Hey my lovelies!! ^_^
I finally got the prizes for my mini giveaway im having on my blog for all of my followers! Its nothing much but i thought a few cute phone charms is always something nice n_n I love phone charms! I dont know about you guys!!
Its just a little thank you for all of you that like to read my blog, i really do appreciate your support so much! You are such amazing people!
So here are the phone charms!
I will also buy some Japanese sweeties for you!^_^ You can never have too many Japanese sweeties! Hehe!
Ok so to enter, here is what you have to do:
1. You must be a follower of my blog.
2. Post about this giveaway on your blog, twitter, facebook, youtube or anywhere and please specify where you posted about it in the comment wen you enter. (Leave a link to it.)
3. Answer this question: 'What is your most treasured memory?' (A big thank you to my lovely friend Olga for helping me to decide the questions! ^_^)
I will tell you my most treasured memory when it comes to announcing the winner =) There will only be one winner by the way! And the giveaway ends in two weeks from now: March 28th midnight!
I look forward to seeing your comments! n_n
~ ~ ~
By the way, as i said in my last blog i recieved my exam results for the January exams i took and i recieved really good grades so i am extremely happy about that!! XD I need them to achieve my dream for my future career! <3
Any questions feel free to leave a comment or send me a message through youtube if you have it! =)
So much love guys! <3
P.S: Oh and a big BIG thanks to all you who commented on my last post about my fear of doing the presentation! Your kind words really helps me to do my best at the presentation! You have filled me with confidence, i cant thank you enough, you've really helped me! I will let you all know how it goes! ^_^
I finally got the prizes for my mini giveaway im having on my blog for all of my followers! Its nothing much but i thought a few cute phone charms is always something nice n_n I love phone charms! I dont know about you guys!!
Its just a little thank you for all of you that like to read my blog, i really do appreciate your support so much! You are such amazing people!
So here are the phone charms!
I will also buy some Japanese sweeties for you!^_^ You can never have too many Japanese sweeties! Hehe!
Ok so to enter, here is what you have to do:
1. You must be a follower of my blog.
2. Post about this giveaway on your blog, twitter, facebook, youtube or anywhere and please specify where you posted about it in the comment wen you enter. (Leave a link to it.)
3. Answer this question: 'What is your most treasured memory?' (A big thank you to my lovely friend Olga for helping me to decide the questions! ^_^)
I will tell you my most treasured memory when it comes to announcing the winner =) There will only be one winner by the way! And the giveaway ends in two weeks from now: March 28th midnight!
I look forward to seeing your comments! n_n
~ ~ ~
By the way, as i said in my last blog i recieved my exam results for the January exams i took and i recieved really good grades so i am extremely happy about that!! XD I need them to achieve my dream for my future career! <3
Any questions feel free to leave a comment or send me a message through youtube if you have it! =)
So much love guys! <3
P.S: Oh and a big BIG thanks to all you who commented on my last post about my fear of doing the presentation! Your kind words really helps me to do my best at the presentation! You have filled me with confidence, i cant thank you enough, you've really helped me! I will let you all know how it goes! ^_^