
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Tuesday night, I took a Color Theory class at the Brooklyn Artists' Gym. It was originally scheduled to be an Acrylics Still Life class, but I guess they had some scheduling changes. I went ahead and took it, because I had been waiting for my break in order to be able to enjoy the class without extra work exhaustion. The class was essentially a basic color mixing class, and while I feel like it was a bit common sense, I might not have actually sat down and done some color work without the class. 

After class, as I was falling asleep, I was inspired to use one of my drawings from the class I took last summer as an inspiration for a painting. I used the charcoal transfer technique that many artists use (including deKooning - but on a much smaller scale - 6 inches by 8 inches compared to a 6 foot by 8 foot canvas). I included the photos of the progression through the piece (I know it's not a masterpiece... I just like to see it for myself... and it's not so scary showing on my blog ;) 

Using some of my new color mixing techniques, I created a small painting. I don't love it. The one above is not the final version - the orange is screaming too much in that version! The head is kind of wonky and I didn't get the shading correct for her to look like she's leaning back. Maybe I'll make another one. I'm thinking I need to start going to the drawing sessions at BAG once or twice a week for a while. (It's just pushing myself to go to something new and outside of my comfort zone...) 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Small Canvas

Kendra recently snapped a photo with her phone that I absolutely LOVED. She'd been running in Williamsburg the other morning and captured the city skyline. A while back, I learned how to do transfers. I've had all the supplies but had yet to try it out for myself. Her photo inspired me.

This canvas has probably 20+ layers of paint as I tried to get the coloring right. I still don't know if I'm completely happy with it, but when am I ever TRULY happy with something I create. I transferred the definition for the word run on it since she was running when she captured the moment. Then I used her photo and transferred it onto the canvas too. This was the first photo transfer I've done, and it's not perfect (right in the middle, some of the coloring came off). It's also the first time I've used acrylic paint (which I also don't know if I'm doing it "right"... taking a class next month on painting with acrylic, hopefully that will help). This canvas was mostly an experiment. I liked it enough to give to Kendra. (Giving it away says Something. I usually find everything unworthy.)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Morning Creations

There is something about having an extra long weekend and a clean house... It gives my mind some clarity and my spirit a little motivation. I've been painting (nothing absolutely fantastic... mostly just simple things that anyone could do -- like the mermaid fins below). I've attempted a painting inspired by a de Kooning technique (create an abstract using the lines of letters to create the lines...) I want to redo my de Kooning technique using acrylic on a small canvas (whenever I make it to the art store to stock up on supplies). 

This morning, I was inspired to try to print some of my photos right onto pages from an old dictionary. This one got stuck in the printer and didn't go all the way through, but I was able to use it despite it not coming out complete. I just added our wedding date and a line from the song that was played during our ceremony.

You can't see, but I printed this one the "lifetime" page... 

I'm thinking of taking these in to get them custom framed.... or maybe I'll adhere them to a canvas... Hmmmm... They are kind of an awkward size. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Art Cups

 The bottom floor, north point of the Flatiron Building has been turned into an art exhibit. Artist Gwyneth Leech uses cups from her coffee and tea to create her pieces of art. According to this write-up, she records the date of drinking the contents on the bottom of the cup.

The website also said the artist would be working in the space Tuesday-Saturday from 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. until the end of December. I must get the chance to go watch her work before the exhibit ends.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My grandmother gave me a few things I needed to start embroidering (about a year and a half ago). For the longest time, it has been sitting beside my bed. Waiting. I then ordered the book Doodle-Stitching, but again, it was added to the embroidery pile and left. Waiting. 

So often, I find myself with many, many ideas for things I want to create. Yet, they stay just as ideas. (Most of the time, I tell myself I just don't have the space for said creations... Which does play a role...) Last night, I started some free-hand embroidery using the book for tips on the different types of embroidery stitches. 

Above is the start of something... nothing actually planned, other than to explore the different stitches and try a few things out. I do need to get a few more tools, but I might just wait until I am on vacation and can more easily access them (the drawback, for me, of living in the city). 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

On the Roof of the Met

There is something about being on the roof of the Met enjoying the summer sculptures at sunset! The views are absolutely beautiful, and I'm often so shocked that this is even my reality! I think Who am I and how did I end up here!?

Ted, Seth, and Hans posing ;) 

We stayed up there until the roof closed for the evening. What a treat to watch the sun setting with that view!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

New Etsy Shop Postings!

