
Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sofia Got Pecked

Yah bad mama let the baby get pecked by a little red chicken. I was pecked and it didn't hurt so when Sofia had her hand on the fence I didn't think too much of it. Plus that little red chicken is mini and her hand was up high... But I guess that chicken can stretch cause up she shot and pecked sweet baby's finger. Twice. She's got a quick peck. And baby girl cried and bled! The sucker pecked a little skin right off. 

As I snuggled her and squeezed her to soothe away the pain, I realized I might have set her up to be scared of chickens. Yah yah she's little she won't remember, but she remembers where she gets shots and cries on that table even when the S word isn't being spoken! 

Turns out, I didn't scar her. She was reaching for these gals today without fear! 

I still kept her at a safe distance. Just in case! ;)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Sofia woke at 6 this morning but nursed back to sleep. I laid her in bed next to me since Seth had gotten up for work. At about 8:15 she started stirring. When she finally woke up she laid there looking at me with her big blue eyes and delicious little smile. Waking up this morning was perfect (well almost... We were just missing the Daddy). 


I once had a racing snail, but it slowed down so I took his shell off. 

Then he became sluggish. 

Oye! Horrible joke... Found it online somewhere ;) 

Sofia and I saw this little guy on our walk this morning. I am in awe of snails and slugs, mostly because you'd never see them in Kansas (at least I didn't...)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Family YES!

Just a few shots of Sofia with her family. Our first day back was so much fun!!! I was worried about how she'd do with all these new people in a new surrounding. She did need me at times, but for a great deal of time she was okay being cuddled by a doting family member! (At least for a bit and usually as long as Mama was in sight ;)

Traveling to Kansas

Yesterday we made the trip to Kansas. We are returning to visit because my 10 year high school reunion is going on this weekend. I can't wait to see everyone and catch up!

Our travels went really smooth with Sofia. We would have actually had the most perfect timing for naps during flights if our second flight hasn't been delayed. 
Here we are checking out the window in an empty emergency exit row. Our plane had to be checked over because one of the food trucks bumped it while loading food. We eventually had to unload and take a different plane. 

Sofia liked pulling up on the seat in front. She was also a fan of the TVs when they were on. We used disinfectant wipes to wipe the seats when we first boarded the plane which made me way more comfortable with her touching everything (which is exactly what our active 6-month old did). 

In the airport in Denver we found a space for her to play in. She was quite happy with herself when she was first put down. She started crawling away and laughing! We threw some of her toys out for her and she played for quite a while. 

We also read to her. She's reading her favorite book with Daddy here. 

When she was done playing we explored the terminal a bit. 

Here we are in Kansas City. We are so happy to be there... Unfortunately the car ride that followed our smooth flights was as enjoyable for our sweet girl, but we were luckily only going to Lawrence to stay with friends. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Growing Babe

We no longer have a still baby. (Wait did we ever have a still baby?? Uhhh maybe not... A squirmer that at least couldn't move from the place she squirmed in!) 

She's working on pulling up to her toy box. Not quite mastered it, but she knows there's some good stuff in there! She's also trying to climb up the furniture but with little luck. But she can climb up our laps more in the last day or so. 

She's discovered the bed side table at the top of her bed. She went back last night to try to reach through to my tablet... Now everything is pushed back! 

She's trying to push up more. I think we'll have knee action in a matter of a week or two! She does more and more each day!

She's grown even more delicious. Who would have thought it possible? Literally I want to eat her! 

Here's her small attempt at climbing up me this morning. She was kind of stuck so she hung out for a bit. 

She's figured out how to open the door to the entertainment center - which is fine because all she will find in there are blankets and boxes of games that are still to heavy for her to move! Seth, today she pushed it all the way open, briefly reached in, got bored and went back to playing with her toys! 

6.5 Months

Hello sleepless nights, when I thought there'd be longer lengths of sleep.

Hello separation anxiety, right in time for our trip to Kansas.

Hello little crawler, who also needs to be held in our arms often.

