Hi every one! ^_^
Thank you so much for stopping by! It means a lot you took the time to do so! =)
This is my personal blog in which I will share ideas, review makeup products, talk a bit about my personal life and just put down what I like when I feel like it! Kind of like a little diary I suppose!
So anyway I hope you enjoy reading what i have to say, and I really appreciate my followers! These people are special to me! I might even be having giveaways in the future for a bit of fun! n_n
Take care!
Much Love,
Showing posts with label outfit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label outfit. Show all posts

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Christmas & Outfits!


I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I know i did!! ^______^

This post im gonna be sharing a few photos from Christmas and also some new outfits and dresses! ^ ^

I love my mother so much~ When it comes to Christmas, there is no one better to celebrate it with! I came home from University on the 19th December after my last exam and how i wanted to come home!! I really needed the break and im enjoying myself so much being able to sleep LOTS and eat DELICIOUS food!! My mum is really spoiling me! ^_^

She definitely puts the magic in to Christmas, still! Even though my sisters and I are all young adults now! There is no better time of the year, my happiness is always over flowing when i spend time with my family at Christmas (especially also because i miss them so much whilst being at University! T-T ).

Here are some photos from the day!

My sisters and I!
(Rosie, me, Abi)

Me with one of my favourite presents from Abi (my younger sister!) She knows the childish side very well =P I still love cute plushies and things! ^ ^ Its a bear from the bear factory! And she dressed it in the cutest clothes!

This is one of FOUR Christmas trees we had in our house.. Sounds crazy! But our house is quite big so it made it seem really nice and cozy! ^ ^
This was after Santa had been! ^_~ There were sooo many presents it was unreal!! So it was really enjoyable to open them!

I hope Christmas was as magical for you as it was for me!


Also! Something which im so happy about, is that i became a model for the site, 'Summer Dream'!

I loved this website so much when i first found out about it! And the fact that i could become a model makes me so happy! ^ ^ its just so cute!

Visit their website here:

They are currently having a giveaway on their Facebook page for New Year!

I will upload a review video on my Youtube about their items.. But i've also got some photos of the products so i can show you here:

They sent me 3 items, Here are the ones i chose up close:

Summer Rose Dangle Earrings

Rose Pink Material Flower Ring

Pink Summer Flower Hair Pin

Im so happy with these products because not only are they cute and summery, they are really good quality for a great price! You can see the detail in the photos! ^_^

Me modelling the items:


So for some outfits then! These are a mix between what i got for Christmas, and what i got when i went shopping at Meadow Hall yesterday! ^ ^ Meadow Hall in Sheffield is HUGE!! I couldn't even get to all the shops in one day!!

This dress was a Christmas present from my mum! It is beautiful!! Its got a little bow at the top and its covered in daisies! Its sooooo cuteee~ My favourite dress now hehe~ Its from a shop called 'Coneys' in my town. The boots are from Primark!

This is what i wore to go to Meadow Hall! The floral dress is one i got in the sale a few monts ago from REPUBLIC. Its gorgeous! And one of the only floral pieces of clothing i own.. I've paired it up with a white ruffle detailed cardi, cream thick knitted tights from New Look and brown knee high boots from Primark!

This blue denim one piece i bought from Meadow Hall in the sale from River Island! it was only £10! So i couldn't miss out.. I paired it up with a cute floaty cream chiffon top and my knee high boots ^ ^
I love the cute collar design with the buttons!

This is the other dress i bought from Meadow Hall, it was only £19 from Top Shop, a complete coincidence because i wasnt going to go in to Top Shop because i never buy anything from there!! But i got lucky! I love the ruffle sleeves! think this is what i will wear for New Years Eve when i go clubbing to celebrate because i didn't bring any nice dresses home from Oxford... x_x

I also got a pair of these beautiful sparkly bow pumps!! *_* Adorable~~!


So as new year is coming up! I thought i would share with you my New Years resolutions!

+ To start taking dance classes again!
+ Try my absolute hardest at Uni because i only have one chance!
+ Put others before myself, remember to tell my friends and family how much they mean to me and to look after them!
+ To save my money and not spend it on things i don't need..!
+ & To keep my resolutions!

Lets see how well this will go! XD What have are your New Years Resolutions? =)

So that's about all for today! I hope you enjoyed reading!
Have an amazing New Year!!

Much Love,