
Friday, October 29, 2010

Grammer errors happen

Oops did anyone see the horrible error in the last post. In my defense
it was 7 am and I was typing the blog entry while walking.

Dry spell

I haven't had a moment to take my camera out in the last two months,
and now, just when I start to feel the itch I discover an
unfunctioning camera. And my broken heart. Slowly all 3 of my cameras
has fallen apart.

Alicia without a camera? Not possible! For now, it'll just be me and
my iPhone camera.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Beat Boxer

This guy was amazing! Love free music in the subway system!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Slumber Party Friday!!!

I was thinking, before getting home, that the best thing about today was that the week was over half way over and I hadn't even realized it! ... But then, as I walked up to the stoop and found my sister-in-law and nephew there... My day had just improved for a REAL REASON!

He was bringing a yummy surprise & an invitation for a slumber party... Tonight :) We've rescheduled for Friday... Games, treats, and a sleep over!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sunny Saturday

a look up.

a look down.

a perfect fall day in the park.
happy to see the sun shining and the blue skies above.
sitting on extra layers in the grass
because the rain from last week left the ground a little muddy.