Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Good News Is....I'm NOT Moving to Bentonville (Again)

SO. I had quite the earthquake in my life this week. On Monday, at 430 PM, my boss called me into her office and said, "First off, Congratulations, you're getting promoted. But we also just wanted to give you a head's up, that the position is in Bentonville, Arkansas." At General Mills, the idea is that you get promoted after a year if you're doing well. It's not a given, but they usually WANT to move everyone up and have them keep progressing. They have been asking me about what I want my next position to be for about six months, and I had indicated that I wanted to stay here in AZ for at least one more year, but just change teams to get a different perspective. (That is usually the norm)

From what I understood, they were completely clear on that. We even filled out a form where I very clearly stated that. We had to rank all of our offices and I had indicated Arkasas was 5 out of 7. PLUS, the move would be in like TWO WEEKS. Talk about quick! Needless to say, my head was spinning.

The funny thing is, I LOVE Arkansas! I moved there for the summer two year ago to intern with Wal-Mart Corporate and had the best time. It was probably the best summer I have ever had because of the experiences I had and for how much I grew. Plus the people are SO kind, it is beautiful and green there, and it has a great small town feel. The only problem is, for a single LDS girl, the pickings are not too plentiful of boys to date. It is a great place to raise a family, but that's the thing - I don't have a family to raise yet.

SO, I thought for a second that maybe this was Heavenly Father's way of saying that I should move there. So I prayed about it, but it really came down to that I just didn't want to move. So I spoke with my manager and said that for personal reasons, it would not be the best move for me right now, and if there's any positions available here, that would be best. My manager and my boss asked if it was because of church, and I explained that it has been my support system here and it is just not very big down there. And she said, "well of course we don't want to move you somewhere where you'll be miserable. We'll see what we can do to find you a promotion here."

So thankfully, I am changing to the Safeway team, focusing on our Refrigerated Baked Goods business (Pillsbury biscuits, cookies, etc.) I'm EXCITED!!! My team is going to be great.

Here are some pictures to show why I like Arizona so much. I am truly blessed to live here and I know that this is where Heavenly Father wanted me to move after graduating, and where I want to be!

My House! Right behind the Mesa Country Club
My messy room right after I got home from a trip
My Vanity
Our Family Room looking into the Kitchen
Our Family Room from the kitchen
My massive Backyard - yes that's a hammock next to the wall :)
I know it's weird - I don't drive a momma mini-van anymore! My Pontiac G6.

And I thought it was appropriate to include some pictures of my summer of Arkansas
I heart the mid-west :)
A bunch of interns at the Rodeo

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Fourth of July!

So yes it is 11 PM and Yes I have to go to work tomorrow at 700am and yes I took like a three hour nap so No I am not going to bed anytime soon! :) So I thought I would post some pics from this past weekend in California for the fourth. It was seriously a BLAST. Hope you guys had as much fun as I did!

That's right - it says House of Chicken and Waffles. It was REALLY good! I didn't know chicken and waffles went together, but apparently in Long Beach (and a few other Cali locations) it does.
The highlight of my trip was that I got to stay with my sister, her hubby, and my nephew Max. He is 20 months, SO cute and loved wearing his dad's head lamp. I wish I lived close to family ALL the time! I can't wait until Heaven when I will for sure be next door neighbors with all my siblings and our families. :)
Yes, that's right, the shirt says, "I can't help it, Good looks run in my genes. Just look at my Aunt." I found this shirt at the random red neck gas station after the Tim McGraw concert. Isn't he cute? Don't worry El and Amanda - I have one for Amelia and Scarlett :)

Highlight of the trip = the Provo reunion that occurred in HB! Tammy, Whitney, Brindie from Cougarettes came as well with their cute roommate Amanda Draeger. I Love these girls! Oh ya, I love that our friend Mike was our man for the fireworks.

My friends B-ryce and Sam at the dance party. I went to school with both of them and miss them!

Amanda, Whitney, Tammy, Me, Brindie, Brooke. All former Cougarettes except Amanda but we love her! (Wow I look REALLY small in this pic....)

There were a ton of single LDS People there from Provo, AZ and HB so we had a huge group together. It was really fun! This is just a part of the group of Peeps that were on the beach. So fun! I love California. Another reason to move there...:)

Anyway - Happy Fourth of July! I can't believe it's already the July. I don't even remember May!

San Diego

Last week I went to San Diego for a Region Meeting for work Wed-Fri. We stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel in the Gas Lamp District, and while we had meetings for half the day, the other half we had fun fun fun! We had massages the first day, and then played at the beach and the pool the second day. I love San Diego!

At the Hard Rock Hotel being Run DMC

The first night at the Padres Game

The Second night on a Boat Cruise. The Theme of the Meeting was "Western Rocks" Hence the Microphones and blow up guitars :)

The three of us were on the planning committee and while blowing up the thousands of inflatable guitars and microphones, the DJ was playing a little "Soulja boy" on the boat. These girls are dancers as well, so we just busted out the dance - No big deal! I love this pic of us in action. And that's a light above Christina's head, not a party hat! :)

The four of us stayed Friday afternoon and went to Coronado Beach where we sat right in front of the Owens! (I grew up with Camilla, went to high school with her and her husband Jordan, and his brother Jackson. I also saw their brother Danny Owen a lot when we were in Business School at BYU.) It was fun to catch up with them and hear how they are doing. I miss my friends from back home!!
By the end of the day of sun the four of us were very tired and had some good laughs. I'm not going to lie - it's hard to come back to the 100+ degree heat in AZ after beautiful weather in Southern Cal. Maybe I should move there....:)