Before Sofia was born, I felt like I needed to read books about how to parent. We tried. As I think I've mentioned before, we started reading a book about Attachment Parenting. It was a bit ridiculous. To us, it all seemed like common sense and almost dumb to need to have parts explained. There were also parts that we weren't sure we agreed with. At that point, we said we weren't prescribing to any parenting style in particular. I would say since Sofia was born, we tend to be attachment parenting. We hold our baby often, we wear her, she's exclusively breast fed, we co-sleep and sometimes she sleeps snuggled in my arms or right up against me. We are not attachment parenting because it's what others are doing. We aren't doing it because we read a book. We are parenting the way we are because it's what feels right. If I've learned one thing about parenting so far, I don't need a book (at least at this point) because I am trusting my instincts and what feels right for us.(When toddlerhood comes we may be singing a different song ;)

So while I wish Sofia was sleeping longer (at least for the first part of the night like she previously had), I understand there are a lot of causes for why she might not be sleeping for extended periods. Sofia is teething (her first cute little tooth is becoming more and more visible each day). She was sick not too long ago. She needed to be on me all night long, as well as me needing her to be there too. We've also been continuing to test foods that she is tolerant of. Some have failed, and her sleep has been affected. Sofia has also become more and more interested in the world. During the day we go for at least 3 hours between nursing, which means she needs to fill up at night. I've heard people say, "Feed her more during the day." Well I don't know about your baby, but mine eats WHEN she wants. :) I can try to feed her more often, but if she's not into it, off she pops! And to top off the eating, her new movement is burning more calories so eating is definitely necessary when she's not out army crawling (towards everything she's not supposed to have).

Separation anxiety, as Jac put it today, happens right at the time of crawling. Sofia wants to crawl all over and explore, but she needs to come back and make sure Mama's arms are still there to hold her. She is still just a baby and needs her mama to help regulate her. I've read about how babies can release a stress hormone that is harmful to them and while babies who are separated survive while releasing this hormone (it doesn't kill you!) I still can't knowingly cause my little one harm IF I can do something about it. Letting my baby cry isn't something I am down for. Everyone does their own way and many will let their babies cry. Some have circumstances and whatnot that they need to, but Seth and I choose not to. Our biggest struggle with this is the car seat, but we are okay with stopping and giving our little one breaks from it. Most often if she's upset in the car seat it's because she's hungry or tired (& bad timing). 

There is one thing that has stuck in my mind from a book we read. When a baby cries they are communicating. If I ignored it, I might be ignoring a number of things... Sofia cries when she's hungry, tired, wants held. She also cries if she is hurting (as in miserable because I ate a food that messes with her system). I couldn't ignore that! She fusses when she needs to pee which helps us know when to put her on the potty at times or to give her a dry diaper (would you want to sit in soiled britches??) Anyway, the book explained that some people say your baby is crying to manipulate you. I don't know that manipulate is the best word. While your baby is trying to get you to do certain things, so in a sense, manipulate you, it's because she needs these things and can't provide them for herself. The book explained how when you look at a baby thinking they manipulate you have a negative view on them from the start. I'd like to believe my babe isn't out to be a negative little being, so I choose to try to figure out what she's communicating. It actually results in a lot less crying than I'd expect from a baby because we've learned to predict her needs. 

Sometimes I worry about sharing how we do things. I've offended people in the past, and the only thing I can get from it is by being different it seems to feel like we are judging??? By stepping out of the norm, it offends others? I don't know? We are just doing what we feel is best for our situation. We expect others to have different opinions but with our baby it's our way. We wonder if our own parents will have opinions about our choices as well (hey parents ;) but we hope they will understand that we are using new research and what we think is best for our baby. We are learning how to be parents by doing. And yes, we are parenting different than they parented, not because what they did didn't work (I mean, hello, we are pretty kick ass people thanks to our parents!) but because we are in a different situation than our parents were with a different little person than we were. 

Dread Mama

Two weeks ago Sunday morning brought a (big) change to my appearance. I spent two hours getting my hair prepared into dreads by the Dread Goddess, Stephanie (who is so wonderful and quite talented at the process!)

I'd love to write all about this decision, and I will attempt to share as much as I can, but I can't make promises... Time isn't always on my side!

