
Friday, May 10, 2013

It Begins

Before we know it Sofia is going to be into everything her cousins do, and while they love and oogle at her now, I am not so sure they'll always be doing that (but I hope it won't change too much!)

Z is quite a fan of the baby. She wants to be all over Sofia and repeats 'Baby' over and over while trying to touch every little part of her (including the eyeballs! ;)

But today, a 'no' got added before that 'baby'. I put Sofia into Zia's car and Sofia loooooved it. Zia, not so much. Long after Sofia was out and tucked back into the carrier, Zia sat in her car saying, 'No, baby!' over and over. Oh Zia, you and Sofia will learn early about sharing! (I hope it doesn't involve too many tears!)

This is Jac's lovely photo that I have stolen from her Instagram. Thanks for the shot Jac!

1 comment:

Jac said...

hahaha! I hope Z stays sweet about sharing....