky Charms Bowl

Every year General Mills has an office-wide football game - "The Lucky Charms Bowl". We get put on one of two teams and then play for about an hour and a half. Being in sales, we are all pretty competitive (last year our referee walked off the field cause we were all arguing about the final TD) but we still have fun! Unfortunately my team (Team Kix your Butt) did not win. Here are some pics:

Me and My Boss (He's 6'7)

Me with Alissa and Jesse