As an elementary school teacher, I have spent years going to the children's library to find books to bring into the classroom. I've been known to check out QUITE a few at a time (I even racked up an $85 late fee once... thankfully they let me out of it!! Phew!) The excitement of reading to my own little one has been huge! Before Sofia was born, I'd even go visit the children's part of the library when I'd be there checking out other books.
We try to walk to the library at least once a week to switch out books, and right now we are trying to limit ourselves to only a few books (the number is slowly growing!) Since she's really not into giving me time to go through the books and find the perfect ones, it's a matter of luck that we end up with anything worth reading! I usually grab a book, flip to the middle to see how many words are on each page. The lower amount of words, the better!
I'd like to keep up on some of our favorite books by taking photos of them. I'd love to recheck some of these keepers out again and this is a perfect place to record which ones we loved (cause we all know my mommy brain isn't going to remember... I can't even remember names of basic household appliances anymore!)
This might be one of my FAVORITES yet! Basically the mom takes the baby all these fun places - the zoo, the circus, a farm - and accidentally trades baby out with an animal from that place. She doesn't realize until she gets home (& of course waits til the next day to trade baby back). It's pretty fun to read though... & I read it enough times that I was starting to memorize the words!
This is a sweet Daddy book. I'd definitely get this book again. It's a little longer for sweet Sofia at this point. We read it in parts... read until she is done with it and start somewhere around where we left off the next time we picked up the book. New Dad's should read this to their babies. It is pretty sweet!
Everybody loves books about apple eating goats!
Really simple book. Would love to get this book again when Sofia can talk more and understands that there are different languages. It would be great to be able to teach her some words in different languages... but I'm getting ahead of myself! She doesn't even know her name is Sofia yet! ;)