Our first day in Portland, and I have to say I was quickly a fan. The neighborhood where Seth's brother & family live has a bit of a small town feel to it - houses, yards, porches - yet, they are within a few blocks of some really great blocks with many thrift stores (!!!!), coffee shops, restaurants, bars, their grocery store, etc... Yet, for feeling like a small town, it also feels cool like Brooklyn. Everyone does their own thing, the light poles are covered with stapled signs, and there's graffiti!!
We spent our first day hiking, hiking, and hiking.
We woke up early our first morning in Portland (as in normal NY morning time). After getting coffee at a neighborhood coffee shop, we jumped in the car and headed to Multnomah Falls for a morning hike with Ethan.
The view was breath-takingly (made that up??) beautiful! Up, up, up we hiked.
All the way to the top, where we could look down as the water flowed over the edge and plummeted down.
Flowers bloomed everywhere along the trail.
After our hike, we headed back and grabbed brunch at a local restaurant. As we finished up, P called to inform us he was waiting for us and we needed to get home to see him!
We spent the rest of the day hiking near/on Mt. Hood.
The smell of nature was so intense and wonderful! I had been craving it for way too long.
You can see the snow-capped Mt. Hood in the background.
After hiking up to Mirror Lake, we headed toward the top of Mt. Hood. The snow had melted down quite a bit since they had been up there last month, but there was still some for us to hike on. There was also enough for skiers and snowboarders to continue to enjoy.
Seth and P enjoyed rolling rocks down the hill for quite a while. I guess the boyhood novelty doesn't wear off after all these years ;)
What a beautiful day in such a beautiful place!