Hey everyone!! ♥
Hope you are all well!
The time has finally come to reveal the winners of my little blog giveaway! 8 of my lovely friends have entered and i have a winner! ^_^
I guess you dont want to wait so im not going to ramble! I just want to say thank you to you all for entering, i thought it was a bit of fun and so so lovely to hear some of your happiest moments! I hope it bought a smile to your faces when you were thinking about it! n_n There is nothing better than happiness! Its such a great feeling, so i hope you all felt it when entering this giveaway =) I feel like i got to know you all a bit more too!
Ok, so the winner is.....
♥ Aiko!! ♥
Congratulations sweetheart!! ^_^ You are the winner of my blog giveaway!
Please email me so i can have your details and send you the prizes!
I managed to buy some Japanese sweeties so as well as the phone charms, you will recieve some sweets too n_n
Dont forget about my Youtube giveaway!! If you're thinking of entering then please do so asap! The closing date is 10th April. And just a reminder of the prizes:
~ Handmade Swarovski Crystal bracelet 'Inspired by you'. (Picture in the post below.)
~ Japanese sweeties! =)
Again, thank you to all you who support me and who entered the giveaway, i found this really fun!
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So recently i have been really busy!! I have been sorting out all my emails from Youtube and its taken me all afternoon! Ahh!~~ But its really great to be in touch with so many people! ^_^
Being on Youtube is so fun! I know a few people have been deciding wether or not to make videos on Youtube, and in my opinion it is sooo much fun to meet so many people and enjoy posting videos. I've met so many lovely people there, im so grateful to have met you all! n_n
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So i think Spring has finally arrived in England... Well there have been a few sunny days, but more so rain and coldness still... Ohh i really dislike English weather seriously T-T I love the sun and heat the most, i'm a summer girl! And I live in a country where both Spring and Summer seem to last only 3-4 months out of the twelve! If that... ~_~
I did do a Spring look inspired by all the lovely colours of spring though! ^_^ if you haven't seen it already you can see it in the sidebar!
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I'm really happy to say all my accessories have arrived for my next make up look, i really can't want to create it and show you all so i hope you will enjoy it! I hope for it to be up sometime this week/next weekend. =)
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I also bought a new dress recently which i absolutely LOVE! So i might do a video on 'going out' looks or outfits =) What do you think?
Oh, speaking of new things, i also have a new mobile phone ^_^ I love it! Some of you may recognise it from somewhere...
Yes, its a Samsung Genio Touch! I love mobile phones... How sad of me... -_-; but i think they complete a persons style, thats why i had to have this baby! Its small and cute and it comes in PINK!! PInk! ♥ Wowiee!! ^___^
I saw it on the drama 'You're Beautiful' and fell in love with it so i had to have it...
Even 2PM are endorsed it! O.o
Wooooooow..!~~ I love 2PM ^_^ I love so many K-Pop groups... ♥
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Ok... One last thing, exams are approaching fast! Nooo! >.< So i have a lot of revision to do before then... I may be a little busy, but i will try not to let it affect my videos and things. =)
I also have to choose the university i want to go to now, all of them have replied to me and i have to choose which one i will go to out of my two favourites, its such a difficult choice... Because i love them both, but there are pros and cons for both... What do i do? T-T Any advice?
Hope all of you are doing well!
Take care and enjoy Spring to the fullest!
Much love for you all!