From what I understood, they were completely clear on that. We even filled out a form where I very clearly stated that. We had to rank all of our offices and I had indicated Arkasas was 5 out of 7. PLUS, the move would be in like TWO WEEKS. Talk about quick! Needless to say, my head was spinning.
The funny thing is, I LOVE Arkansas! I moved there for the summer two year ago to intern with Wal-Mart Corporate and had the best time. It was probably the best summer I have ever had because of the experiences I had and for how much I grew. Plus the people are SO kind, it is beautiful and green there, and it has a great small town feel. The only problem is, for a single LDS girl, the pickings are not too plentiful of boys to date. It is a great place to raise a family, but that's the thing - I don't have a family to raise yet.
SO, I thought for a second that maybe this was Heavenly Father's way of saying that I should move there. So I prayed about it, but it really came down to that I just didn't want to move. So I spoke with my manager and said that for personal reasons, it would not be the best move for me right now, and if there's any positions available here, that would be best. My manager and my boss asked if it was because of church, and I explained that it has been my support system here and it is just not very big down there. And she said, "well of course we don't want to move you somewhere where you'll be miserable. We'll see what we can do to find you a promotion here."
So thankfully, I am changing to the Safeway team, focusing on our Refrigerated Baked Goods business (Pillsbury biscuits, cookies, etc.) I'm EXCITED!!! My team is going to be great.
Here are some pictures to show why I like Arizona so much. I am truly blessed to live here and I know that this is where Heavenly Father wanted me to move after graduating, and where I want to be!