Two weeks ago Sunday morning brought a (big) change to my appearance. I spent two hours getting my hair prepared into dreads by the Dread Goddess, Stephanie (who is so wonderful and quite talented at the process!)
I'd love to write all about this decision, and I will attempt to share as much as I can, but I can't make promises... Time isn't always on my side!
A few years ago the idea of getting dreads popped on my radar. There's a whole back thought to what I feel is appropriate and not appropriate based on where I come from and how it is a journey in and of itself to open my mind to a new norm, a better norm... But that's a whole other post or two for another day! I looked into doing it in NYC. Even though I was teaching and in the "what's right" mind of the girl from small town Kansas, it didn't seem appropriate for me to have dreads. Yet, I was in NYC, and tats, piercings, etc. all go without much of a second glance. I began researching. I knew I wanted to have them put in through a process using a crochet hook (it originates in Thailand). The only person I could find in NYC was charging $500. That was the end of my yearnings for dreads for the moment.
Long before Portland was even on our radar I had read about Stephanie. Years later, I found her again in a completely different way. When I realized she had been the person I researched back when I lived in NYC I felt it was meant to be!
Scheduling the appointment took time (on my part). I had to convince myself to take the leap, make the commitment and call. I talked to Seth about it (for a while). He was completely supportive. He is great that way - makes me more daring as he pushes me outside my norm and outside my scaredy self when I really need it. It's a sign to myself when I find that I have been bringing something up to him for him to convince me to do something... I was shaking the day I called, holding my phone with my calendar pulled up. I got an answering machine, not what I expected, but left my message thinking I'd eventually be making an appointment for weeks from now, maybe months. Stephanie called back later that day while I was waking from a nap. Normally I'd ignore the phone but not this call! I was surprised at how soon she was able to get me in. I was also giddy with excitement to meet her. (She has a way about her that makes you feel as if you've known her for a while.)
The night before the big day was my last wash. I totally did the: this the last time I'll wash my hair... The last time I'll comb mt hair... Put gel in... Use this conditioner... Etc. etc. I was very nervous and had fears for how uncomfortable dreads would be to get use to. (& just a note... All my fears were essentially nothing to be worried about! Mostly they weren't an issue at all!!)
The morning of was a Sunday morning. The alarm went off and we rose as a family. I love that we all went together. (As a SAHM who exclusively breast feeds, my baby can't be too far from me... Another post another day, but despite feeling judging eyes upon me, we have chosen to not give Sofia a bottle. This means all of her nourishment comes directly from me. For a short time in her life I am okay with how this restricts me. If it means I can provide the best possible situation of nourishment, love, and support (in our parenting opinion) then I am completely on board with my sacrifice... And if you feel like judging me still, please know that you have your opinions & ways of parenting that you can do with your own, but this is ours and how we choose to do with ours. No I have not been criticized, but I do understand I am outside a norm and that leaves me standing out for criticism, but please keep it in your head! I've thought about it from your point and
Still feel good about my choice... Gosh this really could be another post... It's already coming together in my head! Sorry I went way off track for a moment!!) Anyway, as I was saying, I love that our little family went together for this experience. Seth took the baby on a few walks, but she also spent some time in my lap too.
Right before it started! We were the only ones in the salon since our appointment was so early. I liked the quiet of it. I was able to enjoy the experience without any background noise or distraction.
The place had a 'garage' door the opened up to a little court yard. Even though it was early, the door was open. It was a wonderful way to enjoy the early morning sunshine. (Now I just need one of those doors in my house!)
Seth, in his Big Lebowski shirt, taking a break while I hold the babe. She hung out with him most of the 2 hours that it took to dread my hair.
Taking a snack break. Sofia couldn't nurse while Stephanie was doing my dreads because she was way to interested in knowing what was happening with my hair rather than eating!
Almost done!!! It is totally sticking out (I actually thought it might be worse and last longer. They totally laid down fine pretty quickly that morning.)
Picture time. We are done!
Brand new dreads. My baby is going to have lots of photos with her mama who had dreads. What will that mean to her, to me, when we look back on it years from now? How long will I have them? So excited to start this dread journey and see how they become a part of me!
The process took a total of 2 hours - way shorter than the 4-6 hours we expected. I will be going back at least one time in the next month for maintenance and then probably every 3 months after that.
It's been 2 weeks since I had them put in and I am in love with them. I expected a few things that didn't really happen... Itchy scalp, sleep loss because my head was so annoyed with dreads, oily hair from only washing once a week... All of these were potential reasons NOT to get dreads - so glad my fears didn't hold me back! Now I am embracing fuzziness and loving getting out of bed and going without a care of my hair. It's so nice to let it go. All 32 of them! ;) (Yes I counted. I read online that it is a thing to know how many you have.)
Oh and don't ask me when I am getting rid of them. I just spent $ and time to put them in, taking them out will be a very difficult combing out or chopping off process, and I am loving them. I don't want to think about ending this journey of dread head. Plus it's like you getting a puppy and me asking when you think you'll get rid of it. Not something you think about when you have a new puppy and also not something I am thinking about with my new dreads! ;)