
Monday, January 11, 2016

Week 2 of the 2016 Daily Photo Project

Typing might be at a minimal for this post as I had my first ER visit this last week after chopping my finger with a stick blender - resulting in a few stitches and one less finger to type with.

Pretend sleeping.

"Hey Mama, look at me!" Sofia has been quite obsessed with (pretend) making dinner lately. Pots and pans get pulled out of the cupboard at least twice a day!

POA, one of our favorite play cafes with a super yummy cocoa banana smoothie we love!

Cousins are home from Florida, and that means play date first thing in the morning!

Puzzles for days! Some of her most played with Christmas presents right now!

Last day of sunshine for the foreseeable forecast, so a trip to the zoo seemed like a perfect way to enjoy it!

Grocery shopping at the store with little carts. She's been requesting the little cart store for a few weeks, so I gave in and drove a little out of the way for her this week.

Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 Daily Photo Project

A new year brings about the spark to want to try another year project. I've attempted these daily photo projects many times before. Often, I do actually take a photo a day for a year, but what has happened in the past is I fall behind on actually sharing them. Maybe this year will be different. I have a friend who's starting her second year of doing this project to keep me motivated with all the beautiful photos she shares, and another friend who's also joining in on the project. Maybe I need the group motivation! I'm going to attempt to post every Monday, but if Monday's don't end up being the best, I'll try to adjust to another day.

Here are the first 4 days of January.

This girl will find anything to play with. Today it was a bottle opening card being dropped through the cracks of the table and falling to the ground.  

K-State bowl game with friends. This little cheerleader mostly enjoyed playing with Krista and Paul's pets. Despite our team's loss, being with friends and eating yummy food made it worth an afternoon.

What a surprise to wake up this morning to see big white flakes falling from the sky. To say our little girl loves the snow is an understatement!  

Say "Cheese" which is often followed by "Do you want to see your photo?" She may be in for a shock someday when she learns that cameras didn't use to show the photo immediately! 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"Watch a movie?"

"Watch a movie?" she asks. From Little Bear to Max and Ruby to Frozen, this girl enjoys movies like her father! 

Someday it could be real!

Sofia with a fake tattoo.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Our Little 16 Month Old

Sofia continues to change and grow at top speed! Here's a quick list of what she's been up to lately:

  • Talking!! She says: mama, dada, papa, nana, mimi, aunt jac, milk (& more that I can't think of right now.)
  • Running all over the house, outside, just running!
  • Using the toilet! Finally! After 6 months of Potty Strike - as ECers call it - she's back to using the toilet! She probably goes in the toilet 5 or so times a day. Can't wait to get out of diapers! Diaper changes have gotten more and more difficult lately.
  • Hugging. She gives her stuffed dolls and animals hugs, her friends, her mama and dada.
  • Eating... blueberries are her favorite lately. So happy that her system will accept them now - when we tested them at the beginning of last summer she reacted. She loves loves loves blueberries!
  • Chasing puppies and dogs while out and about. No dog is too big for her! She barrels right at them! She gets lots of slobber kisses.
  • Water play. Obsessed with water! 
  • She is going through the stage where she gets a little rough with her friends. Most often they are in a space she wants to be in or doing something she wants. She goes right for their heads... and if she's holding something, that item usually meets their heads as well. Kind of a stressful stage for mama... can't wait for it to pass!
  • NOOOOOO! She has been shaking her head for a while. Now she knows what it means. She started adding a "No" to the head shake over the weekend. Oye. I need to teach her "Yes" ASAP!
Being parents continues to be so absolutely amazing for us!

Sofia a Day









Friday, February 21, 2014

Sofia a Day








Monday, February 17, 2014

Shoulder Rides

The days of shoulder rides are just beginning, and Daddy gives the best ride!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Sofia a Day










Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Our Little Person

Sofia is now 15 months old. Thought I'd share a quick update on what magnificent things she is doing!


Obsessed with water - the sink, dumping cups of liquid (usually her chamomile tea), baths, and showers

Started saying milk over the weekend - sounds like "mmmm" or "mmmmmma" depending on the urgency!

Weighs about 21 pounds

Loves her pink converse high-tops

Has lots of ringlet curls in the back and sides of her head while it's pretty straight on top

Has 16 teeth

Enjoys eating seaweed, broccoli, cereal o's, avocado, yam fries, and apples

Recently started building with blocks!

Sleeps through the night about 50% of the nights right now and only wakes up about 1-3 times the other nights

Makes us read construction themed board books over and over and over and over and.... (Including Diggers Go, Dig It, Machines at Work, Tip Tip Dig Dig)

Communicates with signs and pointing - signs when she's gone potty or poo, signs for milk, more, dog, cat, elephant, bear, bird, and maybe more that I am forgetting

Gets super silly at bedtime - it's quite fun to see (when we aren't too tired!)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Ruthie Mae Handmade Boy and Girl Rag Dolls

The latest dolls from ruthie mae handmade. These two softies were made for a fundraiser for a mama group I am in here in Portland. I secretly hoped my name would be pulled so I could bring them back home again!! The little boy doll is one of my favorites yet! I wish I had more custom orders to make little boy dolls. 

I've started adding some recycled/upcycled materials to my dolls as I can. This doll's hair is felted wool that has been repurposed from a dress.

I used free-motion quilting to create the jean details. LOVING it!