Sunday, December 9, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
These pictures were taken on two different days at our pool. In some pictures, he is wearing a life vest because he didn't trust himself to swim at that time. Now, just two weeks later, he swims like a fish! I am so glad that he has been able to enjoy the slide this year. We have lived here for five years and this is the first summer that it has worked. David and I have loved sliding on it too. We are still kids at heart!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Check out my Slide Show!
This is for you, Laurel. I have been doing a little scrapbooking in the last few weeks. As a novice at this hobby, I am a "slowpoke scrapper". Some of the pages are from our cruise in January, our trip to Chattanooga in April, and just having fun in our front yard. Hey Sandy, I figured out how to add this slide thingy. Aren't you proud of me?
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Memorial Weekend Campout
I have finally gotten around to updating. These pictures were taken on our camping trip to Lake Winfield Scott during the Memorial weekend with the Belisle family. On Saturday, we all packed into our cars for short drive (5 miles, Pops?) to David's parents' cabin. We enjoyed our time with Larry Joe, Marilyn, Buddy, and of course, Pops and Gigi. Mikayla and Rachel Belisle, along with Alex, did a little tubing in the river at the cabin. They didn't complain much about the cold water, but the daddies (David and David) sure did. After a meal of fried fish, dutch oven chilli and dutch oven potatoes, we headed back up the mountain to our campsite. The last pictures are of the kids all sitting in the camp hammock that David B. brought. He was seldom ever in it because one or more of the kids was always in it. It was a great weekend, despite the chilly nights and the nasty bathrooms. At least we got to take a shower!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Stephanie needs...I was inspired by Rebecca's blog to see what would turn up on a search engine. Just type your first name into a search engine with the word needs(all in quotation marks). The results are often funny and remind me of Madlibs. I did a list for both Alex and I, so be sure to read all the way down.
Stephanie needs...
1. rhinoplasty(okay, maybe)
2. to be educated(my Tech friends would claim that I did not receive that at UGA)
3. a boyfriend(definately, NOT...I would probably have to wash his softball uniform, too!)
4. a ladder to get into it. (Am I breaking and entering, or just too short to reach the front door?)
5. a leash! (Okay, I don't really like this short haircut either, but it is not that BAD!)
6. to quit being flattered by Beyonce comparisons. (It's about time somebody finally saw that we were twins separated at birth.)
7. to pay the rent. (Did my hubby kick me out?)
8. to come home before I make her cat re-upholster my couch! (Just skin the cat and patch the couch, I won't mind! I PROMISE!!!!)
9. a big hotel suite to entertain new clients. (This must have something to do with the past due rent. I think I would rather live in a box, though)
10. her rest (new clients are tiring??????)
11. to have people on her side who want to see justice done for her murder. (HELLO!!! Check the new client list!)
12. a home with parents who will give her time to run and play. (Isn't this what we all want?)
Alex needs...
1. to go to Venice and find Scorpia. (Not without his MOMMY!!!!!! Come back here, young man!)
2. to fly to the store and buy some cheese. (Must be the Claritin and Nasonex side-effects!)
3. hemp seed. (FOR WHAT??? I can see that he and I need to sit down for a "chat".)
4. to be an only cat. (This must be a euphemism for "only Child")
5. to stop interupting Kevin. (and Mom, and Dad, and Sandy, and his teacher, and etc!)
6. a truck. (NOPE!)
7. to find a job. (We have been telling him that since day ONE. HE can say,"Welcome to MOE's very well...maybe they will hire him!)
8. a woman (absolutely not, for at least three decades! Oh, and women prefer men with JOBS.)
9. another beer! (NOOO! He does not need "another beer" b/c he better not have the first one!)
I then typed into a search engine,
Alex wants...
1. to be Beyonce. (Sorry, son! Mommy has this one all wrapped up...see above)
2. a dinosaur (Poppa would say that Alex already has one, but I am not naming any names!!)
3. a race car. (NOPE, again! This falls into the same category as the aforementioned truck.)
4. a war. (Wish granted on a daily basis! Future lawyer in the making...please pray for defenseless Mommy!)
5. to be a professional golfer. (Better get a GREAT job first...greens fees will eat up that paycheck. There will be NO mom/dad welfare program.)
6. a ferrett. (The only animal that is sneakier than Alex. We once had two ferretts and they would pee down our air registers.)
7. to join the cake walk. (No, NOT the pink cake with redhots...oh, no, flashbacks to the seventies for mom and GrandpaKiser . My stomach churns just thinking about that "pink cake that made us toss our cookies!")