A few years ago the idea of getting dreads popped on my radar. There's a whole back thought to what I feel is appropriate and not appropriate based on where I come from and how it is a journey in and of itself to open my mind to a new norm, a better norm... But that's a whole other post or two for another day! I looked into doing it in NYC. Even though I was teaching and in the "what's right" mind of the girl from small town Kansas, it didn't seem appropriate for me to have dreads. Yet, I was in NYC, and tats, piercings, etc. all go without much of a second glance. I began researching. I knew I wanted to have them put in through a process using a crochet hook (it originates in Thailand). The only person I could find in NYC was charging $500. That was the end of my yearnings for dreads for the moment.

Long before Portland was even on our radar I had read about Stephanie. Years later, I found her again in a completely different way. When I realized she had been the person I researched back when I lived in NYC I felt it was meant to be! 

Scheduling the appointment took time (on my part). I had to convince myself to take the leap, make the commitment and call. I talked to Seth about it (for a while). He was completely supportive. He is great that way - makes me more daring as he pushes me outside my norm and outside my scaredy self when I really need it. It's a sign to myself when I find that I have been bringing something up to him for him to convince me to do something... I was shaking the day I called, holding my phone with my calendar pulled up. I got an answering machine, not what I expected, but left my message thinking I'd eventually be making an appointment for weeks from now, maybe months. Stephanie called back later that day while I was waking from a nap. Normally I'd ignore the phone but not this call! I was surprised at how soon she was able to get me in. I was also giddy with excitement to meet her. (She has a way about her that makes you feel as if you've known her for a while.)

The night before the big day was my last wash. I totally did the: this the last time I'll wash my hair... The last time I'll comb mt hair... Put gel in... Use this conditioner... Etc. etc. I was very nervous and had fears for how uncomfortable dreads would be to get use to. (& just a note... All my fears were essentially nothing to be worried about! Mostly they weren't an issue at all!!)

The morning of was a Sunday morning. The alarm went off and we rose as a family. I love that we all went together. (As a SAHM who exclusively breast feeds, my baby can't be too far from me... Another post another day, but despite feeling judging eyes upon me, we have chosen to not give Sofia a bottle. This means all of her nourishment comes directly from me. For a short time in her life I am okay with how this restricts me. If it means I can provide the best possible situation of nourishment, love, and support (in our parenting opinion) then I am completely on board with my sacrifice... And if you feel like judging me still, please know that you have your opinions & ways of parenting that you can do with your own, but this is ours and how we choose to do with ours. No I have not been criticized, but I do understand I am outside a norm and that leaves me standing out for criticism, but please keep it in your head! I've thought about it from your point and Still feel good about my choice... Gosh this really could be another post... It's already coming together in my head! Sorry I went way off track for a moment!!) Anyway, as I was saying, I love that our little family went together for this experience. Seth took the baby on a few walks, but she also spent some time in my lap too.

Right before it started! We were the only ones in the salon since our appointment was so early. I liked the quiet of it. I was able to enjoy the experience without any background noise or distraction.

The place had a 'garage' door the opened up to a little court yard. Even though it was early, the door was open. It was a wonderful way to enjoy the early morning sunshine. (Now I just need one of those doors in my house!)

Seth, in his Big Lebowski shirt, taking a break while I hold the babe. She hung out with him most of the 2 hours that it took to dread my hair.

Taking a snack break. Sofia couldn't nurse while Stephanie was doing my dreads because she was way to interested in knowing what was happening with my hair rather than eating!

Almost done!!! It is totally sticking out (I actually thought it might be worse and last longer. They totally laid down fine pretty quickly that morning.) 

Picture time. We are done!

Brand new dreads. My baby is going to have lots of photos with her mama who had dreads. What will that mean to her, to me, when we look back on it years from now? How long will I have them? So excited to start this dread journey and see how they become a part of me!

The process took a total of 2 hours - way shorter than the 4-6 hours we expected. I will be going back at least one time in the next month for maintenance and then probably every 3 months after that. 

It's been 2 weeks since I had them put in and I am in love with them. I expected a few things that didn't really happen... Itchy scalp, sleep loss because my head was so annoyed with dreads, oily hair from only washing once a week... All of these were potential reasons NOT to get dreads - so glad my fears didn't hold me back! Now I am embracing fuzziness and loving getting out of bed and going without a care of my hair. It's so nice to let it go. All 32 of them! ;) (Yes I counted. I read online that it is a thing to know how many you have.)