I spent the evening posting my first photos on Etsy! I have about 20 more photos to post, so keep an eye out for more to come!!!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pop-Up Piano

Seth and I headed up to Grand Army for lunch at the monthly Food Truck Rally (more on that later), and while we were waiting to meet up with Bric, we took a seat on some steps outside one of the pillared shelters. Inside sat a woman playing piano. We sat and listened to here. I was impressed by the set up - but not surprised. I've seen people playing pianos that were transported way below ground on the subway platforms. 

 Then she got up and walked away. It took me a moment to realize the piano was not her piano, but instead a piano for anyone to play.

So, Seth sat down and played for a moment. 

Pop-Up Pianos have placed 88 pianos throughout the city. They will be out until July 2nd and after that date, donated to different organizations. The purpose, according to the website, is provide all people with access to the arts. Such a cool cause! And the piano in Grand Army is beautiful! As soon as we move into a house, I want to get a used piano and collage it the same way this one was! 

I love this photo of Seth playing. I want so badly to get a piano, so he can play for me everyday!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sand Artist

With the nice weather, I am spotting artist Joe Mangrum more often. On Sunday, I was not surprised to find him creating in Union Square.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This is a fairly recent addition to Union Square. It's an Andy Warhol statue. What an interesting man... I've recently watched some documentaries about him. He also gets some mention in the book I am reading right now called Just Kids by Patti Smith (which is also quite interesting).

Monday, May 30, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Looking at Art

Yesterday was my first day in a long time to explore the city freely... I didn't have anything I HAD to do, just the things I have been wanting to do. I finally got in a trip to the MoMA (I've been wanting to get there to see the German Expressionism show & to take in the NY Abstract Expressionism - which is being changed soon :(... Plus I wanted to do a walk through of Picasso's Guitars, another favorite special exhibit) Anyway, I am throwing around the question of what role the color black plays in pieces of art.... Here are a few pieces I looked at yesterday at the MoMA. (& for those of you who can't visit the MoMA with the ease of a quick subway ride, have I shared this awesome link with you??? Art Project - by Google... PRETTY SWEET! Just click on the MoMA, or any museum you please!)

Willem de Kooning "Painting"

(I saw on the MoMA website that there is a de Kooning special exhibit coming up in September! I CANNOT WAIT!)

Arshile Gorky "The Leaf of the Artichoke is an Owl"

Bradley Walker Tomlin "Number 20"

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Art Class

This is my message to myself! I have been planning to sign up for an art class for a few months now, and every time I pushed myself close enough to doing it, I'd come up with reasons and excuse about why I should wait... I still have reasons for waiting... Weekend plans, flying home for spring break, work commitments on a Saturday in April, etc. etc. But today, I decided to not let myself keep me from doing what I really want to do. I decided that it was time for the rest of my life to work around me! (and I really wanted a good excuse to by some more art supplies ;)

So, despite my fears, I headed straight to the Art Students League of NY after work and am now signed up for a drawing class starting Saturday. This feels like the first actual art class I have taken. I did, however, take art in 8th grade and an art class for educators in college... but I feel like those don't count... I took them, loved taking them, but was thrust into by class requirements. So much of me regrets never choosing art in high school or college... I put writing first and then education and literature. But, I am now registered for my first class.

Putting myself into new situations, for example a drawing class where I'm sure there are people who ACTUALLY know what they are doing, makes me realize a thing or two about myself. I consider myself terrified of doing new things. The prospect of not know what to do can sometimes be enough to slow me down from doing something I kind of want to do. And even though I feel like the only person in the world who suffers from this, I am pretty sure I am not. This is what I tell myself to push myself out of my comfort zone (So IF I am the only person in the world who thinks this way, just nod and act like there are others!! ;). To try new things. To just do whatever it is that I am wanting to do... And, if I look a little foolish along the way, then whatever. I know it's my first time. I know I am new at it. And eventually, I might have a slight idea about what I am doing.

If there is one thing I love about my twenties (or at least the first half of them) is the realization of who I am and the ability to push myself beyond that. I know I don't know a lot about a lot of things. I know I am terrified of trying new things, but I also know, I don't have to let my fears hold me back. I hope I only get more and more confident and daring as I age.

Hope my first drawing class doesn't turn out to be horrifying... maybe I'll share a little about my experience this weekend!