Hey my lovlies!
So its been a little while..>.< Im sorry! Its recently been spring break and i've been so busy doing many things! I met up with two gurus from YouTube who are also from the UK and we had soo much fun! Both girls are so lovely and unique in their own way, they were both so much fun! My newest update video says it all though, it will be in the sidebar if you want to watch it! ^_^
What have you guys been up to recently? =)
This is a picture of Kelly (YouTube name KellyXSunshineDrops) and I at my hometown, we went shopping for the day and bought some really cute things! n_n My nost recent update video explains everything! She also drew me a gorgeous picture of me! She is so talented and cute!! Thank you Kelly!
Also, i met with Jessica who is also on YouTube (DazzleDust08), and I visited her home town and we also went shopping and we went to the cinema to see the film 'Remember Me'. Have any of you guys seen it? =) It stars Robert Pattinson!(For all of hs fans!) haha~ XD
This is us, and also a picture here in the cinema:
We had a huge popcorn but couldnt finish it all! >.<
Jessica is so friendly, cute and down to earth! She is also soo easy to get on with! I felt nervous before meeting, and i felt perfectly fine within a few minutes! hehe! Both of these gorgeous girlies are so lovely!
If you havent visited their YouTube pages yet, please do!
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A little while a go as well i posted a video inspired by an Ulzzang look, i never got round to posting a blog post about it.. Sorry about that! But basically this is the look:
I love earmuffs! They are such a cute accessory! Not that i can wear them in the spring and summer seasons hehe.. XD
I LOVE this look and i have started wearing it every day! But for my eyes i do a different design every day! Yes every day! I have been pretty creative with my make up and this look... I base my eyeshadow colours on my mood or by what colour clothes i wear. (All thanks to the costal scents palette!) I will be doing a few more tutorials on eyeshadow looks inspired by the Ulzzang look! ^_^ Do you guys like it? And also because i wear my make up like this every day... does that make me an Ulzzang? =)
I really like the contacts too, i think they are a nice effect but of course i dont wear them every day!
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Again, as you probably all know i have had my hair cut and im loving it! The thing is i havent taken any pictures of it so i cant post them... But i've had lots of people say they like it and it makes me so happy to know that! Thank you every one!
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Ahh I passed over 1000 subbies on YouTube.. WOW! O.o What can i say! I am so shocked so many people like to watch my videos! I've been on YouTube for about 5 months now so i am very happy and so grateful i reached 1000 so fast, its an amazing feeling knowing i have so many supporters, there are so many wonderful people on YouTube, and i must say i have learnt so much and i think YouTube has changed my life! (As crazy as that sounds) Obviously not in a dramatic way... But I've learnt so many things from people, its a place to really understand people from all over the world! And i've met so many people with similar interests and so manykind people who are really supporting me closely, there are too many to name! But you know who you are and i love you to bits! ^_^ <3
I have so many more exciting ideas for videos coming up so i really look forward to having time to get them recorded!
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One more thing also, in my last post i was having worries about what do do about choosing the right uni, and in the end i did decide on the University i want to go to ^_^ Im happy all the decision making is over! For personal reasons im not going to say the university.. Sorry guys!
I hope every one is well!
All the best!
Much Love,