Oh and don't ask me when I am getting rid of them. I just spent $ and time to put them in, taking them out will be a very difficult combing out or chopping off process, and I am loving them. I don't want to think about ending this journey of dread head. Plus it's like you getting a puppy and me asking when you think you'll get rid of it. Not something you think about when you have a new puppy and also not something I am thinking about with my new dreads! ;)

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Whoa Baby!

Stop growing so quickly!

Sofia has been quite into playing with her toys on her own on the living room floor. Tonight she noticed her favorite cups in the toy box. Now she's into trying to get into the toy box. Next thing I know we'll be handing over the keys to the car. For real baby girl, slow down!

Silly family photos

We love being silly! I really gotta get some of these awesome photos printed!

Monday, May 13, 2013

A Favorite

This photo was taken this morning after baby girl slept in til 9:30. She was happy as could be when she woke up! How beautiful is this baby girl!? I love this quick snap I captured!

Friday, May 10, 2013

It Begins

Before we know it Sofia is going to be into everything her cousins do, and while they love and oogle at her now, I am not so sure they'll always be doing that (but I hope it won't change too much!)

Z is quite a fan of the baby. She wants to be all over Sofia and repeats 'Baby' over and over while trying to touch every little part of her (including the eyeballs! ;)

But today, a 'no' got added before that 'baby'. I put Sofia into Zia's car and Sofia loooooved it. Zia, not so much. Long after Sofia was out and tucked back into the carrier, Zia sat in her car saying, 'No, baby!' over and over. Oh Zia, you and Sofia will learn early about sharing! (I hope it doesn't involve too many tears!)

This is Jac's lovely photo that I have stolen from her Instagram. Thanks for the shot Jac!

Sofia's Morning Faces


Sofia meets a banana. Her hands work really hard to introduce her mouth to the banana. Her gag reflex kicks banana out immediately. Her hands start all over again. Our little girl is teaching herself how to eat!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Around Here

Here's a few photos of what we've been up to around here...

*A new dishwasher - my life just improved so much!! I've hardly done dishes since Monday and I have this lurking feeling that I am going to regret not staying on top of them!! BUT they are actually done thanks to our new dishwasher!! Our living situation rocks!!

*Lots of babywearing - first the sick baby and now the tooth. Sweet Sofia only wants to be on mama! Thank goodness for babywearing. My arms would be exhausted otherwise!! Oh how I love having my little one snuggled up against me so closely (& conveniently) - especially when she's not feeling well.

*Turning into a Portlander - Sofia is already an obvious Northwesterner. She despises the sun! Curses it actually, gives it attitude and she throws her body away from it! After days and days of beautiful, warm weather, yesterday was overcast and cool for the first part of the day. I couldn't have been happier! I felt myself breathe a little sigh of relief as I walked through the park enjoying the gray and green combo. And when I realized how happy I was about the cloudiness, I knew I understood what the person meant last fall when she said she was ready for the rain (at the time I thought she was crazy... But now I understand!) Oh and that reminds me of another quick story... The umbrella story. New Yorkers always have umbrellas for those rainy days. When it rains in NYC, it rains. When I moved here, I soon realized Portlanders don't use umbrellas often. So I was caught... Do I hold onto NYC or do I turn into a Portlander? With the baby, I will sometimes use an umbrella in the rain (no shame here ;) but with the sunshine, I have been using an umbrella every day. Jac mentioned that would be true Northwestern style! It rains all winter and we don't use umbrellas. The sun comes out in Spring, and here I am hiding under one!!! Soooo true! Portland: where umbrellas are used to block the sun!

*We've been enjoying lots (like 4-5 a day) of walks around here. We walk to the grocery store (there are 3 within walking distance), the library, the park, to see the chickens, or we just wonder the streets around us finding the shadiest path, the best smelling plants, the best homes.

*Teething - it's been happening for a while but yesterday was legit! That first tooth is pushing on through. Poor baby! And even worse, the yummy chamomile drops that I give her to help sooth the pain seem to bother her system!!! :( (she was just getting clear and better after being ill all weekend and having to take the Tylenol that seemed to mess with her system, and I was so excited to add blueberries back in to test them... Now we gotta wait til she clears again! Surprisingly when your baby isn't feeling her best, the limited diet totally takes the back burner and doesn't bother me as much. I just want my girl to feel better!)