
Showing posts with label Portraits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Portraits. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Portland Family Portraits :: Barten Family

A mama friend recently asked if I'd take family photos for them while her husband's (a friend from high school) family was visiting. I love taking people's photos so I said I would, despite my nerves about how it would work with Sofia. I am exclusively breastfeeding her and, at her age, she's on no set schedule. So essentially I can't be without my girl at this point. I agreed with the one stipulation of potential flexibility. Of course they have a 6 month old so the flexibility went both ways (ooo the unpredictable lives of babies!)

My husband wrapped the baby up, grabbed an umbrella and joined us in the mist in Lauralhurst Park for our photo session. It was the first portrait session I have done in the overcast Portland weather and I was pleasantly surprised by the results!

I'll be happy to get more photo sessions in the future as I get to know more people in our new city! Plus as Sofia grows, it'll become easier...

(Look at their adorable baby!! & how funny is the dog photo!! Someone jokingly mentioned they needed a dog in their photo -we were by the lawn where dogs run off-leash. Sure enough a dog ran over... And then another and another. This pup stayed a moment for a photo op!)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Baby & Toddler Photos: Khloe & Tristan

One thing I've learned about photographing kids is: It's Difficult! They do their OWN thing. And when you think you might get them to cooperate, think again.

I am definitely excited to practice mastering the art of photographing kids when our little button is born. That child better teach me a thing or two about photographing children! For now, here are some photos of my attempt to capture my first photos of sweet Khloe (who was born in April) and Tristan (who turned 1 in February).

(i think this might be one of my favorites ;)


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Photo Shoot

I recently took newborn photos for our good friends, P&C. (Remember when I did the photos of the baby belly here?) I had to share these pictures of their little one. He's. Too. Darn. Cute! I can't wait until we get to babysit :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Updated Photo Blog

(Manhattan Bridge last night... Love it in black and white.)

It's been a while since I've updated my photo blog. I have spent a little time this morning adding photos from the past year (yes, that's how long I've been slacking).

Head over to be a photograph to check it out!

Monday, August 23, 2010

More Photography

Just wanted to share the latest update to my photography collection. These three sisters have a few more photos posted at be a photograph - head over and check them out!

I still have another family's photos to complete and my brother's senior photos.... So it's back to work for me :) Just wanted to share really quickly!!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Precious Babe

I can't help but share these photos of this sweet baby! She's only a week old in this photo! Isn't she just the most adorable thing ever?!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

For a Laugh

All you need:
**1 little sister
**1 mac with photo booth
This might be my favorite one!