8. the costume for himself or for someone else in the family to wear it. (Look out, Poppa! Sounds like you will be dressing up as Sponge Bob Lawyer Pants for Alex's birthday.)
9. to bring his sense of fun and excitement to your event. (I hope it is not a funeral!)
10. you to leave a comment. (Please DO!)
11. TO CHANGE THE WORLD! (He has already changed mine, forever and always! I love you to the moon and back, Alex)
Stephanie needs...
1. rhinoplasty(okay, maybe)
2. to be educated(my Tech friends would claim that I did not receive that at UGA)
3. a boyfriend(definately, NOT...I would probably have to wash his softball uniform, too!)
4. a ladder to get into it. (Am I breaking and entering, or just too short to reach the front door?)
5. a leash! (Okay, I don't really like this short haircut either, but it is not that BAD!)
6. to quit being flattered by Beyonce comparisons. (It's about time somebody finally saw that we were twins separated at birth.)
7. to pay the rent. (Did my hubby kick me out?)
8. to come home before I make her cat re-upholster my couch! (Just skin the cat and patch the couch, I won't mind! I PROMISE!!!!)
9. a big hotel suite to entertain new clients. (This must have something to do with the past due rent. I think I would rather live in a box, though)
10. her rest (new clients are tiring??????)
11. to have people on her side who want to see justice done for her murder. (HELLO!!! Check the new client list!)
12. a home with parents who will give her time to run and play. (Isn't this what we all want?)
Alex needs...
1. to go to Venice and find Scorpia. (Not without his MOMMY!!!!!! Come back here, young man!)
2. to fly to the store and buy some cheese. (Must be the Claritin and Nasonex side-effects!)
3. hemp seed. (FOR WHAT??? I can see that he and I need to sit down for a "chat".)
4. to be an only cat. (This must be a euphemism for "only Child")
5. to stop interupting Kevin. (and Mom, and Dad, and Sandy, and his teacher, and etc!)
6. a truck. (NOPE!)
7. to find a job. (We have been telling him that since day ONE. HE can say,"Welcome to MOE's very well...maybe they will hire him!)
8. a woman (absolutely not, for at least three decades! Oh, and women prefer men with JOBS.)
9. another beer! (NOOO! He does not need "another beer" b/c he better not have the first one!)
I then typed into a search engine,
Alex wants...
1. to be Beyonce. (Sorry, son! Mommy has this one all wrapped up...see above)
2. a dinosaur (Poppa would say that Alex already has one, but I am not naming any names!!)
3. a race car. (NOPE, again! This falls into the same category as the aforementioned truck.)
4. a war. (Wish granted on a daily basis! Future lawyer in the making...please pray for defenseless Mommy!)
5. to be a professional golfer. (Better get a GREAT job first...greens fees will eat up that paycheck. There will be NO mom/dad welfare program.)
6. a ferrett. (The only animal that is sneakier than Alex. We once had two ferretts and they would pee down our air registers.)
7. to join the cake walk. (No, NOT the pink cake with redhots...oh, no, flashbacks to the seventies for mom and GrandpaKiser . My stomach churns just thinking about that "pink cake that made us toss our cookies!")
8. the costume for himself or for someone else in the family to wear it. (Look out, Poppa! Sounds like you will be dressing up as Sponge Bob Lawyer Pants for Alex's birthday.)
9. to bring his sense of fun and excitement to your event. (I hope it is not a funeral!)
10. you to leave a comment. (Please DO!)
11. TO CHANGE THE WORLD! (He has already changed mine, forever and always! I love you to the moon and back, Alex)
Sunday, April 22, 2007
On our trip to Chattanooga, we saw some bumper stickers that we thought we were interesting. My aunt Susan loves Krystal and has been known to take several bags of the "
food" on flights from Atlanta to Texas. I have been told that she freezes whatever doesn't get eaten. Krystal's is bad enough the first time around...I can't imagine how bad it tastes with freezer burn!
The second bumper sticker was just an interesting combination. The top sticker endorsed Kerry/Edwards. As if that wasn't bad enough, the driver also claims in the bumper sticker beneath the first to be a Born Again Voodooist. David can't wait to send this picture to all of his talk radio buddies. Oh, and the driver thought it was hilarious that we were photographing his bumper stickers. We had to manuever just right to get close enought to read the words.
The second bumper sticker was just an interesting combination. The top sticker endorsed Kerry/Edwards. As if that wasn't bad enough, the driver also claims in the bumper sticker beneath the first to be a Born Again Voodooist. David can't wait to send this picture to all of his talk radio buddies. Oh, and the driver thought it was hilarious that we were photographing his bumper stickers. We had to manuever just right to get close enought to read the words.
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